module Msf module Scripts module Meterpreter module Common # # Commonly used methods and techniques for Meterpreter scripts # # # These methods should only print output in the case of an error. All code should be tab indented # All methods should follow the naming coventions below (separate words with "_", end queries with a ?, etc) # #List all Windows Services present. Returns an Array containing the names of the services. def service_list serviceskey = "HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services" threadnum = 0 a =[] services = [] registry_enumkeys(serviceskey).each do |s| if threadnum < 10 a.push( { begin srvtype = registry_getvaldata("#{serviceskey}\\#{s}","Type").to_s if srvtype =~ /32|16/ services << s end rescue end }) threadnum += 1 else sleep(0.05) and a.delete_if {|x| not x.alive?} while not a.empty? threadnum = 0 end end return services end #Get Windows Service information. Information returned in a hash with display name, startup #mode and command executed by the service. Service name is case sensitive. Hash keys are Name, #Start, Command and Credentials. def service_info(name) service = {} servicekey = "HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\#{name.chomp}" service["Name"] = registry_getvaldata(servicekey,"DisplayName").to_s srvstart = registry_getvaldata(servicekey,"Start").to_i if srvstart == 2 service["Startup"] = "Auto" elsif srvstart == 3 service["Startup"] = "Manual" elsif srvstart == 4 service["Startup"] = "Disabled" end service["Command"] = registry_getvaldata(servicekey,"ImagePath").to_s service["Creentials"] = registry_getvaldata(servicekey,"ObjectName").to_s return service end #Changes a given service startup mode, name must be provided and the mode. Mode is a string with either #auto, manual or disable for the corresponding setting. The name of the service is case sensitive. def service_change_startup(name,mode) servicekey = "HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\#{name.chomp}" case mode.downcase when "auto" then registry_setvaldata(servicekey,"Start","2","REG_DWORD") when "manual" then registry_setvaldata(servicekey,"Start","3","REG_DWORD") when "disable" then registry_setvaldata(servicekey,"Start","4","REG_DWORD") end end end end end end