# -*- coding: binary -*-
require 'rex/arch/x86'
require 'rex/nop/opty2_tables'

module Rex
module Nop

# This class provides an interface to generating multi-byte NOP sleds for x86.
# Optyx and spoonm get the creds!
class Opty2

  Table = Rex::Nop::Opty2Tables::StateTable

  def initialize(badchars = '', save_registers = nil)
    self.badchars       = badchars
    self.save_registers = (save_registers || []) | [ 'esp', 'ebp']

  # Generates the Opty2 multi-byte NOP sled.
  def generate_sled(length)
    return '' if (length <= 0)

    # Initialize the sled buffer, the previous state, and the current stream
    # length.
    sled = ''
    prev = 256
    slen = 0

    # Initialize the byte count array
    counts = []

    256.times { |idx| counts[idx] = 0 }

    # Initialize the bad register mask
    mask = 0

    save_registers.each { |reg|
      mask |= 1 << (Rex::Arch::X86.reg_number(reg))
    mask = mask << 16

    # Initialize the bad byte lookup table
    bad_bytes = []
    (badchars || '').each_byte { |byte|
      bad_bytes[byte] = 1

    # Build the sled
    while (length > 0)
      low  = -1
      lows = []

      Table[prev].each { |nt|
        nt.each { |e|
          # Skip it if it's masked off or too large
          next if ((e & mask) != 0)
          next if (((e >> 8) & 0xff) > slen)

          byte = e & 0xff

          # Skip it if it's a bad byte
          next if (bad_bytes[byte] == 1)

          # Use it if it's a better value
          if ((low == -1) or (low > counts[byte]))
            low  = counts[byte]
            lows = [byte]
          # Otherwise, if it's just as good..
          elsif (low == counts[byte])
            lows << byte

      # If we didn't find at least one byte possibility, then we're stuck.
      # Abort.
      if (low == -1)
        raise RuntimeError, "Failed to find a valid byte."

      # Pick a random character for the possiblities
      prev = lows[rand(lows.length)]

      # Increment its used count
      counts[prev] += 1

      # Prepend the byte to the sled
      sled = prev.chr + sled

      # Increment the sled length
      slen   += 1
      length -= 1

    # Return the sled

  attr_accessor :badchars, :save_registers # :nodoc:
