## # # This module requires Metasploit: http://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework # # TODO: SSL Support, Authentication, Listen to localhost only by default # ## require 'msf/core' class MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpServer::HTML include Msf::Auxiliary::Report HWBRIDGE_API_VERSION = "0.0.1" def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'Hardware Bridge Server', 'Description' => %q{ This module sets up a web server to bridge communications between Metasploit and physically attached hardware. Currently this module supports: automotive }, 'Author' => [ 'Craig Smith' ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Actions' => [ [ 'WebServer' ] ], 'PassiveActions' => [ 'WebServer' ], 'DefaultAction' => 'WebServer')) @operational_status = 0 # 0=unk, 1=connected, 2=not connected @last_errors = Hash.new @server_started = Time.new @can_interfaces = Array.new @pkt_response = {} # Candump returned packets end def detect_can() @can_interfaces = Array.new Socket.getifaddrs.each do |i| if i.name =~ /^can\d+$/ or i.name =~ /^vcan\d+$/ or i.name =~ /^slcan\d+$/ @can_interfaces << i.name end end end def get_status() status = Hash.new status["operational"] = @operational_status status["hw_specialty"] = {} status["hw_capabilities"] = {} status["last_10_errors"] = @last_errors # NOTE: no support for this yet status["api_version"] = HWBRIDGE_API_VERSION status["fw_version"] = "not supported" status["hw_version"] = "not supported" if @can_interfaces.size > 0 status["hw_specialty"]["automotive"] = true status["hw_capabilities"]["can"] = true end status["hw_capabilities"]["custom_methods"] = true # To test custom methods status end def get_statistics() stats = Hash.new stats["uptime"] = Time.now - @server_started stats["packet_stats"] = "not supported" stats["last_request"] = "not supported" stats["voltage"] = "not supported" stats end def get_datetime() { "system_datetime" => Time.now } end def get_timezone() { "system_timezone" => Time.now.getlocal.zone } end def get_ip_config() end # # Stub fucntion to test custom methods # Defines a method "sample_cmd" with one argument "data" which is required # def get_custom_methods() m = Hash.new m["Methods"] = Array.new meth = { "method_name" => "custom/sample_cmd", "method_desc" => "Sample HW test command", "args" => [] } arg = { "arg_name" => "data", "arg_type" => "string", "required" => true } meth["args"] << arg meth["return"] = "string" m["Methods"] << meth m end def get_auto_supported_buses() detect_can() buses = Array.new @can_interfaces.each do |can| buses << { "bus_name" => can } end buses end # Sends a raw CAN packet # bus = string # id = hex ID # data = string of up to 8 hex bytes def cansend(bus, id, data) result = {} result["Success"] = false id = id.to_i(16).to_s(16) # Clean up the HEX bytes = data.scan(/../) # Break up data string into 2 char (byte) chunks if bytes.size > 8 print_error("Data section can only contain a max of 8 bytes") return result end `which cansend` if not $?.success? print_error("cansend from can-utils not found in path") return result end @can_interfaces.each do |can| if can == bus system("cansend #{bus} #{id}##{bytes.join}") result["Success"] = true if $?.success? end end result end # Converts candump output to {Packets => [{ ID=> id DATA => [] }]} def candump2hash(str_packets) hash = {} hash["Packets"] = [] lines = str_packets.split(/\n/) lines.each do |line| if line=~/\w+\s+(\w+) \[\d\] (.+)$/ id = $1 str_data = $2 data = str_data.split hash["Packets"] << {"ID" => id, "DATA" => data} end end hash end def candump(bus, id, timeout, maxpkts) $candump_sniffer = Thread.new do output = `candump #{bus},#{id}:FFFFFF -T #{timeout} -n #{maxpkts}` @pkt_response = candump2hash(output) Thread::exit() end end # Sends an ISO-TP style CAN packet and waites for a response or a timeout # bus = string # srcid = hex id of the sent packet # dstid = hex id of the return packets # data = string of hex bytes to send # timeout = optional int to timeout on lack of response # maxpkts = max number of packets to recieve def isotp_send_and_wait(bus, srcid, dstid, data, timeout=2000, maxpkts=3) result = {} result["Success"] = false srcid = srcid.to_i(16).to_s(16) dstid = dstid.to_i(16).to_s(16) bytes = data.scan(/../) if bytes.size > 8 print_error("Data section currently has to be less than 8 bytes") return result else sz = "%02x" % bytes.size bytes = sz + bytes.join end # Should we ever require isotpsend for this? `which cansend` if not $?.success? print_error("cansend from can-utils not found in path") return result end @can_interfaces.each do |can| if can == bus candump(bus,dstid,timeout,maxpkts) system("cansend #{bus} #{srcid}##{bytes}") result["Success"] = true if $?.success? result["Packets"] = [] $candump_sniffer.join if not @pkt_response.empty? result = @pkt_response end end end result end # # This is just a sample method that should show up # as sample_cmd in the interface # def sample_custom_method(data) res = {} res["value"] = "Succesfully processed: #{data}" res end def not_supported() { "status" => "not supported" } end def on_request_uri(cli, request) if request.uri =~ /status$/i print_status("Sending status...") send_response_html(cli, get_status().to_json(), { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) elsif request.uri =~/statistics$/i print_status("Sending statistics...") send_response_html(cli, get_statistics().to_json(), { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) elsif request.uri =~/settings\/datetime\/get$/i print_status("Sending Datetime") send_response_html(cli, get_datetime().to_json(), { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) elsif request.uri =~/settings\/timezone\/get$/i print_status("Sending Timezone") send_response_html(cli, get_timezone().to_json(), { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) elsif request.uri =~/custom_methods$/i print_status("Sending custom methods") send_response_html(cli, get_custom_methods().to_json(), { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) elsif request.uri=~/custom\/sample_cmd\?data=(\S+)$/ print_status("Request for custom command with args #{$1}") send_response_html(cli, sample_custom_method($1).to_json(), { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) elsif request.uri =~/automotive/i if request.uri =~ /automotive\/supported_buses/ print_status("Sending known buses...") send_response_html(cli, get_auto_supported_buses().to_json, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) elsif request.uri =~/automotive\/(\w+)\/cansend\?id=(\w+)&data=(\w+)/ print_status("Request to send CAN packets for #{$1} => #{$2}##{$3}") send_response_html(cli, cansend($1, $2, $3).to_json(), { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) elsif request.uri =~/automotive\/(\w+)\/isotpsend_and_wait\?srcid=(\w+)&dstid=(\w+)&data=(\w+)/ bus = $1; srcid = $2; dstid = $3; data = $4 print_status("Request to send ISO-TP packet and wait for response #{srcid}##{data} => #{dstid}") timeout = 1500 maxpkts = 3 timeout = $1 if request.uri=~/&timeout=(\d+)/ maxpkts = $1 if request.uri=~/&maxpkts=(\d+)/ send_response_html(cli, isotp_send_and_wait(bus, srcid, dstid, data, timeout, maxpkts).to_json(), { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) else send_response_html(cli, not_supported().to_json(), { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) end else send_response_html(cli, not_supported().to_json(), { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) end end def run detect_can() @server_started = Time.now exploit() end end