#!/usr/bin/env ruby $:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', '..')) require 'rex/test' require 'rex/proto/smb/constants' require 'rex/proto/smb/exceptions' require 'rex/proto/smb/utils' require 'rex/proto/smb/client' require 'rex/proto/dcerpc' require 'rex/socket' class Rex::Proto::SMB::Client::UnitTest < Test::Unit::TestCase Klass = Rex::Proto::SMB::Client # Alias over the Rex DCERPC protocol modules DCERPCPacket = Rex::Proto::DCERPC::Packet DCERPCClient = Rex::Proto::DCERPC::Client DCERPCResponse = Rex::Proto::DCERPC::Response DCERPCUUID = Rex::Proto::DCERPC::UUID def test_smb_open_share share = 'C$' write_data = ('A' * 256) filename = 'smb_test.txt' begin Timeout.timeout($_REX_TEST_TIMEOUT) { s = Rex::Socket.create_tcp( 'PeerHost' => $_REX_TEST_SMB_HOST, 'PeerPort' => 139 ) c = Klass.new(s) # Request a SMB session over NetBIOS # puts "[*] Requesting a SMB session over NetBIOS..." ok = c.session_request() assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) # Check for a positive session response # A negative response is 0x83 assert_equal(ok.v['Type'], 0x82) # puts "[*] Negotiating SMB dialects..." ok = c.negotiate() assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) # puts "[*] Authenticating with NTLMv2..." ok = c.session_setup_with_ntlmssp($_REX_TEXT_SMB_USER, $_REX_TEXT_SMB_PASS) assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) assert_not_equal(c.auth_user_id, 0) # puts "[*] Connecting to the share..." ok = c.tree_connect(share) assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) assert_not_equal(c.last_tree_id, 0) # puts "[*] Opening a file for write..." ok = c.open(filename) assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) assert_not_equal(c.last_file_id, 0) # puts "[*] Writing data to the test file..." ok = c.write(c.last_file_id, 0, write_data) assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) assert_equal(ok['Payload'].v['CountLow'], write_data.length) # puts "[*] Closing the test file..." ok = c.close(c.last_file_id) assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) # puts "[*] Opening a file for read..." ok = c.open(filename, 1) assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) assert_not_equal(c.last_file_id, 0) # puts "[*] Reading data from the test file..." ok = c.read(c.last_file_id, 0, write_data.length) assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) assert_equal(ok['Payload'].v['DataLenLow'], write_data.length) read_data = ok.to_s.slice( ok['Payload'].v['DataOffset'] + 4, ok['Payload'].v['DataLenLow'] ) assert_equal(read_data, write_data) # puts "[*] Closing the test file..." ok = c.close(c.last_file_id) assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) # puts "[*] Disconnecting from the tree..." ok = c.tree_disconnect assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) s.close # Reconnect and delete the file s = Rex::Socket.create_tcp( 'PeerHost' => $_REX_TEST_SMB_HOST, 'PeerPort' => 139 ) c = Klass.new(s) # Request a SMB session over NetBIOS # puts "[*] Requesting a SMB session over NetBIOS..." ok = c.session_request() assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) # Check for a positive session response # A negative response is 0x83 assert_equal(ok.v['Type'], 0x82) # puts "[*] Negotiating SMB dialects..." ok = c.negotiate() assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) # puts "[*] Authenticating with NTLMv2..." ok = c.session_setup_with_ntlmssp($_REX_TEXT_SMB_USER, $_REX_TEXT_SMB_PASS) assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) assert_not_equal(c.auth_user_id, 0) # puts "[*] Connecting to the share..." ok = c.tree_connect(share) assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) assert_not_equal(c.last_tree_id, 0) # puts "[*] Deleting the test file..." ok = c.delete(filename) assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) # puts "[*] Diconnecting from the tree..." ok = c.tree_disconnect assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) s.close } rescue Timeout::Error flunk('timeout') end end def test_smb_session_request begin Timeout.timeout($_REX_TEST_TIMEOUT) { s = Rex::Socket.create_tcp( 'PeerHost' => $_REX_TEST_SMB_HOST, 'PeerPort' => 139 ) c = Klass.new(s) # Request a SMB session over NetBIOS # puts "[*] Requesting a SMB session over NetBIOS..." ok = c.session_request() assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) # Check for a positive session response # A negative response is 0x83 assert_equal(ok.v['Type'], 0x82) # puts "[*] Negotiating SMB dialects..." ok = c.negotiate() assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) # puts "[*] Authenticating with NTLMv2..." ok = c.session_setup_with_ntlmssp assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) # puts "[*] Authenticating with NTLMv1..." ok = c.session_setup_no_ntlmssp assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) # puts "[*] Authenticating with clear text passwords..." begin ok = c.session_setup_clear assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) rescue Rex::Proto::SMB::Exceptions::ErrorCode if ($!.error_code != 0x00010002) raise $! end end # puts "[*] Connecting to IPC$..." ok = c.tree_connect assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) # puts "[*] Opening the \BROWSER pipe..." ok = c.create_pipe('\BROWSER') assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) vers = DCERPCUUID.vers_by_name('SRVSVC') uuid = DCERPCUUID.uuid_by_name('SRVSVC') bind, ctx = DCERPCPacket.make_bind_fake_multi(uuid, vers) # puts "[*] Binding to the Server Service..." ok = c.trans_named_pipe(c.last_file_id, bind) assert_kind_of(Rex::Struct2::CStruct, ok) data = ok.to_s.slice( ok['Payload'].v['DataOffset'] + 4, ok['Payload'].v['DataCount'] ) assert_not_equal(data, nil) resp = DCERPCResponse.new(data) assert_equal(resp.type, 12) } rescue Timeout::Error flunk('timeout') end end end