## # $Id$ ## ## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://metasploit.com/ # ## require 'msf/core' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Auxiliary::JohnTheRipper def initialize super( 'Name' => 'John the Ripper Oracle Password Cracker (Fast Mode)', 'Version' => "$Revision$", 'Description' => %Q{ This module uses John the Ripper to identify weak passwords that have been acquired from the oracle_hashdump module. Passwords that have been successfully cracked are then saved as proper credentials }, 'Author' => [ 'theLightCosine', 'hdm' ] , 'License' => MSF_LICENSE # JtR itself is GPLv2, but this wrapper is MSF (BSD) ) end def run @wordlist = Rex::Quickfile.new("jtrtmp") @wordlist.write( build_seed().flatten.uniq.join("\n") + "\n" ) @wordlist.close crack("oracle") crack("oracle11g") end def crack(format) hashlist = Rex::Quickfile.new("jtrtmp") ltype= "#{format}.hashes" myloots = myworkspace.loots.where('ltype=?', ltype) unless myloots.nil? or myloots.empty? myloots.each do |myloot| begin oracle_array = CSV.read(myloot.path).drop(1) rescue Exception => e print_error("Unable to read #{myloot.path} \n #{e}") end oracle_array.each do |row| hashlist.write("#{row[0]}:#{row[1]}:#{myloot.host.address}:#{myloot.service.port}\n") end end hashlist.close print_status("HashList: #{hashlist.path}") print_status("Trying Wordlist: #{@wordlist.path}") john_crack(hashlist.path, :wordlist => @wordlist.path, :rules => 'single', :format => format) print_status("Trying Rule: All4...") john_crack(hashlist.path, :incremental => "All4", :format => format) print_status("Trying Rule: Digits5...") john_crack(hashlist.path, :incremental => "Digits5", :format => format) cracked = john_show_passwords(hashlist.path, format) print_status("#{cracked[:cracked]} hashes were cracked!") cracked[:users].each_pair do |k,v| print_good("Host: #{v[1]} Port: #{v[2]} User: #{k} Pass: #{v[0]}") report_auth_info( :host => v[1], :port => v[2], :sname => 'oracle', :user => k, :pass => v[0] ) end end end end