# encoding: ASCII-8BIT require 'delegate' require 'iconv' require 'singleton' require 'tempfile' require 'fileutils' require 'stringio' require 'zlib' require 'zip/stdrubyext' require 'zip/ioextras' if Tempfile.superclass == SimpleDelegator require 'zip/tempfile_bugfixed' Tempfile = BugFix::Tempfile end module Zlib #:nodoc:all if ! const_defined? :MAX_WBITS MAX_WBITS = Zlib::Deflate.MAX_WBITS end end module Zip VERSION = '0.9.4' RUBY_MINOR_VERSION = RUBY_VERSION.split(".")[1].to_i RUNNING_ON_WINDOWS = /mswin32|cygwin|mingw|bccwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM # Ruby 1.7.x compatibility # In ruby 1.6.x and 1.8.0 reading from an empty stream returns # an empty string the first time and then nil. # not so in 1.7.x EMPTY_FILE_RETURNS_EMPTY_STRING_FIRST = RUBY_MINOR_VERSION != 7 # ZipInputStream is the basic class for reading zip entries in a # zip file. It is possible to create a ZipInputStream object directly, # passing the zip file name to the constructor, but more often than not # the ZipInputStream will be obtained from a ZipFile (perhaps using the # ZipFileSystem interface) object for a particular entry in the zip # archive. # # A ZipInputStream inherits IOExtras::AbstractInputStream in order # to provide an IO-like interface for reading from a single zip # entry. Beyond methods for mimicking an IO-object it contains # the method get_next_entry for iterating through the entries of # an archive. get_next_entry returns a ZipEntry object that describes # the zip entry the ZipInputStream is currently reading from. # # Example that creates a zip archive with ZipOutputStream and reads it # back again with a ZipInputStream. # # require 'zip/zip' # # Zip::ZipOutputStream::open("my.zip") { # |io| # # io.put_next_entry("first_entry.txt") # io.write "Hello world!" # # io.put_next_entry("adir/first_entry.txt") # io.write "Hello again!" # } # # # Zip::ZipInputStream::open("my.zip") { # |io| # # while (entry = io.get_next_entry) # puts "Contents of #{entry.name}: '#{io.read}'" # end # } # # java.util.zip.ZipInputStream is the original inspiration for this # class. class ZipInputStream include IOExtras::AbstractInputStream # Opens the indicated zip file. An exception is thrown # if the specified offset in the specified filename is # not a local zip entry header. def initialize(filename, offset = 0) super() @archiveIO = File.open(filename, "rb") @archiveIO.seek(offset, IO::SEEK_SET) @decompressor = NullDecompressor.instance @currentEntry = nil end def close @archiveIO.close end # Same as #initialize but if a block is passed the opened # stream is passed to the block and closed when the block # returns. def ZipInputStream.open(filename) return new(filename) unless block_given? zio = new(filename) yield zio ensure zio.close if zio end # Returns a ZipEntry object. It is necessary to call this # method on a newly created ZipInputStream before reading from # the first entry in the archive. Returns nil when there are # no more entries. def get_next_entry @archiveIO.seek(@currentEntry.next_header_offset, IO::SEEK_SET) if @currentEntry open_entry end # Rewinds the stream to the beginning of the current entry def rewind return if @currentEntry.nil? @lineno = 0 @archiveIO.seek(@currentEntry.localHeaderOffset, IO::SEEK_SET) open_entry end # Modeled after IO.sysread def sysread(numberOfBytes = nil, buf = nil) @decompressor.sysread(numberOfBytes, buf) end def eof @outputBuffer.empty? && @decompressor.eof end alias :eof? :eof protected def open_entry @currentEntry = ZipEntry.read_local_entry(@archiveIO) if (@currentEntry == nil) @decompressor = NullDecompressor.instance elsif @currentEntry.compression_method == ZipEntry::STORED @decompressor = PassThruDecompressor.new(@archiveIO, @currentEntry.size) elsif @currentEntry.compression_method == ZipEntry::DEFLATED @decompressor = Inflater.new(@archiveIO) else raise ZipCompressionMethodError, "Unsupported compression method #{@currentEntry.compression_method}" end flush return @currentEntry end def produce_input @decompressor.produce_input end def input_finished? @decompressor.input_finished? end end class Decompressor #:nodoc:all CHUNK_SIZE=32768 def initialize(inputStream) super() @inputStream=inputStream end end class Inflater < Decompressor #:nodoc:all def initialize(inputStream) super @zlibInflater = Zlib::Inflate.new(-Zlib::MAX_WBITS) @outputBuffer="" @hasReturnedEmptyString = ! EMPTY_FILE_RETURNS_EMPTY_STRING_FIRST end def sysread(numberOfBytes = nil, buf = nil) readEverything = (numberOfBytes == nil) while (readEverything || @outputBuffer.length < numberOfBytes) break if internal_input_finished? @outputBuffer << internal_produce_input(buf) end return value_when_finished if @outputBuffer.length==0 && input_finished? endIndex= numberOfBytes==nil ? @outputBuffer.length : numberOfBytes return @outputBuffer.slice!(0...endIndex) end def produce_input if (@outputBuffer.empty?) return internal_produce_input else return @outputBuffer.slice!(0...(@outputBuffer.length)) end end # to be used with produce_input, not read (as read may still have more data cached) # is data cached anywhere other than @outputBuffer? the comment above may be wrong def input_finished? @outputBuffer.empty? && internal_input_finished? end alias :eof :input_finished? alias :eof? :input_finished? private def internal_produce_input(buf = nil) retried = 0 begin @zlibInflater.inflate(@inputStream.read(Decompressor::CHUNK_SIZE, buf)) rescue Zlib::BufError raise if (retried >= 5) # how many times should we retry? retried += 1 retry end end def internal_input_finished? @zlibInflater.finished? end # TODO: Specialize to handle different behaviour in ruby > 1.7.0 ? def value_when_finished # mimic behaviour of ruby File object. return nil if @hasReturnedEmptyString @hasReturnedEmptyString=true return "" end end class PassThruDecompressor < Decompressor #:nodoc:all def initialize(inputStream, charsToRead) super inputStream @charsToRead = charsToRead @readSoFar = 0 @hasReturnedEmptyString = ! EMPTY_FILE_RETURNS_EMPTY_STRING_FIRST end # TODO: Specialize to handle different behaviour in ruby > 1.7.0 ? def sysread(numberOfBytes = nil, buf = nil) if input_finished? hasReturnedEmptyStringVal=@hasReturnedEmptyString @hasReturnedEmptyString=true return "" unless hasReturnedEmptyStringVal return nil end if (numberOfBytes == nil || @readSoFar+numberOfBytes > @charsToRead) numberOfBytes = @charsToRead-@readSoFar end @readSoFar += numberOfBytes @inputStream.read(numberOfBytes, buf) end def produce_input sysread(Decompressor::CHUNK_SIZE) end def input_finished? (@readSoFar >= @charsToRead) end alias :eof :input_finished? alias :eof? :input_finished? end class NullDecompressor #:nodoc:all include Singleton def sysread(numberOfBytes = nil, buf = nil) nil end def produce_input nil end def input_finished? true end def eof true end alias :eof? :eof end class NullInputStream < NullDecompressor #:nodoc:all include IOExtras::AbstractInputStream end class ZipEntry STORED = 0 DEFLATED = 8 FSTYPE_FAT = 0 FSTYPE_AMIGA = 1 FSTYPE_VMS = 2 FSTYPE_UNIX = 3 FSTYPE_VM_CMS = 4 FSTYPE_ATARI = 5 FSTYPE_HPFS = 6 FSTYPE_MAC = 7 FSTYPE_Z_SYSTEM = 8 FSTYPE_CPM = 9 FSTYPE_TOPS20 = 10 FSTYPE_NTFS = 11 FSTYPE_QDOS = 12 FSTYPE_ACORN = 13 FSTYPE_VFAT = 14 FSTYPE_MVS = 15 FSTYPE_BEOS = 16 FSTYPE_TANDEM = 17 FSTYPE_THEOS = 18 FSTYPE_MAC_OSX = 19 FSTYPE_ATHEOS = 30 FSTYPES = { FSTYPE_FAT => 'FAT'.freeze, FSTYPE_AMIGA => 'Amiga'.freeze, FSTYPE_VMS => 'VMS (Vax or Alpha AXP)'.freeze, FSTYPE_UNIX => 'Unix'.freeze, FSTYPE_VM_CMS => 'VM/CMS'.freeze, FSTYPE_ATARI => 'Atari ST'.freeze, FSTYPE_HPFS => 'OS/2 or NT HPFS'.freeze, FSTYPE_MAC => 'Macintosh'.freeze, FSTYPE_Z_SYSTEM => 'Z-System'.freeze, FSTYPE_CPM => 'CP/M'.freeze, FSTYPE_TOPS20 => 'TOPS-20'.freeze, FSTYPE_NTFS => 'NTFS'.freeze, FSTYPE_QDOS => 'SMS/QDOS'.freeze, FSTYPE_ACORN => 'Acorn RISC OS'.freeze, FSTYPE_VFAT => 'Win32 VFAT'.freeze, FSTYPE_MVS => 'MVS'.freeze, FSTYPE_BEOS => 'BeOS'.freeze, FSTYPE_TANDEM => 'Tandem NSK'.freeze, FSTYPE_THEOS => 'Theos'.freeze, FSTYPE_MAC_OSX => 'Mac OS/X (Darwin)'.freeze, FSTYPE_ATHEOS => 'AtheOS'.freeze, }.freeze attr_accessor :comment, :compressed_size, :crc, :extra, :compression_method, :name, :size, :localHeaderOffset, :zipfile, :fstype, :externalFileAttributes, :gp_flags, :header_signature attr_accessor :follow_symlinks attr_accessor :restore_times, :restore_permissions, :restore_ownership attr_accessor :unix_uid, :unix_gid, :unix_perms attr_reader :ftype, :filepath # :nodoc: # Returns the character encoding used for name and comment def name_encoding (@gp_flags & 0b100000000000) != 0 ? "utf8" : "CP437//" end # Returns the name in the encoding specified by enc def name_in(enc) Iconv.conv(enc, name_encoding, @name) end # Returns the name in the encoding specified by enc def comment_in(enc) Iconv.conv(enc, name_encoding, @name) end def initialize(zipfile = "", name = "", comment = "", extra = "", compressed_size = 0, crc = 0, compression_method = ZipEntry::DEFLATED, size = 0, time = Time.now) super() if name.starts_with("/") raise ZipEntryNameError, "Illegal ZipEntry name '#{name}', name must not start with /" end @localHeaderOffset = 0 @local_header_size = 0 @internalFileAttributes = 1 @externalFileAttributes = 0 @version = 52 # this library's version @ftype = nil # unspecified or unknown @filepath = nil if Zip::RUNNING_ON_WINDOWS @fstype = FSTYPE_FAT else @fstype = FSTYPE_UNIX end @zipfile = zipfile @comment = comment @compressed_size = compressed_size @crc = crc @extra = extra @compression_method = compression_method @name = name @size = size @time = time @follow_symlinks = false @restore_times = true @restore_permissions = false @restore_ownership = false # BUG: need an extra field to support uid/gid's @unix_uid = nil @unix_gid = nil @unix_perms = nil # @posix_acl = nil # @ntfs_acl = nil if name_is_directory? @ftype = :directory else @ftype = :file end unless ZipExtraField === @extra @extra = ZipExtraField.new(@extra.to_s) end end def time if @extra["UniversalTime"] @extra["UniversalTime"].mtime else # Atandard time field in central directory has local time # under archive creator. Then, we can't get timezone. @time end end alias :mtime :time def time=(aTime) unless @extra.member?("UniversalTime") @extra.create("UniversalTime") end @extra["UniversalTime"].mtime = aTime @time = aTime end # Returns +true+ if the entry is a directory. def directory? raise ZipInternalError, "current filetype is unknown: #{self.inspect}" unless @ftype @ftype == :directory end alias :is_directory :directory? # Returns +true+ if the entry is a file. def file? raise ZipInternalError, "current filetype is unknown: #{self.inspect}" unless @ftype @ftype == :file end # Returns +true+ if the entry is a symlink. def symlink? raise ZipInternalError, "current filetype is unknown: #{self.inspect}" unless @ftype @ftype == :symlink end def name_is_directory? #:nodoc:all (%r{\/$} =~ @name) != nil end def local_entry_offset #:nodoc:all localHeaderOffset + @local_header_size end def calculate_local_header_size #:nodoc:all LOCAL_ENTRY_STATIC_HEADER_LENGTH + (@name ? @name.size : 0) + (@extra ? @extra.local_size : 0) end def cdir_header_size #:nodoc:all CDIR_ENTRY_STATIC_HEADER_LENGTH + (@name ? @name.size : 0) + (@extra ? @extra.c_dir_size : 0) + (@comment ? @comment.size : 0) end def next_header_offset #:nodoc:all local_entry_offset + self.compressed_size end # Extracts entry to file destPath (defaults to @name). def extract(destPath = @name, &onExistsProc) onExistsProc ||= proc { false } if directory? create_directory(destPath, &onExistsProc) elsif file? write_file(destPath, &onExistsProc) elsif symlink? create_symlink(destPath, &onExistsProc) else raise RuntimeError, "unknown file type #{self.inspect}" end self end def to_s @name end protected def ZipEntry.read_zip_short(io) # :nodoc: io.read(2).unpack('v')[0] end def ZipEntry.read_zip_long(io) # :nodoc: io.read(4).unpack('V')[0] end public LOCAL_ENTRY_SIGNATURE = 0x04034b50 LOCAL_ENTRY_STATIC_HEADER_LENGTH = 30 LOCAL_ENTRY_TRAILING_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH = 4+4+4 VERSION_NEEDED_TO_EXTRACT = 10 def read_local_entry(io) #:nodoc:all @localHeaderOffset = io.tell staticSizedFieldsBuf = io.read(LOCAL_ENTRY_STATIC_HEADER_LENGTH) unless (staticSizedFieldsBuf.size==LOCAL_ENTRY_STATIC_HEADER_LENGTH) raise ZipError, "Premature end of file. Not enough data for zip entry local header" end @header_signature , @version , @fstype , @gp_flags , @compression_method, lastModTime , lastModDate , @crc , @compressed_size , @size , nameLength , extraLength = staticSizedFieldsBuf.unpack('VCCvvvvVVVvv') unless (@header_signature == LOCAL_ENTRY_SIGNATURE) raise ZipError, "Zip local header magic not found at location '#{localHeaderOffset}'" end set_time(lastModDate, lastModTime) @name = io.read(nameLength) extra = io.read(extraLength) if (extra && extra.length != extraLength) raise ZipError, "Truncated local zip entry header" else if ZipExtraField === @extra @extra.merge(extra) else @extra = ZipExtraField.new(extra) end end @local_header_size = calculate_local_header_size end def ZipEntry.read_local_entry(io) entry = new(io.path) entry.read_local_entry(io) return entry rescue ZipError return nil end def write_local_entry(io) #:nodoc:all @localHeaderOffset = io.tell io << [LOCAL_ENTRY_SIGNATURE , VERSION_NEEDED_TO_EXTRACT , # version needed to extract 0 , # @gp_flags , @compression_method , @time.to_binary_dos_time , # @lastModTime , @time.to_binary_dos_date , # @lastModDate , @crc , @compressed_size , @size , @name ? @name.length : 0, @extra? @extra.local_length : 0 ].pack('VvvvvvVVVvv') io << @name io << (@extra ? @extra.to_local_bin : "") end CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SIGNATURE = 0x02014b50 CDIR_ENTRY_STATIC_HEADER_LENGTH = 46 def read_c_dir_entry(io) #:nodoc:all staticSizedFieldsBuf = io.read(CDIR_ENTRY_STATIC_HEADER_LENGTH) unless (staticSizedFieldsBuf.size == CDIR_ENTRY_STATIC_HEADER_LENGTH) raise ZipError, "Premature end of file. Not enough data for zip cdir entry header" end @header_signature , @version , # version of encoding software @fstype , # filesystem type @versionNeededToExtract, @gp_flags , @compression_method , lastModTime , lastModDate , @crc , @compressed_size , @size , nameLength , extraLength , commentLength , diskNumberStart , @internalFileAttributes, @externalFileAttributes, @localHeaderOffset , @name , @extra , @comment = staticSizedFieldsBuf.unpack('VCCvvvvvVVVvvvvvVV') unless (@header_signature == CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SIGNATURE) raise ZipError, "Zip local header magic not found at location '#{localHeaderOffset}'" end set_time(lastModDate, lastModTime) @name = io.read(nameLength) if ZipExtraField === @extra @extra.merge(io.read(extraLength)) else @extra = ZipExtraField.new(io.read(extraLength)) end @comment = io.read(commentLength) unless (@comment && @comment.length == commentLength) raise ZipError, "Truncated cdir zip entry header" end case @fstype when FSTYPE_UNIX @unix_perms = (@externalFileAttributes >> 16) & 07777 case (@externalFileAttributes >> 28) when 04 @ftype = :directory when 010 @ftype = :file when 012 @ftype = :symlink else raise ZipInternalError, "unknown file type #{'0%o' % (@externalFileAttributes >> 28)}" end else if name_is_directory? @ftype = :directory else @ftype = :file end end @local_header_size = calculate_local_header_size end def ZipEntry.read_c_dir_entry(io) #:nodoc:all entry = new(io.path) entry.read_c_dir_entry(io) return entry rescue ZipError return nil end def file_stat(path) # :nodoc: if @follow_symlinks return File::stat(path) else return File::lstat(path) end end def get_extra_attributes_from_path(path) # :nodoc: unless Zip::RUNNING_ON_WINDOWS stat = file_stat(path) @unix_uid = stat.uid @unix_gid = stat.gid @unix_perms = stat.mode & 07777 end end def set_extra_attributes_on_path(destPath) # :nodoc: return unless (file? or directory?) case @fstype when FSTYPE_UNIX # BUG: does not update timestamps into account # ignore setuid/setgid bits by default. honor if @restore_ownership unix_perms_mask = 01777 unix_perms_mask = 07777 if (@restore_ownership) FileUtils::chmod(@unix_perms & unix_perms_mask, destPath) if (@restore_permissions && @unix_perms) FileUtils::chown(@unix_uid, @unix_gid, destPath) if (@restore_ownership && @unix_uid && @unix_gid && Process::egid == 0) # File::utimes() end end def write_c_dir_entry(io) #:nodoc:all case @fstype when FSTYPE_UNIX ft = nil case @ftype when :file ft = 010 @unix_perms ||= 0644 when :directory ft = 004 @unix_perms ||= 0755 when :symlink ft = 012 @unix_perms ||= 0755 else raise ZipInternalError, "unknown file type #{self.inspect}" end @externalFileAttributes = (ft << 12 | (@unix_perms & 07777)) << 16 end io << [CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SIGNATURE, @version , # version of encoding software @fstype , # filesystem type VERSION_NEEDED_TO_EXTRACT , # @versionNeededToExtract , 0 , # @gp_flags , @compression_method , @time.to_binary_dos_time , # @lastModTime , @time.to_binary_dos_date , # @lastModDate , @crc , @compressed_size , @size , @name ? @name.length : 0 , @extra ? @extra.c_dir_length : 0 , @comment ? comment.length : 0 , 0 , # disk number start @internalFileAttributes , # file type (binary=0, text=1) @externalFileAttributes , # native filesystem attributes @localHeaderOffset , @name , @extra , @comment ].pack('VCCvvvvvVVVvvvvvVV') io << @name io << (@extra ? @extra.to_c_dir_bin : "") io << @comment end def == (other) return false unless other.class == self.class # Compares contents of local entry and exposed fields (@compression_method == other.compression_method && @crc == other.crc && @compressed_size == other.compressed_size && @size == other.size && @name == other.name && @extra == other.extra && @filepath == other.filepath && self.time.dos_equals(other.time)) end def <=> (other) return to_s <=> other.to_s end # Returns an IO like object for the given ZipEntry. # Warning: may behave weird with symlinks. def get_input_stream(&aProc) if @ftype == :directory return yield(NullInputStream.instance) if block_given? return NullInputStream.instance elsif @filepath case @ftype when :file return File.open(@filepath, "rb", &aProc) when :symlink linkpath = File::readlink(@filepath) stringio = StringIO.new(linkpath) return yield(stringio) if block_given? return stringio else raise "unknown @ftype #{@ftype}" end else zis = ZipInputStream.new(@zipfile, localHeaderOffset) zis.get_next_entry if block_given? begin return yield(zis) ensure zis.close end else return zis end end end def gather_fileinfo_from_srcpath(srcPath) # :nodoc: stat = file_stat(srcPath) case stat.ftype when 'file' if name_is_directory? raise ArgumentError, "entry name '#{newEntry}' indicates directory entry, but "+ "'#{srcPath}' is not a directory" end @ftype = :file when 'directory' if ! name_is_directory? @name += "/" end @ftype = :directory when 'link' if name_is_directory? raise ArgumentError, "entry name '#{newEntry}' indicates directory entry, but "+ "'#{srcPath}' is not a directory" end @ftype = :symlink else raise RuntimeError, "unknown file type: #{srcPath.inspect} #{stat.inspect}" end @filepath = srcPath get_extra_attributes_from_path(@filepath) end def write_to_zip_output_stream(aZipOutputStream) #:nodoc:all if @ftype == :directory aZipOutputStream.put_next_entry(self) elsif @filepath aZipOutputStream.put_next_entry(self) get_input_stream { |is| IOExtras.copy_stream(aZipOutputStream, is) } else aZipOutputStream.copy_raw_entry(self) end end def parent_as_string entry_name = name.chomp("/") slash_index = entry_name.rindex("/") slash_index ? entry_name.slice(0, slash_index+1) : nil end def get_raw_input_stream(&aProc) File.open(@zipfile, "rb", &aProc) end private def set_time(binaryDosDate, binaryDosTime) @time = Time.parse_binary_dos_format(binaryDosDate, binaryDosTime) rescue ArgumentError puts "Invalid date/time in zip entry" end def write_file(destPath, continueOnExistsProc = proc { false }) if File.exists?(destPath) && ! yield(self, destPath) raise ZipDestinationFileExistsError, "Destination '#{destPath}' already exists" end File.open(destPath, "wb") do |os| get_input_stream do |is| set_extra_attributes_on_path(destPath) buf = '' while buf = is.sysread(Decompressor::CHUNK_SIZE, buf) os << buf end end end end def create_directory(destPath) if File.directory? destPath return elsif File.exists? destPath if block_given? && yield(self, destPath) FileUtils::rm_f destPath else raise ZipDestinationFileExistsError, "Cannot create directory '#{destPath}'. "+ "A file already exists with that name" end end Dir.mkdir destPath set_extra_attributes_on_path(destPath) end # BUG: create_symlink() does not use &onExistsProc def create_symlink(destPath) stat = nil begin stat = File::lstat(destPath) rescue Errno::ENOENT end io = get_input_stream linkto = io.read if stat if stat.symlink? if File::readlink(destPath) == linkto return else raise ZipDestinationFileExistsError, "Cannot create symlink '#{destPath}'. "+ "A symlink already exists with that name" end else raise ZipDestinationFileExistsError, "Cannot create symlink '#{destPath}'. "+ "A file already exists with that name" end end File::symlink(linkto, destPath) end end # ZipOutputStream is the basic class for writing zip files. It is # possible to create a ZipOutputStream object directly, passing # the zip file name to the constructor, but more often than not # the ZipOutputStream will be obtained from a ZipFile (perhaps using the # ZipFileSystem interface) object for a particular entry in the zip # archive. # # A ZipOutputStream inherits IOExtras::AbstractOutputStream in order # to provide an IO-like interface for writing to a single zip # entry. Beyond methods for mimicking an IO-object it contains # the method put_next_entry that closes the current entry # and creates a new. # # Please refer to ZipInputStream for example code. # # java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream is the original inspiration for this # class. class ZipOutputStream include IOExtras::AbstractOutputStream attr_accessor :comment # Opens the indicated zip file. If a file with that name already # exists it will be overwritten. def initialize(fileName) super() @fileName = fileName @outputStream = File.new(@fileName, "wb") @entrySet = ZipEntrySet.new @compressor = NullCompressor.instance @closed = false @currentEntry = nil @comment = nil end # Same as #initialize but if a block is passed the opened # stream is passed to the block and closed when the block # returns. def ZipOutputStream.open(fileName) return new(fileName) unless block_given? zos = new(fileName) yield zos ensure zos.close if zos end # Closes the stream and writes the central directory to the zip file def close return if @closed finalize_current_entry update_local_headers write_central_directory @outputStream.close @closed = true end # Closes the current entry and opens a new for writing. # +entry+ can be a ZipEntry object or a string. def put_next_entry(entryname, comment = nil, extra = nil, compression_method = ZipEntry::DEFLATED, level = Zlib::DEFAULT_COMPRESSION) raise ZipError, "zip stream is closed" if @closed new_entry = ZipEntry.new(@fileName, entryname.to_s) new_entry.comment = comment if !comment.nil? if (!extra.nil?) new_entry.extra = ZipExtraField === extra ? extra : ZipExtraField.new(extra.to_s) end new_entry.compression_method = compression_method init_next_entry(new_entry, level) @currentEntry = new_entry end def copy_raw_entry(entry) entry = entry.dup raise ZipError, "zip stream is closed" if @closed raise ZipError, "entry is not a ZipEntry" if !entry.kind_of?(ZipEntry) finalize_current_entry @entrySet << entry src_pos = entry.local_entry_offset entry.write_local_entry(@outputStream) @compressor = NullCompressor.instance entry.get_raw_input_stream { |is| is.seek(src_pos, IO::SEEK_SET) IOExtras.copy_stream_n(@outputStream, is, entry.compressed_size) } @compressor = NullCompressor.instance @currentEntry = nil end private def finalize_current_entry return unless @currentEntry finish @currentEntry.compressed_size = @outputStream.tell - @currentEntry.localHeaderOffset - @currentEntry.calculate_local_header_size @currentEntry.size = @compressor.size @currentEntry.crc = @compressor.crc @currentEntry = nil @compressor = NullCompressor.instance end def init_next_entry(entry, level = Zlib::DEFAULT_COMPRESSION) finalize_current_entry @entrySet << entry entry.write_local_entry(@outputStream) @compressor = get_compressor(entry, level) end def get_compressor(entry, level) case entry.compression_method when ZipEntry::DEFLATED then Deflater.new(@outputStream, level) when ZipEntry::STORED then PassThruCompressor.new(@outputStream) else raise ZipCompressionMethodError, "Invalid compression method: '#{entry.compression_method}'" end end def update_local_headers pos = @outputStream.tell @entrySet.each { |entry| @outputStream.pos = entry.localHeaderOffset entry.write_local_entry(@outputStream) } @outputStream.pos = pos end def write_central_directory cdir = ZipCentralDirectory.new(@entrySet, @comment) cdir.write_to_stream(@outputStream) end protected def finish @compressor.finish end public # Modeled after IO.<< def << (data) @compressor << data end end class Compressor #:nodoc:all def finish end end class PassThruCompressor < Compressor #:nodoc:all def initialize(outputStream) super() @outputStream = outputStream @crc = Zlib::crc32 @size = 0 end def << (data) val = data.to_s @crc = Zlib::crc32(val, @crc) @size += val.size @outputStream << val end attr_reader :size, :crc end class NullCompressor < Compressor #:nodoc:all include Singleton def << (data) raise IOError, "closed stream" end attr_reader :size, :compressed_size end class Deflater < Compressor #:nodoc:all def initialize(outputStream, level = Zlib::DEFAULT_COMPRESSION) super() @outputStream = outputStream @zlibDeflater = Zlib::Deflate.new(level, -Zlib::MAX_WBITS) @size = 0 @crc = Zlib::crc32 end def << (data) val = data.to_s @crc = Zlib::crc32(val, @crc) @size += val.size @outputStream << @zlibDeflater.deflate(data) end def finish until @zlibDeflater.finished? @outputStream << @zlibDeflater.finish end end attr_reader :size, :crc end class ZipEntrySet #:nodoc:all include Enumerable def initialize(anEnumerable = []) super() @entrySet = {} anEnumerable.each { |o| push(o) } end def include?(entry) @entrySet.include?(entry.to_s) end def <<(entry) @entrySet[entry.to_s] = entry end alias :push :<< def size @entrySet.size end alias :length :size def delete(entry) @entrySet.delete(entry.to_s) ? entry : nil end def each(&aProc) @entrySet.values.each(&aProc) end def entries @entrySet.values end # deep clone def dup newZipEntrySet = ZipEntrySet.new(@entrySet.values.map { |e| e.dup }) end def == (other) return false unless other.kind_of?(ZipEntrySet) return @entrySet == other.entrySet end def parent(entry) @entrySet[entry.parent_as_string] end def glob(pattern, flags = File::FNM_PATHNAME|File::FNM_DOTMATCH) entries.select { |entry| File.fnmatch(pattern, entry.name.chomp('/'), flags) } end #TODO attr_accessor :auto_create_directories protected attr_accessor :entrySet end class ZipCentralDirectory include Enumerable END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE = 0x06054b50 MAX_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_STRUCTURE_SIZE = 65536 + 18 STATIC_EOCD_SIZE = 22 attr_reader :comment # Returns an Enumerable containing the entries. def entries @entrySet.entries end def initialize(entries = ZipEntrySet.new, comment = "") #:nodoc: super() @entrySet = entries.kind_of?(ZipEntrySet) ? entries : ZipEntrySet.new(entries) @comment = comment end def write_to_stream(io) #:nodoc: offset = io.tell @entrySet.each { |entry| entry.write_c_dir_entry(io) } write_e_o_c_d(io, offset) end def write_e_o_c_d(io, offset) #:nodoc: io << [END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE, 0 , # @numberOfThisDisk 0 , # @numberOfDiskWithStartOfCDir @entrySet? @entrySet.size : 0 , @entrySet? @entrySet.size : 0 , cdir_size , offset , @comment ? @comment.length : 0 ].pack('VvvvvVVv') io << @comment end private :write_e_o_c_d def cdir_size #:nodoc: # does not include eocd @entrySet.inject(0) { |value, entry| entry.cdir_header_size + value } end private :cdir_size def read_e_o_c_d(io) #:nodoc: buf = get_e_o_c_d(io) @numberOfThisDisk = ZipEntry::read_zip_short(buf) @numberOfDiskWithStartOfCDir = ZipEntry::read_zip_short(buf) @totalNumberOfEntriesInCDirOnThisDisk = ZipEntry::read_zip_short(buf) @size = ZipEntry::read_zip_short(buf) @sizeInBytes = ZipEntry::read_zip_long(buf) @cdirOffset = ZipEntry::read_zip_long(buf) commentLength = ZipEntry::read_zip_short(buf) @comment = buf.read(commentLength) raise ZipError, "Zip consistency problem while reading eocd structure" unless buf.size == 0 end def read_central_directory_entries(io) #:nodoc: begin io.seek(@cdirOffset, IO::SEEK_SET) rescue Errno::EINVAL raise ZipError, "Zip consistency problem while reading central directory entry" end @entrySet = ZipEntrySet.new @size.times { @entrySet << ZipEntry.read_c_dir_entry(io) } end def read_from_stream(io) #:nodoc: read_e_o_c_d(io) read_central_directory_entries(io) end def get_e_o_c_d(io) #:nodoc: begin io.seek(-MAX_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_STRUCTURE_SIZE, IO::SEEK_END) rescue Errno::EINVAL io.seek(0, IO::SEEK_SET) rescue Errno::EFBIG # FreeBSD 4.9 raise Errno::EFBIG instead of Errno::EINVAL io.seek(0, IO::SEEK_SET) end # 'buf = io.read' substituted with lump of code to work around FreeBSD 4.5 issue retried = false buf = nil begin buf = io.read rescue Errno::EFBIG # FreeBSD 4.5 may raise Errno::EFBIG raise if (retried) retried = true io.seek(0, IO::SEEK_SET) retry end sigIndex = buf.rindex([END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE].pack('V')) raise ZipError, "Zip end of central directory signature not found" unless sigIndex buf=buf.slice!((sigIndex+4)...(buf.size)) def buf.read(count) slice!(0, count) end return buf end # For iterating over the entries. def each(&proc) @entrySet.each(&proc) end # Returns the number of entries in the central directory (and # consequently in the zip archive). def size @entrySet.size end def ZipCentralDirectory.read_from_stream(io) #:nodoc: cdir = new cdir.read_from_stream(io) return cdir rescue ZipError return nil end def == (other) #:nodoc: return false unless other.kind_of?(ZipCentralDirectory) @entrySet.entries.sort == other.entries.sort && comment == other.comment end end class ZipError < StandardError ; end class ZipEntryExistsError < ZipError; end class ZipDestinationFileExistsError < ZipError; end class ZipCompressionMethodError < ZipError; end class ZipEntryNameError < ZipError; end class ZipInternalError < ZipError; end # ZipFile is modeled after java.util.zip.ZipFile from the Java SDK. # The most important methods are those inherited from # ZipCentralDirectory for accessing information about the entries in # the archive and methods such as get_input_stream and # get_output_stream for reading from and writing entries to the # archive. The class includes a few convenience methods such as # #extract for extracting entries to the filesystem, and #remove, # #replace, #rename and #mkdir for making simple modifications to # the archive. # # Modifications to a zip archive are not committed until #commit or # #close is called. The method #open accepts a block following # the pattern from File.open offering a simple way to # automatically close the archive when the block returns. # # The following example opens zip archive my.zip # (creating it if it doesn't exist) and adds an entry # first.txt and a directory entry a_dir # to it. # # require 'zip/zip' # # Zip::ZipFile.open("my.zip", Zip::ZipFile::CREATE) { # |zipfile| # zipfile.get_output_stream("first.txt") { |f| f.puts "Hello from ZipFile" } # zipfile.mkdir("a_dir") # } # # The next example reopens my.zip writes the contents of # first.txt to standard out and deletes the entry from # the archive. # # require 'zip/zip' # # Zip::ZipFile.open("my.zip", Zip::ZipFile::CREATE) { # |zipfile| # puts zipfile.read("first.txt") # zipfile.remove("first.txt") # } # # ZipFileSystem offers an alternative API that emulates ruby's # interface for accessing the filesystem, ie. the File and Dir classes. class ZipFile < ZipCentralDirectory CREATE = 1 attr_reader :name # default -> false attr_accessor :restore_ownership # default -> false attr_accessor :restore_permissions # default -> true attr_accessor :restore_times # Opens a zip archive. Pass true as the second parameter to create # a new archive if it doesn't exist already. def initialize(fileName, create = nil) super() @name = fileName @comment = "" if (File.exists?(fileName)) File.open(name, "rb") { |f| read_from_stream(f) } elsif (create) @entrySet = ZipEntrySet.new else raise ZipError, "File #{fileName} not found" end @create = create @storedEntries = @entrySet.dup @restore_ownership = false @restore_permissions = false @restore_times = true end # Same as #new. If a block is passed the ZipFile object is passed # to the block and is automatically closed afterwards just as with # ruby's builtin File.open method. def ZipFile.open(fileName, create = nil) zf = ZipFile.new(fileName, create) if block_given? begin yield zf ensure zf.close end else zf end end # Returns the zip files comment, if it has one attr_accessor :comment # Iterates over the contents of the ZipFile. This is more efficient # than using a ZipInputStream since this methods simply iterates # through the entries in the central directory structure in the archive # whereas ZipInputStream jumps through the entire archive accessing the # local entry headers (which contain the same information as the # central directory). def ZipFile.foreach(aZipFileName, &block) ZipFile.open(aZipFileName) { |zipFile| zipFile.each(&block) } end # Returns an input stream to the specified entry. If a block is passed # the stream object is passed to the block and the stream is automatically # closed afterwards just as with ruby's builtin File.open method. def get_input_stream(entry, &aProc) get_entry(entry).get_input_stream(&aProc) end # Returns an output stream to the specified entry. If a block is passed # the stream object is passed to the block and the stream is automatically # closed afterwards just as with ruby's builtin File.open method. def get_output_stream(entry, &aProc) newEntry = entry.kind_of?(ZipEntry) ? entry : ZipEntry.new(@name, entry.to_s) if newEntry.directory? raise ArgumentError, "cannot open stream to directory entry - '#{newEntry}'" end zipStreamableEntry = ZipStreamableStream.new(newEntry) @entrySet << zipStreamableEntry zipStreamableEntry.get_output_stream(&aProc) end # Returns the name of the zip archive def to_s @name end # Returns a string containing the contents of the specified entry def read(entry) get_input_stream(entry) { |is| is.read } end # Convenience method for adding the contents of a file to the archive def add(entry, srcPath, &continueOnExistsProc) continueOnExistsProc ||= proc { false } check_entry_exists(entry, continueOnExistsProc, "add") newEntry = entry.kind_of?(ZipEntry) ? entry : ZipEntry.new(@name, entry.to_s) newEntry.gather_fileinfo_from_srcpath(srcPath) @entrySet << newEntry end # Removes the specified entry. def remove(entry) @entrySet.delete(get_entry(entry)) end # Renames the specified entry. def rename(entry, newName, &continueOnExistsProc) foundEntry = get_entry(entry) check_entry_exists(newName, continueOnExistsProc, "rename") @entrySet.delete(foundEntry) foundEntry.name = newName @entrySet << foundEntry end # Replaces the specified entry with the contents of srcPath (from # the file system). def replace(entry, srcPath) check_file(srcPath) add(remove(entry), srcPath) end # Extracts entry to file destPath. def extract(entry, destPath, &onExistsProc) onExistsProc ||= proc { false } foundEntry = get_entry(entry) foundEntry.extract(destPath, &onExistsProc) end # Commits changes that has been made since the previous commit to # the zip archive. def commit return if ! commit_required? on_success_replace(name) { |tmpFile| ZipOutputStream.open(tmpFile) { |zos| @entrySet.each { |e| e.write_to_zip_output_stream(zos) } zos.comment = comment } true } initialize(name) end # Closes the zip file committing any changes that has been made. def close commit end # Returns true if any changes has been made to this archive since # the previous commit def commit_required? return @entrySet != @storedEntries || @create == ZipFile::CREATE end # Searches for entry with the specified name. Returns nil if # no entry is found. See also get_entry def find_entry(entry) @entrySet.detect { |e| e.name.sub(/\/$/, "") == entry.to_s.sub(/\/$/, "") } end # Searches for an entry just as find_entry, but throws Errno::ENOENT # if no entry is found. def get_entry(entry) selectedEntry = find_entry(entry) unless selectedEntry raise Errno::ENOENT, entry end selectedEntry.restore_ownership = @restore_ownership selectedEntry.restore_permissions = @restore_permissions selectedEntry.restore_times = @restore_times return selectedEntry end # Creates a directory def mkdir(entryName, permissionInt = 0755) if find_entry(entryName) raise Errno::EEXIST, "File exists - #{entryName}" end @entrySet << ZipStreamableDirectory.new(@name, entryName.to_s.ensure_end("/"), nil, permissionInt) end private def is_directory(newEntry, srcPath) srcPathIsDirectory = File.directory?(srcPath) if newEntry.is_directory && ! srcPathIsDirectory raise ArgumentError, "entry name '#{newEntry}' indicates directory entry, but "+ "'#{srcPath}' is not a directory" elsif ! newEntry.is_directory && srcPathIsDirectory newEntry.name += "/" end return newEntry.is_directory && srcPathIsDirectory end def check_entry_exists(entryName, continueOnExistsProc, procedureName) continueOnExistsProc ||= proc { false } if @entrySet.detect { |e| e.name == entryName } if continueOnExistsProc.call remove get_entry(entryName) else raise ZipEntryExistsError, procedureName+" failed. Entry #{entryName} already exists" end end end def check_file(path) unless File.readable? path raise Errno::ENOENT, path end end def on_success_replace(aFilename) tmpfile = get_tempfile tmpFilename = tmpfile.path tmpfile.close if yield tmpFilename File.rename(tmpFilename, name) end end def get_tempfile tempFile = Tempfile.new(File.basename(name), File.dirname(name)) tempFile.binmode tempFile end end class ZipStreamableDirectory < ZipEntry def initialize(zipfile, entry, srcPath = nil, permissionInt = nil) super(zipfile, entry) @ftype = :directory entry.get_extra_attributes_from_path(srcPath) if (srcPath) @unix_perms = permissionInt if (permissionInt) end end class ZipStreamableStream < DelegateClass(ZipEntry) #nodoc:all def initialize(entry) super(entry) @tempFile = Tempfile.new(File.basename(name), File.dirname(zipfile)) @tempFile.binmode end def get_output_stream if block_given? begin yield(@tempFile) ensure @tempFile.close end else @tempFile end end def get_input_stream if ! @tempFile.closed? raise StandardError, "cannot open entry for reading while its open for writing - #{name}" end @tempFile.open # reopens tempfile from top @tempFile.binmode if block_given? begin yield(@tempFile) ensure @tempFile.close end else @tempFile end end def write_to_zip_output_stream(aZipOutputStream) aZipOutputStream.put_next_entry(self) get_input_stream { |is| IOExtras.copy_stream(aZipOutputStream, is) } end end class ZipExtraField < Hash ID_MAP = {} # Meta class for extra fields class Generic def self.register_map if self.const_defined?(:HEADER_ID) ID_MAP[self.const_get(:HEADER_ID)] = self end end def self.name self.to_s.split("::")[-1] end # return field [size, content] or false def initial_parse(binstr) if ! binstr # If nil, start with empty. return false elsif binstr[0,2] != self.class.const_get(:HEADER_ID) $stderr.puts "Warning: weired extra feild header ID. skip parsing" return false end [binstr[2,2].unpack("v")[0], binstr[4..-1]] end def ==(other) self.class != other.class and return false each { |k, v| v != other[k] and return false } true end def to_local_bin s = pack_for_local self.class.const_get(:HEADER_ID) + [s.length].pack("v") + s end def to_c_dir_bin s = pack_for_c_dir self.class.const_get(:HEADER_ID) + [s.length].pack("v") + s end end # Info-ZIP Additional timestamp field class UniversalTime < Generic HEADER_ID = "UT" register_map def initialize(binstr = nil) @ctime = nil @mtime = nil @atime = nil @flag = nil binstr and merge(binstr) end attr_accessor :atime, :ctime, :mtime, :flag def merge(binstr) binstr == "" and return size, content = initial_parse(binstr) size or return @flag, mtime, atime, ctime = content.unpack("CVVV") mtime and @mtime ||= Time.at(mtime) atime and @atime ||= Time.at(atime) ctime and @ctime ||= Time.at(ctime) end def ==(other) @mtime == other.mtime && @atime == other.atime && @ctime == other.ctime end def pack_for_local s = [@flag].pack("C") @flag & 1 != 0 and s << [@mtime.to_i].pack("V") @flag & 2 != 0 and s << [@atime.to_i].pack("V") @flag & 4 != 0 and s << [@ctime.to_i].pack("V") s end def pack_for_c_dir s = [@flag].pack("C") @flag & 1 == 1 and s << [@mtime.to_i].pack("V") s end end # Info-ZIP Extra for UNIX uid/gid class IUnix < Generic HEADER_ID = "Ux" register_map def initialize(binstr = nil) @uid = 0 @gid = 0 binstr and merge(binstr) end attr_accessor :uid, :gid def merge(binstr) binstr == "" and return size, content = initial_parse(binstr) # size: 0 for central direcotry. 4 for local header return if(! size || size == 0) uid, gid = content.unpack("vv") @uid ||= uid @gid ||= gid end def ==(other) @uid == other.uid && @gid == other.gid end def pack_for_local [@uid, @gid].pack("vv") end def pack_for_c_dir "" end end ## start main of ZipExtraField < Hash def initialize(binstr = nil) binstr and merge(binstr) end def merge(binstr) binstr == "" and return i = 0 while i < binstr.length id = binstr[i,2] len = binstr[i+2,2].to_s.unpack("v")[0] if id && ID_MAP.member?(id) field_name = ID_MAP[id].name if self.member?(field_name) self[field_name].mergea(binstr[i, len+4]) else field_obj = ID_MAP[id].new(binstr[i, len+4]) self[field_name] = field_obj end elsif id unless self["Unknown"] s = "" class << s alias_method :to_c_dir_bin, :to_s alias_method :to_local_bin, :to_s end self["Unknown"] = s end if ! len || len+4 > binstr[i..-1].length self["Unknown"] << binstr[i..-1] break; end self["Unknown"] << binstr[i, len+4] end i += len+4 end end def create(name) field_class = nil ID_MAP.each { |id, klass| if klass.name == name field_class = klass break end } if ! field_class raise ZipError, "Unknown extra field '#{name}'" end self[name] = field_class.new() end def to_local_bin s = "" each { |k, v| s << v.to_local_bin } s end alias :to_s :to_local_bin def to_c_dir_bin s = "" each { |k, v| s << v.to_c_dir_bin } s end def c_dir_length to_c_dir_bin.length end def local_length to_local_bin.length end alias :c_dir_size :c_dir_length alias :local_size :local_length alias :length :local_length alias :size :local_length end # end ZipExtraField end # Zip namespace module # Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Thomas Sondergaard # rubyzip is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the ruby license.