#!/usr/bin/env ruby # -*- coding: binary -*- $:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..')) require 'test/unit' require 'rex' class Rex::Socket::Tcp::UnitTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_tcp port = 65434 listener = Rex::Socket.create_tcp_server( 'LocalPort' => port ) client = nil begin # Connect to the temp server assert_nothing_raised { client = Rex::Socket.create_tcp( 'PeerHost' => '', 'PeerPort' => port) } assert_kind_of(Rex::Socket::Tcp, client, 'kindof?') assert_equal('', client.peerhost, 'peerhost') assert_equal(port, client.peerport, 'peerport') # Accept the client connection server = listener.accept assert_kind_of(Socket, server, "valid server socket connection") # do all of the tests, once for each side { 'c/s' => [client, server], 's/c' => [server, client] }.each_pair { |mode, sockets| a = sockets[0] b = sockets[1] string = "test\n" assert_equal(false, a.has_read_data?(1), "#{mode} : has_read_data?, no data") assert_equal(string.length, b.write(string), "#{mode} : write") assert_equal(true, a.has_read_data?(1), "#{mode} : has_read_data?, with data") assert_equal(string, a.recv(string.length), "#{mode} : recv") string = "string\rtest\nwith\x00null" assert_equal(string.length, a << string, "#{mode} : append") tmp = ''; tmp = b.>> assert_equal(string, tmp, "#{mode} : append (reverse)") string = "\x00foobar\x00" assert_equal(string.length, a.send(string, 0), "#{mode} : send") assert_equal(string, b.get(), "#{mode} : get") } assert_equal(true, client.shutdown(::Socket::SHUT_RD), 'client: shutdown read handle') assert_equal(true, client.shutdown(::Socket::SHUT_WR), 'client: shutdown write handle') assert_nothing_raised { client.close client = nil } ensure client.close if (client) listener.close end end end