#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Check (recursively) for style compliance violations and other # tree inconsistencies. # # by jduck and friends # CHECK_OLD_RUBIES = !!ENV['MSF_CHECK_OLD_RUBIES'] if CHECK_OLD_RUBIES require 'rvm' warn "This is going to take a while, depending on the number of Rubies you have installed." end class String def red "\e[1;31;40m#{self}\e[0m" end def yellow "\e[1;33;40m#{self}\e[0m" end def ascii_only? self =~ Regexp.new('[\x00-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x19\x7f-\xff]', nil, 'n') ? false : true end end class Msftidy LONG_LINE_LENGTH = 200 # From 100 to 200 which is stupidly long def initialize(source_file) @source = load_file(source_file) @name = source_file end public ## # # The following two functions only print what you throw at them, # with the option of displying the line number. error() is meant # for mistakes that might actually break something. # ## def warn(txt, line=0) line_msg = (line>0) ? ":#{line.to_s}" : '' puts "#{@name}#{line_msg} - [#{'WARNING'.yellow}] #{txt}" end def error(txt, line=0) line_msg = (line>0) ? ":#{line.to_s}" : '' puts "#{@name}#{line_msg} - [#{'ERROR'.red}] #{txt}" end ## # # The functions below are actually the ones checking the source code # ## def check_ref_identifiers in_super = false in_refs = false @source.each_line do |line| if !in_super and line =~ /[\n\t]+super\(/ in_super = true elsif in_super and line =~ /[[:space:]]*def \w+[\(\w+\)]*/ in_super = false break end if in_super and line =~ /'References'[[:space:]]*=>/ in_refs = true elsif in_super and in_refs and line =~ /^[[:space:]]+\],*/m break elsif in_super and in_refs and line =~ /[^#]+\[[[:space:]]*['"](.+)['"][[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*['"](.+)['"][[:space:]]*\]/ identifier = $1.strip.upcase value = $2.strip case identifier when 'CVE' warn("Invalid CVE format: '#{value}'") if value !~ /^\d{4}\-\d{4}$/ when 'OSVDB' warn("Invalid OSVDB format: '#{value}'") if value !~ /^\d+$/ when 'BID' warn("Invalid BID format: '#{value}'") if value !~ /^\d+$/ when 'MSB' warn("Invalid MSB format: '#{value}'") if value !~ /^MS\d+\-\d+$/ when 'MIL' warn("milw0rm references are no longer supported.") when 'EDB' warn("Invalid EDB reference") if value !~ /^\d+$/ when 'WVE' warn("Invalid WVE reference") if value !~ /^\d+\-\d+$/ when 'US-CERT-VU' warn("Invalid US-CERT-VU reference") if value !~ /^\d+$/ when 'URL' if value =~ /^http:\/\/www\.osvdb\.org/ warn("Please use 'OSVDB' for '#{value}'") elsif value =~ /^http:\/\/cvedetails\.com\/cve/ warn("Please use 'CVE' for '#{value}'") elsif value =~ /^http:\/\/www\.securityfocus\.com\/bid\// warn("Please use 'BID' for '#{value}'") elsif value =~ /^http:\/\/www\.microsoft\.com\/technet\/security\/bulletin\// warn("Please use 'MSB' for '#{value}'") elsif value =~ /^http:\/\/www\.exploit\-db\.com\/exploits\// warn("Please use 'EDB' for '#{value}'") elsif value =~ /^http:\/\/www\.wirelessve\.org\/entries\/show\/WVE\-/ warn("Please use 'WVE' for '#{value}'") elsif value =~ /^http:\/\/www\.kb\.cert\.org\/vuls\/id\// warn("Please use 'US-CERT-VU' for '#{value}'") end end end end end def check_old_keywords max_count = 10 counter = 0 if @source =~ /^##/ @source.each_line do |line| # If exists, the $Id$ keyword should appear at the top of the code. # If not (within the first 10 lines), then we assume there's no # $Id$, and then bail. break if counter >= max_count if line =~ /^#[[:space:]]*\$Id\$/i warn("Keyword $Id$ is no longer needed.") break end counter += 1 end end if @source =~ /'Version'[[:space:]]*=>[[:space:]]*['"]\$Revision\$['"]/ warn("Keyword $Revision$ is no longer needed.") end end def check_badchars badchars = %Q|&<=>| in_super = false in_author = false @source.each_line do |line| # # Mark our "super" code block # if !in_super and line =~ /[\n\t]+super\(/ in_super = true elsif in_super and line =~ /[[:space:]]*def \w+[\(\w+\)]*/ in_super = false break end # # While in super() code block # if in_super and line =~ /'Name'[[:space:]]*=>[[:space:]]*['|"](.+)['|"]/ # Now we're checking the module titlee mod_title = $1 mod_title.each_char do |c| if badchars.include?(c) error("'#{c}' is a bad character in module title.") end end if not mod_title.ascii_only? error("Please avoid unicode or non-printable characters in module title.") end # Since we're looking at the module title, this line clearly cannot be # the author block, so no point to run more code below. next end # # Mark our 'Author' block # if in_super and !in_author and line =~ /'Author'[[:space:]]*=>/ in_author = true elsif in_super and in_author and line =~ /\],*\n/ or line =~ /['"][[:print:]]*['"][[:space:]]*=>/ in_author = false end # # While in 'Author' block, check for Twitter handles # if in_super and in_author if line =~ /Author/ author_name = line.scan(/\[[[:space:]]*['"](.+)['"]/).flatten[-1] || '' else author_name = line.scan(/['"](.+)['"]/).flatten[-1] || '' end if author_name =~ /^@.+$/ error("No Twitter handle, please. Try leaving it in a comment instead.") end if not author_name.ascii_only? error("Please avoid unicode or non-printable characters in Author") end end end end def check_extname if File.extname(@name) != '.rb' error("Module should be a '.rb' file, or it won't load.") end end def test_old_rubies(f_rel) return true unless CHECK_OLD_RUBIES return true unless Object.const_defined? :RVM puts "Checking syntax for #{f_rel}." rubies ||= RVM.list_strings res = %x{rvm all do ruby -c #{f_rel}}.split("\n").select {|msg| msg =~ /Syntax OK/} rubies.size == res.size error("Fails alternate Ruby version check") if rubies.size end def check_ranking return if @source !~ / \< Msf::Exploit/ available_ranks = [ 'ManualRanking', 'LowRanking', 'AverageRanking', 'NormalRanking', 'GoodRanking', 'GreatRanking', 'ExcellentRanking' ] if @source =~ /Rank \= (\w+)/ if not available_ranks.include?($1) error("Invalid ranking. You have '#{$1}'") end end end def check_disclosure_date return if @source =~ /Generic Payload Handler/ or @source !~ / \< Msf::Exploit/ # Check disclosure date format if @source =~ /'DisclosureDate'.*\=\>[\x0d\x20]*['\"](.+)['\"]/ d = $1 #Captured date # Flag if overall format is wrong if d =~ /^... \d{1,2}\,* \d{4}/ # Flag if month format is wrong m = d.split[0] months = [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ] error('Incorrect disclosure month format') if months.index(m).nil? else error('Incorrect disclosure date format') end else error('Exploit is missing a disclosure date') end end def check_title_casing if @source =~ /'Name'[[:space:]]*=>[[:space:]]*['"](.+)['"],*$/ words = $1.split words.each do |word| if %w{and or the for to in of as with a an on at}.include?(word) next elsif word =~ /^[a-z]+$/ warn("Improper capitalization in module title: '#{word}'") end end end end def check_bad_terms # "Stack overflow" vs "Stack buffer overflow" - See explanation: # http://blogs.technet.com/b/srd/archive/2009/01/28/stack-overflow-stack-exhaustion-not-the-same-as-stack-buffer-overflow.aspx if @source =~ /class Metasploit\d < Msf::Exploit::Remote/ and @source.gsub("\n", "") =~ /stack[[:space:]]+overflow/i warn('Contains "stack overflow" You mean "stack buffer overflow"?') elsif @source =~ /class Metasploit\d < Msf::Auxiliary/ and @source.gsub("\n", "") =~ /stack[[:space:]]+overflow/i warn('Contains "stack overflow" You mean "stack exhaustion"?') end end def check_function_basics functions = @source.scan(/def (\w+)\(*(.+)\)*/) functions.each do |func_name, args| # Check argument length args_length = args.split(",").length warn("Poorly designed argument list in '#{func_name}()'. Try a hash.") if args_length > 6 end end def check_lines url_ok = true no_stdio = true in_comment = false in_literal = false src_ended = false idx = 0 @source.each_line { |ln| idx += 1 # block comment awareness if ln =~ /^=end$/ in_comment = false next end in_comment = true if ln =~ /^=begin$/ next if in_comment # block string awareness (ignore indentation in these) in_literal = false if ln =~ /^EOS$/ next if in_literal in_literal = true if ln =~ /\<\<-EOS$/ # ignore stuff after an __END__ line src_ended = true if ln =~ /^__END__$/ next if src_ended if ln =~ /[\x00-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x19\x7f-\xff]/ error("Unicode detected: #{ln.inspect}", idx) end if (ln.length > LONG_LINE_LENGTH) warn("Line exceeding #{LONG_LINE_LENGTH.to_s} bytes", idx) end if ln =~ /[ \t]$/ warn("Spaces at EOL", idx) end if (ln.length > 1) and (ln =~ /^([\t ]*)/) and ($1.include?(' ')) warn("Bad indent: #{ln.inspect}", idx) end if ln =~ /\r$/ warn("Carriage return EOL", idx) end url_ok = false if ln =~ /\.com\/projects\/Framework/ if ln =~ /File\.open/ and ln =~ /[\"\'][arw]/ if not ln =~ /[\"\'][wra]\+?b\+?[\"\']/ warn("File.open without binary mode", idx) end end if ln =~/^[ \t]*load[ \t]+[\x22\x27]/ error("Loading (not requiring) a file: #{ln.inspect}", idx) end # The rest of these only count if it's not a comment line next if ln =~ /[[:space:]]*#/ if ln =~ /\$std(?:out|err)/i or ln =~ /[[:space:]]puts/ no_stdio = false error("Writes to stdout", idx) end } end private def load_file(file) f = open(file, 'rb') buf = f.read(f.stat.size) f.close return buf end end def run_checks(f_rel) tidy = Msftidy.new(f_rel) tidy.check_ref_identifiers tidy.check_old_keywords tidy.check_badchars tidy.check_extname tidy.test_old_rubies(f_rel) tidy.check_ranking tidy.check_disclosure_date tidy.check_title_casing tidy.check_bad_terms tidy.check_function_basics tidy.check_lines end ## # # Main program # ## dirs = ARGV if dirs.length < 1 $stderr.puts "Usage: #{File.basename(__FILE__)} " exit(1) end dirs.each { |dir| f = nil old_dir = nil if dir if File.file?(dir) # whoa, a single file! f = File.basename(dir) dir = File.dirname(dir) end old_dir = Dir.getwd Dir.chdir(dir) dparts = dir.split('/') else dparts = [] end # Only one file? if f run_checks(f) else # Do a recursive check of the specified directory Dir.glob('**/*.rb') { |f| run_checks(f) } end Dir.chdir(old_dir) }