## # This module requires Metasploit: http://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## require 'msf/core' class MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Tcp include Msf::Auxiliary::WmapScanSSL include Msf::Auxiliary::Scanner include Msf::Auxiliary::Report include Rex::Socket::Comm def initialize super( 'Name' => 'HTTP SSL Certificate Information', 'Description' => 'Parse the server SSL certificate to obtain the common name and signature algorithm', 'Author' => [ 'et', #original module 'Chris John Riley', #additions 'Veit Hailperin ', # checks for public key size, valid time ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE ) register_options([ Opt::RPORT(443) ], self.class) end # Fingerprint a single host def run_host(ip) begin connect(true, {"SSL" => true}) #Force SSL if sock.respond_to? :peer_cert cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(sock.peer_cert) end disconnect if cert print_status("Subject: #{cert.subject}") print_status("Issuer: #{cert.issuer}") print_status("Signature Alg: #{cert.signature_algorithm}") # If we use ECDSA rather than RSA, our metrics for key size are different public_key_size = 0 if cert.public_key.respond_to? :n public_key_size = cert.public_key.n.num_bytes * 8 print_status("Public Key Size: #{public_key_size} bits") end print_status("Not Valid Before: #{cert.not_before}") print_status("Not Valid After: #{cert.not_after}") # Checks for common properties of self signed certificates caissuer = (/CA Issuers - URI:(.*?),/i).match(cert.extensions.to_s) if caissuer.to_s.empty? print_good("Certificate contains no CA Issuers extension... possible self signed certificate") else print_status(caissuer.to_s[0..-2]) end if cert.issuer.to_s == cert.subject.to_s print_good("Certificate Subject and Issuer match... possible self signed certificate") end alg = cert.signature_algorithm if alg.downcase.include? "md5" print_status("WARNING: Signature algorithm using MD5 (#{alg})") end vhostn = nil cert.subject.to_a.each do |n| vhostn = n[1] if n[0] == 'CN' end if public_key_size > 0 if public_key_size == 1024 print_status("WARNING: Public Key only 1024 bits") elsif public_key_size < 1024 print_status("WARNING: Weak Public Key: #{public_key_size} bits") end end if cert.not_after < Time.now print_status("WARNING: Certificate not valid anymore") end if cert.not_before > Time.now print_status("WARNING: Certificate not valid yet") end if vhostn print_status("Has common name #{vhostn}") # Store the virtual hostname for HTTP report_note( :host => ip, :port => rport, :proto => 'tcp', :type => 'http.vhost', :data => {:name => vhostn} ) # Store the SSL certificate itself report_note( :host => ip, :proto => 'tcp', :port => rport, :type => 'ssl.certificate', :data => { :cn => vhostn, :subject => cert.subject.to_a, :algorithm => alg, :valid_from => cert.not_before, :valid_after => cert.not_after, :key_size => public_key_size } ) # Update the server hostname if necessary if vhostn !~ /localhost|snakeoil/i report_host( :host => ip, :name => vhostn ) end end else print_status("No certificate subject or common name found") end rescue ::Rex::ConnectionRefused, ::Rex::HostUnreachable, ::Rex::ConnectionTimeout rescue ::Timeout::Error, ::Errno::EPIPE end end end