require 'rkelly/lexeme' module RKelly class Tokenizer KEYWORDS = %w{ break case catch continue default delete do else finally for function if in instanceof new return switch this throw try typeof var void while with const true false null debugger } RESERVED = %w{ abstract boolean byte char class double enum export extends final float goto implements import int interface long native package private protected public short static super synchronized throws transient volatile } LITERALS = { # Punctuators '==' => :EQEQ, '!=' => :NE, '===' => :STREQ, '!==' => :STRNEQ, '<=' => :LE, '>=' => :GE, '||' => :OR, '&&' => :AND, '++' => :PLUSPLUS, '--' => :MINUSMINUS, '<<' => :LSHIFT, '<<=' => :LSHIFTEQUAL, '>>' => :RSHIFT, '>>=' => :RSHIFTEQUAL, '>>>' => :URSHIFT, '>>>='=> :URSHIFTEQUAL, '&=' => :ANDEQUAL, '%=' => :MODEQUAL, '^=' => :XOREQUAL, '|=' => :OREQUAL, '+=' => :PLUSEQUAL, '-=' => :MINUSEQUAL, '*=' => :MULTEQUAL, '/=' => :DIVEQUAL, } TOKENS_THAT_IMPLY_DIVISION = [:IDENT, :NUMBER, ')', ']', '}'] def initialize(&block) @lexemes = [] token(:COMMENT, /\A\/(?:\*(?:.)*?\*\/|\/[^\n]*)/m) token(:STRING, /\A"(?:[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)"|\A'(?:[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*)'/m) # A regexp to match floating point literals (but not integer literals). token(:NUMBER, /\A\d+\.\d*(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?|\A\d+(?:\.\d*)?[eE][-+]?\d+|\A\.\d+(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/m) do |type, value| value.gsub!(/\.(\D)/, '.0\1') if value =~ /\.\w/ value.gsub!(/\.$/, '.0') if value =~ /\.$/ value.gsub!(/^\./, '0.') if value =~ /^\./ [type, eval(value)] end token(:NUMBER, /\A0[xX][\da-fA-F]+|\A0[0-7]*|\A\d+/) do |type, value| [type, eval(value)] end token(:LITERALS, { |x| x.length } { |x| "\\A#{x.gsub(/([|+*^])/, '\\\\\1')}" }.join('|') )) do |type, value| [LITERALS[value], value] end token(:IDENT, /\A([_\$A-Za-z][_\$0-9A-Za-z]*)/) do |type,value| if KEYWORDS.include?(value) [value.upcase.to_sym, value] elsif RESERVED.include?(value) [:RESERVED, value] else [type, value] end end token(:REGEXP, /\A\/(?:[^\/\r\n\\]*(?:\\[^\r\n][^\/\r\n\\]*)*)\/[gi]*/) token(:S, /\A[\s\r\n]*/m) token(:SINGLE_CHAR, /\A./) do |type, value| [value, value] end end def tokenize(string) raw_tokens(string).map { |x| x.to_racc_token } end def raw_tokens(string) tokens = [] line_number = 1 accepting_regexp = true while string.length > 0 longest_token = nil @lexemes.each { |lexeme| next if == :REGEXP && !accepting_regexp match = lexeme.match(string) next if match.nil? longest_token = match if longest_token.nil? next if longest_token.value.length >= match.value.length longest_token = match } accepting_regexp = followable_by_regex(longest_token) longest_token.line = line_number line_number += longest_token.value.scan(/\n/).length string = string.slice(, -1)) tokens << longest_token end tokens end private def token(name, pattern = nil, &block) @lexemes <<, pattern, &block) end def followable_by_regex(current_token) name = name = current_token.value if name == :SINGLE_CHAR #the tokens that imply division vs. start of regex form a disjoint set !TOKENS_THAT_IMPLY_DIVISION.include?(name) end end end