module Rex module IO ### # # This mixin provides the framework and interface for implementing a streaming # server that can listen for and accept stream client connections. Stream # servers extend this class and are required to implement the following # methods: # # accept # fd # ### module StreamServer ## # # Abstract methods # ## ## # # Default server monitoring and client management implementation follows # below. # ## # # This callback is notified when a client connects. # def on_client_connect(client) if (on_client_connect_proc) end end # # This callback is notified when a client connection has data that needs to # be processed. # def on_client_data(client) if (on_client_data_proc) end end # # This callback is notified when a client connection has closed. # def on_client_close(client) if (on_client_close_proc) end end # # Start monitoring the listener socket for connections and keep track of # all client connections. # def start self.clients = [] self.listener_thread = { monitor_listener } self.clients_thread = { monitor_clients } end # # Terminates the listener monitoring threads and closes all active clients. # def stop self.listener_thread.kill self.clients_thread.kill self.clients.each { |cli| close_client(cli) } end # # This method closes a client connection and cleans up the resources # associated with it. # def close_client(client) if (client) clients.delete(client) begin client.close rescue IOError end end end ## # # Callback procedures. # ## # # This callback procedure can be set and will be called when new clients # connect. # attr_accessor :on_client_connect_proc # # This callback procedure can be set and will be called when clients # have data to be processed. # attr_accessor :on_client_data_proc # # This callback procedure can be set and will be called when a client # disconnects from the server. # attr_accessor :on_client_close_proc protected attr_accessor :clients # :nodoc: attr_accessor :listener_thread, :clients_thread # :nodoc: # # This method monitors the listener socket for new connections and calls # the +on_client_connect+ callback routine. # def monitor_listener begin sd =[ fd ]) # Accept the new client connection if (sd[0].length > 0) cli = accept next unless cli # Insert it into some lists self.clients << cli on_client_connect(cli) end rescue elog("Error (#{$!.class}) in stream server listener monitor: #{$!}") rlog(ExceptionCallStack) break end while true end # # This method monitors client connections for data and calls the # +on_client_data+ routine when new data arrives. # def monitor_clients begin if (clients.length == 0) Rex::ThreadSafe::sleep(0.25) next end sd = sd[0].each { |fd| begin on_client_data(fd) rescue EOFError on_client_close(fd) close_client(fd) rescue ::Interrupt raise $! rescue ::Exception close_client(fd) elog("Error in stream server client monitor: #{$!}") rlog(ExceptionCallStack) end } rescue ::Rex::StreamClosedError => e # Remove the closed stream from the list clients.delete( rescue ::Interrupt raise $! rescue ::Exception elog("Error in stream server client monitor: #{$!}") rlog(ExceptionCallStack) end while true end end end end