#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # This tool provides an easy way to see what opcodes are associated with # certain x86 instructions by making use of Metasm! # # This file is part of Metasm, the Ruby assembly manipulation suite # Copyright (C) 2007 Yoann GUILLOT # # Licence is LGPL, see LICENCE in the top-level directory $:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')) require 'metasm' class String @@cpu = Metasm::Ia32.new class << self def cpu() @@cpu end def cpu=(c) @@cpu=c end end # encodes the current string as a Shellcode, returns the resulting EncodedData def encode_edata s = Metasm::Shellcode.assemble @@cpu, self s.encoded end # encodes the current string as a Shellcode, returns the resulting binary String # outputs warnings on unresolved relocations def encode ed = encode_edata if not ed.reloc.empty? puts 'W: encoded string has unresolved relocations: ' + ed.reloc.map { |o, r| r.target.inspect }.join(', ') end ed.fill ed.data end # decodes the current string as a Shellcode, with specified base address # returns the resulting Disassembler def decode_blocks(base_addr=0, eip=base_addr) sc = Metasm::Shellcode.decode(self, @@cpu) sc.base_addr = base_addr sc.disassemble(eip) end # decodes the current string as a Shellcode, with specified base address # returns the asm source equivallent def decode(base_addr=0, eip=base_addr) decode_blocks(base_addr, eip).to_s end end # get in interactive assembler mode def asm puts 'type "exit" or "quit" to quit', 'use ";" for newline', '' while (print "asm> " ; $stdout.flush ; l = gets) break if %w[quit exit].include? l.chomp begin data = l.gsub(';', "\n") next if data.strip.empty? data = data.encode puts '"' + data.unpack('C*').map { |c| '\\x%02x' % c }.join + '"' rescue Metasm::Exception => e puts "Error: #{e.class} #{e.message}" end end puts end if __FILE__ == $0 asm end