require 'Rex/Socket' require 'Rex/Socket/Tcp' ### # # Local # ----- # # Local communication class factory. # ### class Rex::Socket::Comm::Local # # Creates an instance of a socket using the supplied parameters. # def self.create(param) case param.proto when 'tcp' return create_by_type(param, ::Socket::SOCK_STREAM, ::Socket::IPPROTO_TCP) when 'udp' return create_by_type(param, ::Socket::SOCK_DGRAM, ::Socket::IPPROTO_UDP) else raise RuntimeError, "Unsupported protocol: #{param.proto}", caller # FIXME EXCEPTION end end # # Creates a socket # def self.create_by_type(param, type, proto = 0) # Create the socket sock =, type, proto) # Bind to a given local address and/or port if they are supplied if (param.localhost || param.localport) sock.bind(Rex::Socket.to_sockaddr(param.localhost, param.localport)) end # If a server TCP instance is being created... if (param.server?) sock.listen(32) return sock if (param.bare?) return # Otherwise, if we're creating a client... else # If we were supplied with host information if (param.peerhost) sock.connect(Rex::Socket.to_sockaddr(param.peerhost, param.peerport)) end return sock if (param.bare?) case param.proto when 'tcp' return end end end end