require 'spec_helper' require 'metasploit/framework/jtr/cracker' RSpec.describe Metasploit::Framework::JtR::Cracker do subject(:cracker) { } let(:john_path) { '/path/to/john' } let(:other_john_path) { '/path/to/other/john' } let(:session_id) { 'Session1' } let(:config) { '/path/to/config.conf' } let(:pot) { '/path/to/john.pot' } let(:other_pot) { '/path/to/other/pot' } let(:wordlist) { '/path/to/wordlist' } let(:hash_path) { '/path/to/hashes' } let(:nt_format) { 'nt' } let(:incremental) { 'Digits5' } let(:rules) { 'Rule34'} let(:max_runtime) { 5000 } describe '#binary_path' do context 'when the user supplied a john_path' do before(:example) do cracker.john_path = john_path end it 'returns the manual path if it exists and is a regular file' do expect(::File).to receive(:file?).with(john_path).once.and_return true expect(cracker.binary_path).to eq john_path end it 'rejects the manual path if it does not exist or is not a regular file' do expect(::File).to receive(:file?).with(john_path).once.and_return false expect(Rex::FileUtils).to receive(:find_full_path).with('john').and_return other_john_path expect(::File).to receive(:file?).with(other_john_path).once.and_return true expect(cracker.binary_path).to_not eq john_path end end context 'when the user did not supply a path' do it 'returns the john binary from the PATH if it exists' do expect(Rex::FileUtils).to receive(:find_full_path).and_return john_path expect(::File).to receive(:file?).with(john_path).once.and_return true expect(cracker.binary_path).to eq john_path end end end describe '#crack_command' do before(:example) do expect(cracker).to receive(:binary_path).and_return john_path expect(cracker).to receive(:john_session_id).and_return session_id end it 'starts with the john binary path' do expect(cracker.crack_command[0]).to eq john_path end it 'sets a session id' do expect(cracker.crack_command).to include "--session=#{session_id}" end it 'sets the nolog flag' do expect(cracker.crack_command).to include '--nolog' end it 'adds a config directive if the user supplied one' do cracker.config = config expect(cracker.crack_command).to include "--config=#{config}" end it 'does not use a config directive if not supplied one' do expect(cracker.crack_command).to_not include "--config=#{config}" end it 'uses the user supplied john.pot if there is one' do cracker.pot = pot expect(cracker.crack_command).to include "--pot=#{pot}" end it 'uses default john.pot if the user did not supply one' do expect(cracker).to receive(:john_pot_file).and_return other_pot expect(cracker.crack_command).to include "--pot=#{other_pot}" end it 'uses the user supplied format directive' do cracker.format = nt_format expect(cracker.crack_command).to include "--format=#{nt_format}" end it 'uses the user supplied wordlist directive' do cracker.wordlist = wordlist expect(cracker.crack_command).to include "--wordlist=#{wordlist}" end it 'uses the user supplied incremental directive' do cracker.incremental = incremental expect(cracker.crack_command).to include "--incremental=#{incremental}" end it 'uses the user supplied rules directive' do cracker.rules = rules expect(cracker.crack_command).to include "--rules=#{rules}" end it 'uses the user supplied max-run-time' do cracker.max_runtime = max_runtime expect(cracker.crack_command).to include "--max-run-time=#{max_runtime.to_s}" end it 'puts the path to the has file at the end' do cracker.hash_path = hash_path expect(cracker.crack_command.last).to eq hash_path end end describe '#show_command' do before(:example) do expect(cracker).to receive(:binary_path).and_return john_path end it 'starts with the john binary path' do expect(cracker.show_command[0]).to eq john_path end it 'has the --show flag' do expect(cracker.show_command).to include '--show' end it 'uses the user supplied john.pot if there is one' do cracker.pot = pot expect(cracker.show_command).to include "--pot=#{pot}" end it 'uses default john.pot if the user did not supply one' do expect(cracker).to receive(:john_pot_file).and_return other_pot expect(cracker.show_command).to include "--pot=#{other_pot}" end it 'uses the user supplied format directive' do cracker.format = nt_format expect(cracker.show_command).to include "--format=#{nt_format}" end it 'puts the path to the has file at the end' do cracker.hash_path = hash_path expect(cracker.show_command.last).to eq hash_path end end describe 'validations' do context 'failures' do context 'file_path validators' do before(:example) do expect(File).to receive(:file?).and_return false end it 'produces the correct error message for config' do cracker.config = config expect(cracker).to_not be_valid expect(cracker.errors[:config]).to include "is not a valid path to a regular file" end it 'produces the correct error message for hash_path' do cracker.hash_path = hash_path expect(cracker).to_not be_valid expect(cracker.errors[:hash_path]).to include "is not a valid path to a regular file" end it 'produces the correct error message for pot' do cracker.pot = pot expect(cracker).to_not be_valid expect(cracker.errors[:pot]).to include "is not a valid path to a regular file" end it 'produces the correct error message for wordlist' do cracker.wordlist = wordlist expect(cracker).to_not be_valid expect(cracker.errors[:wordlist]).to include "is not a valid path to a regular file" end end context 'executable_path validators' do before(:example) do expect(File).to receive(:executable?).and_return false end it 'produces the correct error message for john_path' do cracker.john_path = john_path expect(cracker).to_not be_valid expect(cracker.errors[:john_path]).to include "is not a valid path to an executable file" end end end context 'successes' do context 'file_path validators' do before(:example) do expect(File).to receive(:file?).and_return true end it 'produces no error message for config' do cracker.config = config expect(cracker).to be_valid expect(cracker.errors[:config]).to_not include "is not a valid path to a regular file" end it 'produces no error message for hash_path' do cracker.hash_path = hash_path expect(cracker).to be_valid expect(cracker.errors[:hash_path]).to_not include "is not a valid path to a regular file" end it 'produces no error message for pot' do cracker.pot = pot expect(cracker).to be_valid expect(cracker.errors[:pot]).to_not include "is not a valid path to a regular file" end it 'produces no error message for wordlist' do cracker.wordlist = wordlist expect(cracker).to be_valid expect(cracker.errors[:wordlist]).to_not include "is not a valid path to a regular file" end end context 'executable_path validators' do before(:example) do expect(File).to receive(:executable?).and_return true end it 'produces no error message for john_path' do cracker.john_path = john_path expect(cracker).to be_valid expect(cracker.errors[:john_path]).to_not include "is not a valid path to an executable file" end end end end end