# This file is part of Metasm, the Ruby assembly manipulation suite # Copyright (C) 2009 Yoann GUILLOT # # Licence is LGPL, see LICENCE in the top-level directory # # this exemple illustrates the use of the cparser/preprocessor #factorize functionnality: # it generates code that references to the functions imported by an ELF executable # usage: factorize-imports.rb [] [... !] # require 'metasm' include Metasm require 'optparse' opts = { :hdrs => [], :defs => {}, :path => [] } OptionParser.new { |opt| opt.on('-o outfile') { |f| opts[:outfile] = f } opt.on('-H additional_header') { |f| opts[:hdrs] << f } opt.on('--exe executable') { |f| opts[:exe] = f } opt.on('-I path', '--includepath path') { |f| opts[:path] << f } opt.on('-D var') { |f| k, v = f.split('=', 2) ; opts[:defs].update k => (v || '') } opt.on('--gcc') { opts[:gcc] = true } opt.on('--vs', '--visualstudio') { opts[:vs] = true } }.parse!(ARGV) exe = AutoExe.decode_file_header(opts[:exe] || ARGV.shift) opts[:path] ||= [ARGV.shift] if not ARGV.empty? case exe when PE exe.decode_imports funcnames = exe.imports.map { |id| id.imports.map { |i| i.name } } when ELF exe.decode_segments_dynamic funcnames = exe.symbols.map { |s| s.name if s.shndx == 'UNDEF' and s.type == 'FUNC' } opts[:hdrs] << 'stdio.h' << 'stdlib.h' << 'unistd.h' opts[:gcc] = true if not opts[:vs] else raise "unsupported #{exe.class}" end funcnames = funcnames.flatten.compact.uniq.sort ARGV.each { |n| if n[0] == ?! funcnames.delete n[1..-1] else funcnames |= [n] end } src = <" }.join("\n")} EOS parser = Ia32.new.new_cparser parser.factorize_init parser.parse src outfd = (opts[:outfile] ? File.open(opts[:outfile], 'w') : $stdout) # delete imports not present in the header files funcnames.delete_if { |f| if not parser.toplevel.symbol[f] puts "// #{f.inspect} is not defined in the headers" true end } parser.parse "void *fnptr[] = { #{funcnames.map { |f| '&'+f }.join(', ')} };" outfd.puts parser.factorize_final outfd.close