# Parsed options for {Metasploit::Framework::Command::Console} class Metasploit::Framework::ParsedOptions::Console < Metasploit::Framework::ParsedOptions::Base # Options parsed from msfconsole command-line. # # @return [ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions] def options unless @options super.tap { |options| options.console = ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions.new options.console.commands = [] options.console.confirm_exit = false options.console.defanged = false options.console.local_output = nil options.console.plugins = [] options.console.quiet = false options.console.real_readline = false options.console.resources = [] options.console.subcommand = :run } end @options end private # Parses msfconsole arguments into {#options}. # # @return [OptionParser] def option_parser unless @option_parser super.tap { |option_parser| option_parser.banner = "Usage: #{option_parser.program_name} [options]" option_parser.separator '' option_parser.separator 'Console options:' option_parser.on('-a', '--ask', "Ask before exiting Metasploit or accept 'exit -y'") do options.console.confirm_exit = true end option_parser.on('-d', '--defanged', 'Execute the console as defanged') do options.console.defanged = true end option_parser.on('-L', '--real-readline', 'Use the system Readline library instead of RbReadline') do options.console.real_readline = true end option_parser.on('-o', '--output FILE', 'Output to the specified file') do |file| options.console.local_output = file end option_parser.on('-p', '--plugin PLUGIN', 'Load a plugin on startup') do |plugin| options.console.plugins << plugin end option_parser.on('-q', '--quiet', 'Do not print the banner on startup') do options.console.quiet = true end option_parser.on('-r', '--resource FILE', 'Execute the specified resource file (- for stdin)') do |file| options.console.resources << file end option_parser.on( '-x', '--execute-command COMMAND', 'Execute the specified string as console commands (use ; for multiples)' ) do |commands| options.console.commands += commands.split(/\s*;\s*/) end } end @option_parser end end