#!/usr/bin/env ruby ## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## # # This script lists each module by the default ports it uses # msfbase = __FILE__ while File.symlink?(msfbase) msfbase = File.expand_path(File.readlink(msfbase), File.dirname(msfbase)) end $:.unshift(File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(msfbase), '..', '..', 'lib'))) require 'msfenv' $:.unshift(ENV['MSF_LOCAL_LIB']) if ENV['MSF_LOCAL_LIB'] require 'rex' require 'msf/ui' require 'msf/base' # Initialize the simplified framework instance. $framework = Msf::Simple::Framework.create('DisableDatabase' => true) all_modules = $framework.exploits.merge($framework.auxiliary) all_ports = {} all_modules.each_module { |name, mod| x = mod.new ports = [] if x.datastore['RPORT'] ports << x.datastore['RPORT'] end if(x.respond_to?('autofilter_ports')) x.autofilter_ports.each do |rport| ports << rport end end ports = ports.map{|p| p.to_i} ports.uniq! ports.sort{|a,b| a <=> b}.each do |rport| # Just record the first occurance. all_ports[rport] = x.fullname unless all_ports[rport] end } all_ports.sort.each { |k,v| puts "%5s # %s" % [k,v] }