## # $Id$ ## ## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://metasploit.com/ ## ## # # Tip : run "show advanced" for more options # ## require 'msf/core' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'HTTP Form Field Fuzzer', 'Description' => %q{ This module will grab all fields from a form, and launch a series of POST actions, fuzzing the contents of the form fields. You can optionally fuzz headers too (option is enabled by default) }, 'Author' => [ 'corelanc0d3r', 'Paulino Calderon ' #Added cookie handling ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Version' => '$Revision$', 'References' => [ ['URL','http://www.corelan.be:8800/index.php/2010/11/12/metasploit-module-http-form-field-fuzzer'], ] )) register_options( [ OptString.new('URL', [ false, "The URL that contains the form", "/"]), OptString.new('FORM', [ false, "The name of the form to use. Leave empty to fuzz all forms","" ] ), OptString.new('FIELDS', [ false, "Name of the fields to fuzz. Leave empty to fuzz all fields","" ] ), OptString.new('ACTION', [ false, "Form action full URI. Leave empty to autodetect","" ] ), OptInt.new('STARTSIZE', [ true, "Fuzzing string startsize.",1000]), OptInt.new('ENDSIZE', [ true, "Max Fuzzing string size.",40000]), OptInt.new('STEPSIZE', [ true, "Increment fuzzing string each attempt.",1000]), OptInt.new('TIMEOUT', [ true, "Number of seconds to wait for response on GET or POST",15]), OptInt.new('DELAY', [ true, "Number of seconds to wait between 2 actions",0]), OptInt.new('STOPAFTER', [ false, "Stop after x number of consecutive errors",2]), OptBool.new('CYCLIC', [ true, "Use Cyclic pattern instead of A's (fuzzing payload).",true]), OptBool.new('FUZZHEADERS', [ true, "Fuzz headers",true]), OptString.new('HEADERFIELDS', [ false, "Name of the headerfields to fuzz. Leave empty to fuzz all fields","" ] ), OptString.new('TYPES', [ true, "Field types to fuzz","text,password,inputtextbox"]), OptString.new('CODE', [ true, "Response code(s) indicating OK", "200,301,302,303" ] ), OptBool.new('HANDLECOOKIES', [ true, "Appends cookies with every request.",false]) ], self.class ) end def init_vars proto = "http://" if datastore['SSL'] proto = "https://" end useragent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009102814 Ubuntu/8.10 (intrepid) Firefox/3.0.15" if datastore['UserAgent'] != nil if datastore['UserAgent'].length > 0 useragent = datastore['UserAgent'] end end host = datastore['RHOST'] if datastore['VHOST'] if datastore['VHOST'].length > 0 host = datastore['VHOST'] end end @send_data = { :uri => '', :version => '1.1', :method => 'POST', :headers => { 'Content-Length' => 100, 'Host' => host, 'User-Agent' => useragent, 'Accept' => 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Language' => 'en-us,en;q=0.5', 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip,deflate', 'Accept-Charset' => 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7', 'Keep-Alive' => '300', 'Connection' => 'keep-alive', 'Referer' => proto + datastore['RHOST'] + ":" + datastore['RPORT'], 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', } } @get_data_headers = { 'Host' => host, 'User-Agent' => useragent, 'Referer' => proto + datastore['RHOST'] + ":" + datastore['RPORT'], } end def init_fuzzdata @fuzzsize = datastore['STARTSIZE'] @endsize = datastore['ENDSIZE'] set_fuzz_payload() @nrerrors = 0 end def incr_fuzzsize @stepsize = datastore['STEPSIZE'].to_i @fuzzsize = @fuzzsize + @stepsize end def set_fuzz_payload if datastore['CYCLIC'] @fuzzdata = Rex::Text.pattern_create(@fuzzsize) else @fuzzdata = "A" * @fuzzsize end end def is_error_code(code) okcode = false checkcodes = datastore['CODE'].split(",") checkcodes.each do | testcode | testcode = testcode.upcase.gsub(" ","") if testcode == code.to_s().upcase.gsub(" ","") okcode = true end end return okcode end def fuzz_this_field(fieldname,fieldtype) fuzzcommands = datastore['FIELDS'].split(",") fuzzme = 0 if fuzzcommands.size > 0 fuzzcommands.each do |thiscmd| thiscmd = thiscmd.strip if ((fieldname.upcase == thiscmd.upcase) || (thiscmd == "")) && (fuzzme == 0) fuzzme = 1 end end else fuzztypes = datastore['TYPES'].split(",") fuzztypes.each do | thistype | if (fieldtype.upcase.strip == thistype.upcase.strip) fuzzme = 1 end end end if fuzzme == 1 set_fuzz_payload() end return fuzzme end def fuzz_this_headerfield(fieldname) fuzzheaderfields = datastore['HEADERFIELDS'].split(",") fuzzme = 0 if fuzzheaderfields.size > 0 fuzzheaderfields.each do |thisfield| thisfield = thisfield.strip if ((fieldname.upcase == thisfield.upcase) || (thisfield == "")) && (fuzzme == 0) fuzzme = 1 end end else fuzzme = 1 end if fuzzme == 1 set_fuzz_payload() end return fuzzme end def do_fuzz_headers(form,headers) headercnt = 0 datastr = "" form[:fields].each do | thisfield | normaldata = "blah&" if thisfield[:value] if thisfield[:value] != "" normaldata = thisfield[:value].strip + "&" end end datastr << thisfield[:name].downcase.strip + "=" + normaldata end if datastr.length > 0 datastr=datastr[0,datastr.length-1] + "\r\n" else datastr = "\r\n" end #first, check the original header fields and add some others - just for fun myheaders = @send_data[:headers] mysendheaders = @send_data[:headers].dup #get or post ? mysendheaders[:method] = form[:method].upcase myheaders.each do | thisheader | if not headers[thisheader[0]] #add header if needed mysendheaders[thisheader[0]]= thisheader[1] end end nrheaderstofuzz = mysendheaders.size mysendheaders.each do | thisheader| @fuzzheader = mysendheaders.dup @nrerrors = 0 fuzzpacket = @send_data.dup fuzzpacket[:method] = mysendheaders[:method] headername = thisheader[0] if fuzz_this_headerfield(headername.to_s().upcase) == 1 print_status(" - Fuzzing header '#{headername}' (#{headercnt+1}/#{nrheaderstofuzz})") init_fuzzdata() while @fuzzsize <= @endsize+1 @fuzzheader[headername] = @fuzzdata fuzzpacket[:headers] = @fuzzheader response = send_fuzz(fuzzpacket,datastr) if not process_response(response,headername,"header") @fuzzsize = @endsize+2 end if datastore['DELAY'] > 0 print_status(" (Sleeping for #{datastore['DELAY']} seconds...)") select(nil,nil,nil,datastore['DELAY']) end incr_fuzzsize() end else print_status(" - Skipping header '#{headername}' (#{headercnt+1}/#{nrheaderstofuzz})") end headercnt += 1 end end def do_fuzz_field(form,field) fieldstofuzz = field.downcase.strip.split(",") @nrerrors = 0 while @fuzzsize <= @endsize+1 allfields = form[:fields] datastr = "" normaldata = "" allfields.each do | thisfield | dofuzzthis = false if thisfield[:name] fieldstofuzz.each do | fuzzthis | if fuzzthis if (thisfield[:name].downcase.strip == fuzzthis.downcase.strip) dofuzzthis = true end end end if thisfield[:value] normaldata = thisfield[:value].strip else normaldata = "" end if (dofuzzthis) datastr << thisfield[:name].downcase.strip + "=" + @fuzzdata + "&" else datastr << thisfield[:name].downcase.strip + "=" + normaldata + "&" end end end datastr=datastr[0,datastr.length-1] @send_data[:uri] = form[:action] @send_data[:method] = form[:method].upcase response = send_fuzz(@send_data,datastr) if not process_response(response,field,"field") return end if datastore['DELAY'] > 0 print_status(" (Sleeping for #{datastore['DELAY']} seconds...)") select(nil,nil,nil,datastore['DELAY']) end end end def process_response(response,field,type) if response == nil print_error(" No response - #{@nrerrors+1} / #{datastore['STOPAFTER']} - fuzzdata length : #{@fuzzsize}") if @nrerrors+1 >= datastore['STOPAFTER'] print_status(" *!* No response : #{type} #{field} | fuzzdata length : #{@fuzzsize}") return false else @nrerrors = @nrerrors + 1 end else okcode = is_error_code(response.code) if okcode @nrerrors = 0 incr_fuzzsize() end if not okcode and @nrerrors+1 >= datastore['STOPAFTER'] print_status(" *!* Error response code #{response.code} | #{type} #{field} | fuzzdata length #{@fuzzsize}") return false else @nrerrors = @nrerrors + 1 end end return true end def send_fuzz(postdata,data) header = postdata[:headers] response = send_request_raw({ 'uri' => postdata[:uri], 'version' => postdata[:version], 'method' => postdata[:method], 'headers' => header, 'data' => data }, datastore['TIMEOUT']) return response end def get_field_val(input) tmp = input.split(/=/) #get delimeter tmp2 = tmp[1].strip delim = tmp2[0,1] if delim != "'" && delim != '"' delim = "" end tmp3 = tmp[1].split(/>/) tmp4 = tmp3[0].gsub(delim,"") return tmp4 end def get_form_data(body) print_status("Enumerating form data") body = body.gsub("\r","") body = body.gsub("\n","") bodydata = body.downcase.split(/
/) #first, get action and name formdata = data[0].downcase.split(/>/) subdata = formdata[0].downcase.split(/ /) namefound = false actionfound = false idfound = false actionname = "" formname = "" formid = "" formmethod = "post" subdata.each do | thisfield | if thisfield.match(/^name=/) and not namefound formname = get_field_val(thisfield) namefound = true end if thisfield.match(/^id=/) and not idfound formid = get_field_val(thisfield) idfound = true end if thisfield.match(/^method=/) formmethod = get_field_val(thisfield) end if thisfield.match(/^action=/) and not actionfound actionname = get_field_val(thisfield) if (actionname.length < datastore['URL'].length) and (datastore['URL'].downcase.index(actionname.downcase).to_i() > -1) actionname = datastore['URL'] end actionfound = true end end if datastore['ACTION'].length > 0 actionname = datastore['ACTION'] actionfound = true end if formname == "" and formid != "" formname = formid end if formid == "" and formname != "" formid = formname end if formid == "" and formname == "" formid = "noname_" + (formcnt+1).to_s() formname = formid end idfound = true namefound = true formfields = [] #input boxes fieldtypemarks = [ ' 1 subdata.each do | thisinput | if skipflag == 1 #first, find the delimeter fielddata = thisinput.downcase.split(/>/) fields = fielddata[0].split(/ /) fieldname = "" fieldtype = "" fieldvalue = "" fieldmethod = "post" fieldid = "" fields.each do | thisfield | if thisfield.match(/^type=/) fieldtype = get_field_val(thisfield) end if currfieldmark == " 1 delim = tmp[1][0,1] tmp2 = tmp[1].split(delim) fieldvalue = tmp2[1] end end end if fieldname == "" and fieldid != "" fieldname = fieldid end if fieldid == "" and fieldname != "" fieldid = fieldname end print_status(" Field : #{fieldname}, type #{fieldtype}") if fieldid != "" formfields << { :id => fieldid, :name => fieldname, :type => fieldtype, :value => fieldvalue } formfieldcnt += 1 end else skipflag += 1 end end end end end print_status(" Nr of fields in form '#{formname}' : #{formfields.size}") # store in multidimensional array forms << { :name => formname, :id => formid, :action => actionname, :method => formmethod, :fields => formfields } formidx = formidx + 1 formcnt += 1 end if forms.size > 0 print_status(" Forms : ") end forms.each do | thisform | print_status(" - Name : #{thisform[:name]}, ID : #{thisform[:id]}, Action : #{thisform[:action]}, Method : #{thisform[:method]}") end return forms end def extract_cookie(body) return body["Set-Cookie"] end def set_cookie(cookie) @get_data_headers["Cookie"]=cookie @send_data[:headers]["Cookie"]=cookie end def run init_fuzzdata() init_vars() print_status("Grabbing webpage #{datastore['URL']} from #{datastore['RHOST']}") response = send_request_raw( { 'uri' => datastore['URL'], 'version' => '1.1', 'method' => 'GET', 'headers' => @get_data_headers }, datastore['TIMEOUT']) if response == nil print_error("No response") return end if datastore['HANDLECOOKIES'] cookie = extract_cookie(response.headers) set_cookie(cookie) print_status("Set cookie:#{cookie}") print_status("Grabbing webpage #{datastore['URL']} from #{datastore['RHOST']} using cookies") response = send_request_raw( { 'uri' => datastore['URL'], 'version' => '1.1', 'method' => 'GET', 'headers' => @get_data_headers }, datastore['TIMEOUT']) end if response == nil print_error("No response") return end print_status("Code : #{response.code}") okcode = is_error_code(response.code) if not okcode print_error("Server replied with error code. Check URL or set CODE to another value, and try again.") return end if response.body formfound = response.body.downcase.index(" 0 if ((datastore['FORM'].strip == "") || (datastore['FORM'].upcase.strip == thisform[:name].upcase.strip)) && (thisform[:fields].size > 0) print_status("Fuzzing fields in form #{thisform[:name].upcase.strip}") #for each field in this form, fuzz one field at a time formfields = thisform[:fields] formfields.each do | thisfield | if thisfield[:name] if fuzz_this_field(thisfield[:name],thisfield[:type]) == 1 print_status(" - Fuzzing field #{thisfield[:name]}") do_fuzz_field(thisform,thisfield[:name]) init_fuzzdata() end end end print_status("Done fuzzing fields in form #{thisform[:name].upcase.strip}") end #fuzz headers ? if datastore['FUZZHEADERS'] == true print_status("Fuzzing header fields") do_fuzz_headers(thisform,response.headers) end end end else print_error("No form found in response body") print_status(response.body) return end else print_error("No response data") end end end