#!/usr/bin/env ruby # -*- coding: binary -*- # # $Id$ # $Revision$ # msfbase = __FILE__ while File.symlink?(msfbase) msfbase = File.expand_path(File.readlink(msfbase), File.dirname(msfbase)) end $:.unshift(File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(msfbase), 'lib'))) require 'msfenv' $:.unshift(ENV['MSF_LOCAL_LIB']) if ENV['MSF_LOCAL_LIB'] require 'metasm' require 'rex/elfparsey' require 'rex/elfscan' require 'rex/machparsey' require 'rex/machscan' require 'rex/peparsey' require 'rex/pescan' require 'rex/arch/x86' require 'optparse' def opt2i(o) o.index("0x")==0 ? o.hex : o.to_i end opt = OptionParser.new opt.banner = "Usage: #{$PROGRAM_NAME} [mode] [targets]" opt.separator('') opt.separator('Modes:') worker = nil param = {} files = [] mode = "" opt.on('-j', '--jump [regA,regB,regC]', 'Search for jump equivalent instructions [PE|ELF|MACHO]') do |t| # take csv of register names (like eax,ebx) and convert # them to an array of register numbers mode = "jump" regnums = t.split(',').collect { |o| begin Rex::Arch::X86.reg_number(o) rescue puts "Invalid register \"#{o}\"" exit(1) end } param['args'] = regnums end opt.on('-p', '--poppopret', 'Search for pop+pop+ret combinations [PE|ELF|MACHO]') do |t| mode = "pop" param['args'] = t end opt.on('-r', '--regex [regex]', 'Search for regex match [PE|ELF|MACHO]') do |t| mode = "regex" param['args'] = t end opt.on('-a', '--analyze-address [address]', 'Display the code at the specified address [PE|ELF]') do |t| mode = "analyze-address" param['args'] = opt2i(t) end opt.on('-b', '--analyze-offset [offset]', 'Display the code at the specified offset [PE|ELF]') do |t| mode = "analyze-offset" param['args'] = opt2i(t) end opt.on('-f', '--fingerprint', 'Attempt to identify the packer/compiler [PE]') do |t| mode = "fingerprint" param['database'] = File.join(File.dirname(msfbase), 'data', 'msfpescan', 'identify.txt') end opt.on('-i', '--info', 'Display detailed information about the image [PE]') do |t| mode = "info" end opt.on('-R', '--ripper [directory]', 'Rip all module resources to disk [PE]') do |t| mode = "ripper" param['dir'] = t end opt.on('--context-map [directory]', 'Generate context-map files [PE]') do |t| mode = "context" param['dir'] = t end opt.separator('') opt.separator('Options:') opt.on('-A', '--after [bytes]', 'Number of bytes to show after match (-a/-b) [PE|ELF|MACHO]') do |t| param['after'] = opt2i(t) end opt.on('-B', '--before [bytes]', 'Number of bytes to show before match (-a/-b) [PE|ELF|MACHO]') do |t| param['before'] = opt2i(t) end opt.on('-I', '--image-base [address]', 'Specify an alternate ImageBase [PE|ELF|MACHO]') do |t| param['imagebase'] = opt2i(t) end opt.on('-D', '--disasm', 'Disassemble the bytes at this address [PE|ELF]') do |t| param['disasm'] = true end opt.on('-F', '--filter-addresses [regex]', 'Filter addresses based on a regular expression [PE]') do |t| param['filteraddr'] = t end opt.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do $stderr.puts opt exit(1) end begin opt.parse! rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption, OptionParser::MissingArgument $stderr.puts "Invalid option, try -h for usage" exit(1) end if mode.empty? $stderr.puts "A mode must be selected" $stderr.puts opt exit(1) end # check if the file is a directory if it is collect all the entries ARGV.each do |file| if(File.directory?(file)) dir = Dir.open(file) dir.entries.each do |ent| path = File.join(file, ent) next if not File.file?(path) files << File.join(path) end else files << file end end # we need to do some work to figure out the file format files.each do |file| param['file'] = file bin = Metasm::AutoExe.decode_file(file) if not file.empty? if bin.kind_of?(Metasm::PE) case mode when "jump" worker = Rex::PeScan::Scanner::JmpRegScanner when "pop" worker = Rex::PeScan::Scanner::PopPopRetScanner when "regex" worker = Rex::PeScan::Scanner::RegexScanner when "analyze-address" worker = Rex::PeScan::Search::DumpRVA when "analyze-offset" worker = Rex::PeScan::Search::DumpOffset when "fingerprint" worker = Rex::PeScan::Analyze::Fingerprint when "info" worker = Rex::PeScan::Analyze::Information when "ripper" worker = Rex::PeScan::Analyze::Ripper when "context" worker = Rex::PeScan::Analyze::ContextMapDumper else $stderr.puts("Mode unsupported by file format") end pe_klass = Rex::PeParsey::Pe begin pe = pe_klass.new_from_file(file, true) rescue ::Interrupt raise $! rescue Rex::PeParsey::FileHeaderError next if $!.message == "Couldn't find the PE magic!" raise $! rescue Errno::ENOENT $stdout.puts("File does not exist: #{file}") next rescue ::Rex::PeParsey::SkipError next rescue ::Exception => e $stdout.puts "[#{file}] #{e.class}: #{e}" next end if (param['imagebase']) pe.image_base = param['imagebase']; end if not worker $stderr.puts("A mode could not be set for this file.") next end o = worker.new(pe) o.scan(param) pe.close elsif bin.kind_of?(Metasm::ELF) case mode when "jump" worker = Rex::ElfScan::Scanner::JmpRegScanner when "pop" worker = Rex::Elfscan::Scanner::PopPopRetScanner when "regex" worker = Rex::ElfScan::Scanner::RegexScanner when "analyze-address" worker = Rex::ElfScan::Search::DumpRVA when "analyze-offset" worker = Rex::ElfScan::Search::DumpOffset else $stderr.puts("Mode unsupported by file format") end begin elf = Rex::ElfParsey::Elf.new_from_file(file, true) rescue Rex::ElfParsey::ElfHeaderError if $!.message == 'Invalid magic number' $stderr.puts("Skipping #{file}: #{$!}") next end raise $! rescue Errno::ENOENT $stderr.puts("File does not exist: #{file}") next end if (param['imagebase']) elf.base_addr = param['imagebase']; end if not worker $stderr.puts("A mode could not be set for this file.") next end o = worker.new(elf) o.scan(param) elf.close elsif bin.kind_of?(Metasm::MachO) case mode when "jump" worker = Rex::MachScan::Scanner::JmpRegScanner when "pop" worker = Rex::MachScan::Scanner::PopPopRetScanner when "regex" worker = Rex::MachScan::Scanner::RegexScanner else $stderr.puts("Mode unsupported by file format") end begin mach = Rex::MachParsey::Mach.new_from_file(file, true) o = worker.new(mach) o.scan(param) mach.close rescue Rex::MachParsey::MachHeaderError $stderr.puts("File is not a Mach-O binary, trying Fat..\n") begin fat = Rex::MachParsey::Fat.new_from_file(file, true) o = worker.new(fat) o.scan(param) fat.close rescue $stderr.puts("Error: " + $!.to_s) $stderr.puts("Skipping #{file}") end rescue Errno::ENOENT $stderr.puts("File does not exist: #{file}") next end end if not worker $stderr.puts("Unsupported file format") $stderr.puts("Skipping #{file}") next end end