#!/usr/bin/env ruby # -*- coding: binary -*- # # FASTLIB is a mechanism for loading large sets of libraries in a way that is # faster and much more flexible than typical disk structures. FASTLIB includes # hooks that can be used for both compression and encoding of Ruby libraries. # # # This format was specifically created to improve the performance and # AV-resistance of the Metasploit Framework and Rex libraries. # # # This library is still in its early form; a large number of performance and # compatiblity improvements are not yet included. Do not depend on the FASTLIB # file format at this time. # require "find" # # Copyright (C) 2011 Rapid7. You can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the ruby license. # # # Roughly based on the rubyzip zip/ziprequire library: # >> Copyright (C) 2002 Thomas Sondergaard # >> rubyzip is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # >> modify it under the terms of the ruby license. # # The FastLib class implements the meat of the FASTLIB archive format # class FastLib VERSION = "0.0.8" FLAG_COMPRESS = 0x01 FLAG_ENCRYPT = 0x02 @@cache = {} @@has_zlib = false # # Load zlib support if possible # begin require 'zlib' @@has_zlib = true rescue ::LoadError end # # This method returns the version of the fastlib library # def self.version VERSION end # # This method loads content from a specific archive file by name. If the # noprocess argument is set to true, the contents will not be expanded to # include workarounds for things such as __FILE__. This is useful when # loading raw binary data where these strings may occur # def self.load(lib, name, noprocess=false) data = "" load_cache(lib) return if not ( @@cache[lib] and @@cache[lib][name] ) ::File.open(lib, "rb") do |fd| fd.seek( @@cache[lib][:fastlib_header][0] + @@cache[lib][:fastlib_header][1] + @@cache[lib][name][0] ) data = fastlib_filter_decode( lib, fd.read(@@cache[lib][name][1] )) end # Return the contents in raw or processed form noprocess ? data : post_process(lib, name, data) end # # This method caches the file list and offsets within the archive # def self.load_cache(lib) return if @@cache[lib] @@cache[lib] = {} return if not ::File.exists?(lib) ::File.open(lib, 'rb') do |fd| dict = {} head = fd.read(4) return if head != "FAST" hlen = fd.read(4).unpack("N")[0] flag = fd.read(4).unpack("N")[0] @@cache[lib][:fastlib_header] = [12, hlen, fd.stat.mtime.utc.to_i ] @@cache[lib][:fastlib_flags] = flag nlen, doff, dlen, tims = fd.read(16).unpack("N*") while nlen > 0 name = fastlib_filter_decode( lib, fd.read(nlen) ) dict[name] = [doff, dlen, tims] nlen, doff, dlen, tims = fd.read(16).unpack("N*") end @@cache[lib].merge!(dict) end end # # This method provides compression and encryption capabilities # for the fastlib archive format. # def self.fastlib_filter_decode(lib, buff) if (@@cache[lib][:fastlib_flags] & FLAG_ENCRYPT) != 0 @@cache[lib][:fastlib_decrypt] ||= ::Proc.new do |data| stub = "decrypt_%.8x" % ( @@cache[lib][:fastlib_flags] & 0xfffffff0 ) FastLib.send(stub, data) end buff = @@cache[lib][:fastlib_decrypt].call( buff ) end if (@@cache[lib][:fastlib_flags] & FLAG_COMPRESS) != 0 if not @@has_zlib raise ::RuntimeError, "zlib is required to open this archive" end z = Zlib::Inflate.new buff = z.inflate(buff) buff << z.finish z.close end buff end # # This method provides compression and encryption capabilities # for the fastlib archive format. # def self.fastlib_filter_encode(lib, buff) if (@@cache[lib][:fastlib_flags] & FLAG_COMPRESS) != 0 if not @@has_zlib raise ::RuntimeError, "zlib is required to open this archive" end z = Zlib::Deflate.new buff = z.deflate(buff) buff << z.finish z.close end if (@@cache[lib][:fastlib_flags] & FLAG_ENCRYPT) != 0 @@cache[lib][:fastlib_encrypt] ||= ::Proc.new do |data| stub = "encrypt_%.8x" % ( @@cache[lib][:fastlib_flags] & 0xfffffff0 ) FastLib.send(stub, data) end buff = @@cache[lib][:fastlib_encrypt].call( buff ) end buff end # This method provides a way to create a FASTLIB archive programatically. # # @param [String] lib the output path for the archive # @param [String] flag a string containing the hex values for the flags ({FLAG_COMPRESS} and {FLAG_ENCRYPT}). # @param [String] bdir the path to the base directory which will be stripped from all paths included in the archive # @param [Array] dirs list of directories/files to pack into the archive. All dirs should be under bdir so # that the paths are stripped correctly. # @return [void] def self.dump(lib, flag, bdir, *dirs) head = "" data = "" hidx = 0 didx = 0 bdir = bdir.gsub(/\/$/, '') brex = /^#{Regexp.escape(bdir)}\// @@cache[lib] = { :fastlib_flags => flag.to_i(16) } dirs.each do |dir| ::Find.find(dir).each do |path| next if not ::File.file?(path) name = fastlib_filter_encode( lib, path.sub( brex, "" ) ) buff = "" ::File.open(path, "rb") do |fd| buff = fastlib_filter_encode(lib, fd.read(fd.stat.size)) end head << [ name.length, didx, buff.length, ::File.stat(path).mtime.utc.to_i ].pack("NNNN") head << name hidx = hidx + 16 + name.length data << buff didx = didx + buff.length end end head << [0,0,0].pack("NNN") ::File.open(lib, "wb") do |fd| fd.write("FAST") fd.write( [ head.length, flag.to_i(16) ].pack("NN") ) fd.write( head ) fd.write( data ) end end # # This archive provides a way to list the contents of an archive # file, returning the names only in sorted order. # def self.list(lib) load_cache(lib) ( @@cache[lib] || {} ).keys.map{|x| x.to_s }.sort.select{ |x| @@cache[lib][x] } end # # This method is called on the loaded is required to expand __FILE__ # and other inline dynamic constants to map to the correct location. # def self.post_process(lib, name, data) data.gsub('__FILE__', "'#{ ::File.expand_path(::File.join(::File.dirname(lib), name)) }'") end # # This is a stub crypto handler that performs a basic XOR # operation against a fixed one byte key. The two usable IDs # are 12345600 and 00000000 # def self.encrypt_12345600(data) encrypt_00000000(data) end def self.decrypt_12345600(data) encrypt_00000000(data) end def self.encrypt_00000000(data) data.unpack("C*").map{ |c| c ^ 0x90 }.pack("C*") end def self.decrypt_00000000(data) encrypt_00000000(data) end # # Expose the cache to callers # def self.cache @@cache end end # # Allow this library to be used as an executable to create and list # FASTLIB archives # if __FILE__ == $0 cmd = ARGV.shift unless ["store", "list", "version"].include?(cmd) $stderr.puts "Usage: #{$0} [dump|list|version] " exit(0) end case cmd when "store" dst = ARGV.shift flg = ARGV.shift dir = ARGV.shift src = ARGV unless dst and dir and src.length > 0 $stderr.puts "Usage: #{$0} store destination.fastlib flags base_dir src1 src2 ... src99" exit(0) end FastLib.dump(dst, flg, dir, *src) when "list" src = ARGV.shift unless src $stderr.puts "Usage: #{$0} list" exit(0) end $stdout.puts "Library: #{src}" $stdout.puts "=====================================================" FastLib.list(src).each do |name| fsize = FastLib.cache[src][name][1] ftime = ::Time.at(FastLib.cache[src][name][2]).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") $stdout.puts sprintf("%9d\t%20s\t%s\n", fsize, ftime, name) end $stdout.puts "" when "version" $stdout.puts "FastLib Version #{FastLib.version}" end exit(0) end # # FASTLIB archive format (subject to change without notice) # =begin * All integers are 32-bit and in network byte order (big endian / BE) * The file signature is 0x46415354 (big endian, use htonl() if necessary) * The header is always 12 bytes into the archive (magic + header length) * The data section is always 12 + header length into the archive * The header entries always start with 'fastlib_header' * The header entries always consist of 16 bytes + name length (no alignment) * The header name data may be encoded, compressed, or transformed * The data entries may be encoded, compressed, or transformed too 4 bytes: "FAST" 4 bytes: NBO header length 4 bytes: NBO flags (24-bit crypto ID, 8 bit modes) [ 4 bytes: name length (0 = End of Names) 4 bytes: data offset 4 bytes: data length 4 bytes: timestamp ] [ Raw Data ] =end module Kernel #:nodoc:all alias :fastlib_original_require :require # # Store the CWD when were initially loaded # required for resolving relative paths # @@fastlib_base_cwd = ::Dir.pwd # # This method hooks the original Kernel.require to support # loading files within FASTLIB archives # def require(name) fastlib_require(name) || fastlib_original_require(name) end # # This method handles the loading of FASTLIB archives # def fastlib_require(name) name = name + ".rb" if not name =~ /\.rb$/ return false if fastlib_already_loaded?(name) return false if fastlib_already_tried?(name) # XXX Implement relative search paths within archives $:.map{ |path| (path =~ /^([A-Za-z]\:|\/)/ ) ? path : ::File.expand_path( ::File.join(@@fastlib_base_cwd, path) ) }.map{ |path| ::Dir["#{path}/*.fastlib"] }.flatten.uniq.each do |lib| data = FastLib.load(lib, name) next if not data $" << name Object.class_eval(data, lib + "::" + name) return true end $fastlib_miss << name false end # # This method determines whether the specific file name # has already been loaded ($LOADED_FEATURES aka $") # def fastlib_already_loaded?(name) re = Regexp.new("^" + Regexp.escape(name) + "$") $".detect { |e| e =~ re } != nil end # # This method determines whether the specific file name # has already been attempted with the included FASTLIB # archives. # # TODO: Ensure that this only applies to known FASTLIB # archives and that newly included archives will # be searched appropriately. # def fastlib_already_tried?(name) $fastlib_miss ||= [] $fastlib_miss.include?(name) end end