#!/bin/bash confirm(){ Q=$1 while true; do echo -n "${Q} (yes/no) > " read INPUT if [ -z $INPUT ]; then exit 1 fi if [ $INPUT == "no" ]; then return fi if [ $INPUT == "yes" ]; then return 1 fi done } cat banner.sh if [ `id -u -n` != "root" ]; then echo "Error: The installer must be executed as the root user." echo "" exit 1 fi if [ -d "/opt/metasploit3" ]; then echo "Warning: A copy of Metasploit already exists at /opt/metasploit3" echo " continuing this installation will DELETE the previous " echo " install, including all user-modified files." echo "" echo "Please enter 'yes' to continue or any other key to abort" confirm "Continue" if [ $? -eq "0" ]; then exit; fi echo "" fi echo "This installer will place Metasploit into the /opt/metasploit3 directory." confirm "Continue" if [ $? -eq "0" ]; then exit; fi if [ -d "/opt/metasploit3" ]; then echo "Removing files from the previous installation..." rm -rf /opt/metasploit3 find /usr/local/bin -name 'msf*' -type l | xargs rm -f echo "" fi mkdir -p /opt/metasploit3 echo "Extracting the Metasploit operating environment..." tar --directory=/opt -xf metasploit.tar cp run.sh env.sh /opt/metasploit3/ cp msfupdate /opt/metasploit3/app/ echo "" echo "Extracting the Metasploit Framework..." tar --directory=/opt/metasploit3 -xf msf3.tar echo "" echo "Installing links into /usr/local/bin..." mkdir -p /usr/local/bin ln -sf /opt/metasploit3/bin/msf* /usr/local/bin/ echo "" hash -r echo "Installation complete." echo "" echo "Would you like to automatically update Metasploit?" confirm "AutoUpdate?" if [ $? -eq "1" ]; then CRON=`mktemp cronXXXXXX` crontab -l 2>/dev/null | grep -v msfupdate > $CRON echo "30 * * * * /opt/metasploit3/bin/msfupdate > /var/log/msfupdate.log 2>&1" >> $CRON crontab $CRON rm -f $CRON echo "" else echo "" echo "Warning: Automatic updates are disabled, update manually with:" echo "$ sudo msfupdate" echo "" fi echo "Would you like to update Metasploit right now?" confirm "Update?" if [ $? -eq "1" ]; then echo "" /opt/metasploit3/bin/msfupdate echo "" fi echo "Launch the Metasploit console by running 'msfconsole'" echo "" echo "Exiting the installer..."