source '' # Add default group gems to `metasploit-framework.gemspec`: # spec.add_runtime_dependency '', [] gemspec name: 'metasploit-framework' gem 'bit-struct', git: '', branch: 'ruby-2.4' gem 'method_source', git: '', branch: 'master' gem 'rubyntlm', git: '', branch: 'master' # separate from test as simplecov is not run on travis-ci group :coverage do # code coverage for tests gem 'simplecov' end group :development do # Markdown formatting for yard gem 'redcarpet' # generating documentation gem 'yard' # for development and testing purposes gem 'pry', git: '', branch: 'master' # module documentation gem 'octokit' # metasploit-aggregator as a framework only option for now # Metasploit::Aggregator external session proxy gem 'metasploit-aggregator' end group :development, :test do # automatically include factories from spec/factories gem 'factory_girl_rails' # Make rspec output shorter and more useful gem 'fivemat' # running documentation generation tasks and rspec tasks gem 'rake' # Define `rake spec`. Must be in development AND test so that its available by default as a rake test when the # environment is development gem 'rspec-rails' end group :test do # cucumber extension for testing command line applications, like msfconsole gem 'aruba' # cucumber + automatic database cleaning with database_cleaner gem 'cucumber-rails', :require => false gem 'shoulda-matchers' # Manipulate in specs gem 'timecop' end