= PacketFu A library for reading a writing packets to an interface or to a libpcap-formatted file. It is maintained at http://code.google.com/p/packetfu == Documentation PacketFu is rdoc-compatable. In the same directory as this file, run "rdoc" by itself, and then view doc/index.html with your favored browser. Once that's done, navigate at the top, and read up on how to create a Packet or Capture from an interface with show_live or whatever. == Requirements PcapRub: $ svn co http://www.metasploit.com/svn/framework3/trunk/external/pcaprub or $ rvm gem install pcaprub Marshall Beddoe's PcapRub is required only for packet reading and writing from a network interfaces (which is a pretty big only). PcapRub itself relies on libpcap 0.9.8 or later for packet injection. PcapRub also requires root privilieges to access the interface directly. == Examples PacketFu ships with dozens and dozens of tests, built on Test::Unit. These should give good pointers on how you're expected to use it. See the /tests directory. Furthermore, PacketFu also ships with packetfu-shell.rb, which should be run via IRB (as root, if you intend to use your interfaces). == Author PacketFu is maintained primarily by Tod Beardsley