#!/usr/bin/env ruby # -*- coding: binary -*- # $Id$ # $Revision$ msfbase = __FILE__ while File.symlink?(msfbase) msfbase = File.expand_path(File.readlink(msfbase), File.dirname(msfbase)) end @msfbase_dir = File.dirname(msfbase) @args = ARGV.dup # May be changed @configdir = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(msfbase), "data", "svn")) Dir.chdir(@msfbase_dir) $stderr.puts "[*]" $stderr.puts "[*] Attempting to update the Metasploit Framework..." $stderr.puts "[*]" $stderr.puts "" # Bail right away, no waiting around for consoles. if not (Process.uid == 0 or File.stat(msfbase).owned?) $stderr.puts "[-] ERROR: User running msfupdate does not own the Metasploit installation" $stderr.puts "[-] Please run msfupdate as the same user who installed Metasploit." exit 0x10 end # Are you an installer, or did you get here via a source checkout? def is_installed File.exists?(File.expand_path(File.join(@msfbase_dir, "..", "engine", "update.rb"))) end def is_git File.directory?(File.join(@msfbase_dir, ".git")) end def is_svn File.directory?(File.join(@msfbase_dir, ".svn")) end # Adding an upstream enables msfupdate to pull updates from # Rapid7's metasploit-framework repo instead of the repo # the user originally cloned or forked. def add_git_upstream $stdout.puts "[*] Attempting to add remote 'upstream' to your local git repository." system("git", "remote", "add", "upstream", "git://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework.git") $stdout.puts "[*] Added remote 'upstream' to your local git repository." end def print_deprecation_warning $stdout.puts "[*] Deprecation Note: The next version of Metasploit will" $stdout.puts "[*] update over the git protocol, which requires outbound" $stdout.puts "[*] access to github.com:9418/TCP." $stdout.puts "[*] Please adjust your egress firewall rules accordingly." end def maybe_wait_and_exit(exit_code=0) if @actually_wait $stdout.puts "" $stdout.puts "[*] Please hit enter to exit" $stdout.puts "" $stdin.readline exit exit_code end end # Some of these args are meaningful for SVN, some for Git, # some for both. Fun times. @args.each_with_index do |arg,i| case arg # Handle the old wait/nowait argument behavior when "wait", "nowait" @wait_index = i @actually_wait = (arg == "wait") # An empty or absent config-dir means a default config-dir when "--config-dir" @configdir_index = i # A defined config dir means a defined config-dir when /--config-dir=(.*)?/ # Spaces in the directory should be fine since this whole thing is passed # as a single argument via the multi-arg syntax for system() below. @configdir = $1 @configdir_index = i when /--git-remote=([^\s]*)?/ @git_remote = $1 @git_remote_index = i when /--git-branch=([^\s]*)?/ @git_branch = $1 @git_branch_index = i end end @args[@wait_index] = nil if @wait_index @args[@configdir_index] = nil if @configdir_index @args[@git_remote_index] = nil if @git_remote_index @args[@git_branch_index] = nil if @git_branch_index @args = @args.compact ####### Since we're SVN, do it all this way ####### if is_svn print_deprecation_warning @args.push("--config-dir=#{@configdir}") @args.push("--non-interactive") res = system("svn", "cleanup") if res.nil? $stderr.puts "[-] ERROR: Failed to run svn" $stderr.puts "" $stderr.puts "[-] If you used a binary installer, make sure you run the symlink in" $stderr.puts "[-] /usr/local/bin instead of running this file directly (e.g.: ./msfupdate)" $stderr.puts "[-] to ensure a proper environment." maybe_wait_and_exit 1 else # Cleanup worked, go ahead and update system("svn", "update", *@args) end end ####### Since we're Git, do it all that way ####### if is_git out = `git remote show upstream` # Actually need the output for this one. add_git_upstream unless $?.success? and out =~ %r{(https|git|git@github\.com):(//github\.com/)?(rapid7/metasploit-framework\.git)} remote = @git_remote || "upstream" branch = @git_branch || "master" # This will save local changes in a stash, but won't # attempt to reapply them. If the user wants them back # they can always git stash pop them, and that presumes # they know what they're doing when they're editing local # checkout, which presumes they're not using msfupdate # to begin with. # # Note, this requires at least user.name and user.email # to be configured in the global git config. Installers should # take care that this is done. TODO: Enforce this in msfupdate committed = system("git", "diff", "--quiet", "HEAD") if committed.nil? $stderr.puts "[-] ERROR: Failed to run git" $stderr.puts "" $stderr.puts "[-] If you used a binary installer, make sure you run the symlink in" $stderr.puts "[-] /usr/local/bin instead of running this file directly (e.g.: ./msfupdate)" $stderr.puts "[-] to ensure a proper environment." maybe_wait_and_exit 1 elsif not committed system("git", "stash") $stdout.puts "[*] Stashed local changes to avoid merge conflicts." $stdout.puts "[*] Run `git stash pop` to reapply local changes." end system("git", "reset", "HEAD", "--hard") system("git", "checkout", branch) system("git", "fetch", remote) system("git", "merge", "#{remote}/#{branch}") end if is_installed update_script = File.expand_path(File.join(@msfbase_dir, "..", "engine", "update.rb")) product_key = File.expand_path(File.join(@msfbase_dir, "..", "engine", "license", "product.key")) if File.exists? product_key if File.readable? product_key system("ruby", update_script) else $stdout.puts "[-] ERROR: Failed to update Metasploit installation" $stdout.puts "" $stdout.puts "[-] You must be able to read the product key for the" $stdout.puts "[-] Metasploit installation in order to run msfupdate." $stdout.puts "[-] Usually, this means you must be root (EUID 0)." maybe_wait_and_exit 10 end else $stdout.puts "[-] ERROR: Failed to update Metasploit installation" $stdout.puts "" $stdout.puts "[-] In order to update your Metasploit installation," $stdout.puts "[-] you must first register it through the UI, here:" $stderr.puts "[-] https://localhost:3790 (note, Metasploit Community" $stderr.puts "[-] Edition is totally free and takes just a few seconds" $stderr.puts "[-] to register!)" maybe_wait_and_exit 11 end end unless is_svn || is_git || is_installed raise RuntimeError, "Cannot determine checkout type: `#{@msfbase_dir}'" end maybe_wait_and_exit(0)