## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## require 'msf/core/post/hardware/zigbee/utils' class MetasploitModule < Msf::Post include Msf::Post::Hardware::Zigbee::Utils def initialize(info={}) super( update_info( info, 'Name' => 'Sends Beacons to Scan for Active ZigBee Networks', 'Description' => %q{ Post Module to send beacon signals to the broadcast address while channel hopping}, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => ['Craig Smith'], 'Platform' => ['hardware'], 'SessionTypes' => ['hwbridge'] )) register_options([ OptInt.new('CHANNEL', [false, "Disable channel hopping by forcing a channel (11-26)", nil]), OptInt.new('LOOP', [false, "How many times to loop over the channels (-1 will run in an endless loop)", 1]), OptInt.new('DELAY', [false, "Delay in seconds to listen on each channel", 2]), OptString.new('DEVICE', [false, "ZigBee device ID, defaults to target device", nil]) ]) @seq = 0 @channel = 11 @stumbled = {} @loop_count = 0 end def display_details(routerdata) stackprofile_map = {0 => "Network Specific", 1 => "ZigBee Standard", 2 => "ZigBee Enterprise"} stackver_map = {0 => "ZigBee Prototype", 1 => "ZigBee 2004", 2 => "ZigBee 2006/2007"} spanid, source, extpanid, stackprofilever, channel = routerdata stackprofilever = stackprofilever.unpack("H*")[0].hex stackprofile = stackprofilever & 0x0f stackver = (stackprofilever & 0xf0) >> 4 profile = "Unknown" profile = stackprofile_map[stackprofile] if stackprofile_map.has_key? stackprofile ver = "Unknown" ver = stackver_map[stackver] if stackver_map.has_key? stackver print_status("New Network: PANID: 0x#{spanid.upcase} SOURCE: 0x#{source.upcase}") print_status(" Ext PANID: #{extpanid.upcase.scan(/../).join(':')} Stack Profile: #{profile}") print_status(" Stack Version: #{ver}") print_status(" Channel: #{@channel}") end def scan @seq = 0 if @seq > 255 print_status("Scanning Channel #{@channel}") set_channel(datastore["DEVICE"], @channel) beacon = "\x03\x08#{@seq.chr}\xff\xff\xff\xff\x07" inject(datastore["DEVICE"], beacon) delay = Time.now + datastore["DELAY"] while delay > Time.now() pkt = recv(datastore["DEVICE"]) if pkt and pkt.size > 0 and pkt["valid_crc"] pktdecode = dot154_packet_decode(pkt["data"]) if (pktdecode["FSF"] & DOT154_FCF_TYPE_MASK) == DOT154_FCF_TYPE_BEACON key = "#{pktdecode["SPAN_ID"]}#{pktdecode["SOURCE"]}" value = [pktdecode["SPAN_ID"], pktdecode["SOURCE"], pktdecode["EXT_PAN_ID"], pktdecode["STACK_PROFILE"], @channel] if not @stumbled.has_key? key @stumbled[key] = value display_details(value) end end end end sniffer_off(datastore["DEVICE"]) # Needed to clear receive buffers @seq += 1 @channel += 1 if not datastore["CHANNEL"] @loop_count += 1 if @channel > 26 or datastore["CHANNEL"] @channel = 11 if @channel > 26 end def run if not get_target_device and not datastore["DEVICE"] print_error "No target device set. Either set one with the 'target' command or specify the DEVICE." return end @channel = datastore["CHANNEL"] if datastore["CHANNEL"] @channel = 11 if @channel > 26 if datastore["LOOP"] == -1 while(1) do scan end else while(@loop_count < datastore["LOOP"]) scan end end end end