X - evasion class X - set_level(evlvl) X - high? X - medium? - testing framework - run all the exploits through all the diff payload handler permutations - simulate clients for each different permutation X - seh exploit mixin X - generate padded registration records X - move jump around X - use multi-size jump - return address pool - exploits say what modules they have present - target says what platform is being exploited - target says what type of instruction is viable - pool returns a random return address for that target - automatic opcode db synchronization - add module meta-info - payloads - calling convention (staged shell is incompat with ord stagers) - stack requirements - etc - exploit reloading - payload convention - make it so stages/stagers are queried for compatibility - make it so exploits query convention compat - ws2ord stuff X - switch to x86 from ia32 X - exploit kick-off X - payload generation X - generate payload for target X - encoder payload for target X - loop encoders on failure X - pad nops X - handler init X - setup handler X - start handler X - exploit X - call exploit X ... wait for session ... X - handler cleanup X - stop handler X - cleanup handler X - X X - add the concept of services to framework: X - instead, just make it a singleton, doesn't belong on framework X - add port forward service X X# first parameter is class that must inherit from Rex::Proto so that it has .alias Xservice = framework.services.start(Rex::Proto::HTTP::Server, 'Port' => 80, 'Host' => '') Xservice = framework.services['HTTP Server'] X Xoverrides any existing resource handler with this name: Xservice.create_resource("/uri", Proc.new { |conn, request| X}) X Xservice.remove_resource("/uri") Xservice.shutdown X ^- reference counted, only terminates when reference count drops to zero X X- exploit mixins X - Http X - Http::Client X connect X create_request X send_request X handler X - Http::Server X handle_request(req) X create_response X send_response X- findsock payloads X - findsock handler - meterpreter X - more ui wrapping X - fix route addition/removal in stdapi server dll (mib structure issue) X - fix interactive stream pool channels X - make migrate on server not open with PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS N - dupe input instance when passing to sessions X - fix module loading order X - problems with dllinject getting loaded after meterpreter due to dependencies X - fix default handle inheritance in meterp process execution