## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Post include Msf::Auxiliary::Report def initialize(info={}) super( update_info( info, 'Name' => 'Multi Gather DNS Service Record Lookup Scan', 'Description' => %q{ Enumerates known SRV Records for a given domain using target host DNS query tool. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'Carlos Perez '], 'Platform' => %w{ bsd linux osx solaris win }, 'SessionTypes' => [ 'meterpreter','shell' ] )) register_options( [ OptString.new('DOMAIN', [true, 'Domain to perform SRV query against.']) ]) end # Run Method for when run command is issued def run srvrcd = [ '_gc._tcp.', '_kerberos._tcp.', '_kerberos._udp.', '_ldap._tcp.', '_test._tcp.', '_sips._tcp.', '_sip._udp.', '_sip._tcp.', '_aix._tcp.', '_aix._tcp.', '_finger._tcp.', '_ftp._tcp.', '_http._tcp.', '_nntp._tcp.', '_telnet._tcp.', '_whois._tcp.', '_h323cs._tcp.', '_h323cs._udp.', '_h323be._tcp.', '_h323be._udp.', '_h323ls._tcp.', '_h323ls._udp.', '_sipinternal._tcp.', '_sipinternaltls._tcp.', '_sip._tls.', '_sipfederationtls._tcp.', '_jabber._tcp.', '_xmpp-server._tcp.', '_xmpp-client._tcp.', '_imap.tcp.', '_certificates._tcp.', '_crls._tcp.', '_pgpkeys._tcp.', '_pgprevokations._tcp.', '_cmp._tcp.', '_svcp._tcp.', '_crl._tcp.', '_ocsp._tcp.', '_PKIXREP._tcp.', '_smtp._tcp.', '_hkp._tcp.', '_hkps._tcp.', '_jabber._udp.', '_xmpp-server._udp.', '_xmpp-client._udp.', '_jabber-client._tcp.', '_jabber-client._udp.', '_kerberos.tcp.dc._msdcs.', '_ldap._tcp.ForestDNSZones.', '_ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.', '_ldap._tcp.pdc._msdcs.', '_ldap._tcp.gc._msdcs.', '_kerberos._tcp.dc._msdcs.', '_kpasswd._tcp.', '_kpasswd._udp.', '_imap._tcp.' ] domain = datastore['DOMAIN'] print_status("Performing DNS SRV Record Lookup for Domain #{domain}") a = [] case session.platform when 'windows' ns_opt = " -query=srv " cmd = "nslookup" when 'solaris' ns_opt = " -t srv " cmd = "/usr/sbin/host" else ns_opt = " -t srv " cmd = "/usr/bin/host" end while !srvrcd.nil? && !srvrcd.empty? 1.upto session.max_threads do a << framework.threads.spawn("Module(#{self.refname})", false, srvrcd.shift) do |srv| next if srv.nil? r = cmd_exec(cmd, ns_opt + "#{srv}#{domain}") case session.platform when 'windows' if r =~ /\s*internet\saddress\s\=\s/ nslookup_srv_consume("#{srv}#{domain}", r).each do |f| print_good("\t#{f[:srv]} #{f[:target]} #{f[:port]} #{f[:ip]}") end end else found = host_srv_consume(r) if found found.each do |f| print_good("\t#{f[:srv]} #{f[:target]} #{f[:port]} #{f[:ip]}") end end end end a.map {|x| x.join } end end end def nslookup_srv_consume(srv,ns_out) srv_records = [] records = ns_out.split(srv) # Get host to IP mapping ip_map = {} records.last.each_line do |e| if e =~ /internet\saddress/i host,ip = e.split(/\s*internet\saddress\s\=\s/) ip_map[host.strip] = ip.strip end end # Get SRV parameter for each record records.each do |r| if r =~ /svr hostname/ rcrd ={} rcrd[:srv] = srv rcrd[:port] = r.scan(/port\s*=\s(\d*)/).join rcrd[:target] = r.scan(/svr hostname\s*=\s(\S*)/).join if not Rex::Socket.dotted_ip?(rcrd[:target]) w_get_ip(rcrd[:target]).each do |i| rcrd[:ip] = i report_host(:host => rcrd[:ip].strip, :name => rcrd[:target]) # Report on the service found srv_info = rcrd[:srv].scan(/^_(\S*)\._(\w*)\./)[0] report_service(:host=> rcrd[:ip].strip, :port => rcrd[:port].to_i, :proto => srv_info[1], :name => srv_info[0], :host_name => rcrd[:target] ) srv_records << rcrd end else rcrd[:ip] = ip_map[rcrd[:target]] # Report hosts found report_host(:host => rcrd[:ip].strip, :name => rcrd[:target]) # Report on the service found srv_info = rcrd[:srv].scan(/^_(\S*)\._(\w*)\./)[0] report_service(:host=> "", :port => rcrd[:port].to_i, :proto => srv_info[1], :name => srv_info[0], :host_name => rcrd[:target] ) srv_records << rcrd end end end return srv_records end # Get I{ for a given host using host, returns array def get_ip(host) ip_add = [] cmd_exec("host"," #{host}").each_line do |l| ip ="" ip = l.scan(/has address (\S*)$/).join ip_add << ip if ip != "" end return ip_add end # Get IP for given host with nslookup, return array def w_get_ip(host) ips =[] data = cmd_exec("nslookup #{host}") if data =~ /Name/ # Remove unnecessary data and get the section with the addresses returned_data = data.split(/Name:/)[1] # check each element of the array to see if they are IP returned_data.gsub(/\r\n\t |\r\n|Aliases:|Addresses:|Address:/," ").split(" ").each do |e| if Rex::Socket.dotted_ip?(e) ips << e end end end return ips end def host_srv_consume(host_out) srv_records = [] # Parse for SRV Records host_out.each_line do |l| if l =~ /has SRV/ record,port,target = l.scan(/(\S*) has SRV record \d*\s\d*\s(\d*)\s(\S*)/)[0] if Rex::Socket.dotted_ip?(target) rcrd ={} rcrd[:srv] = record rcrd[:port] = port rcrd[:target] = target rcrd[:ip] = target srv_records << rcrd # Report hosts found report_host(:host => rcrd[:ip], :name => rcrd[:target]) # Report on the service found srv_info = rcrd[:srv].scan(/^_(\S*)\._(\w*)\./)[0] report_service(:host=> rcrd[:ip], :port => rcrd[:port], :proto => srv_info[1], :name => srv_info[0], :host_name => rcrd[:target] ) else get_ip(target).each do |i| rcrd ={} rcrd[:srv] = record rcrd[:port] = port rcrd[:target] = target rcrd[:ip] = i srv_records << rcrd # Report hosts found report_host(:host => rcrd[:ip], :name => rcrd[:target]) # Report on the service found srv_info = rcrd[:srv].scan(/^_(\S*)\._(\w*)\./)[0] report_service(:host=> rcrd[:ip], :port => rcrd[:port].to_i, :proto => srv_info[1], :name => srv_info[0], :host_name => rcrd[:target] ) end end end end return srv_records end end