module Rex module IO require 'rex/ui/text/output' require 'rex/ui/text/output/buffer' require 'rex/ui/text/input/buffer' class BidirectionalPipe < Rex::Ui::Text::Input def initialize @subscribers_out = {} @subscribers_ref = {} @subscribers_idx = 0 @pipe_input = # We are the shell, the input, and the output self.output = self self.input = self end def pipe_input @pipe_input end def close @pipe_input.close end def has_subscriber?(id) @subscribers_out.has_key?(id) end def create_subscriber(id=nil) id ||= (@subscribers_idx += 1).to_s @subscribers_out[id] = return id end def create_subscriber_proc(id=nil, &block) id = create_subscriber(id) @subscribers_ref[id] = block end def remove_subscriber(id) @subscribers_out.delete(id) @subscribers_ref.delete(id) end def write_input(buf) @pipe_input.put(buf) end def read_subscriber(id) output = @subscribers_out[id] return '' if output.nil? buf = output.buf output.reset buf end def print(msg='') @subscribers_out.each_pair { |id, buf| begin @subscribers_ref[id] ? @subscribers_ref[id].call(msg) : buf.print(msg) rescue ::Exception => e # $stderr.puts "Error handling subscriber #{id}: #{e} #{e.backtrace.inspect}" raise e end } msg end def print_error(msg='') print_line('[-] ' + msg) end def print_line(msg='') print(msg + "\n") end def print_good(msg='') print_line('[+] ' + msg) end def print_debug(msg='') print_line('[!] ' + msg) end def flush end def print_status(msg='') print_line('[*] ' + msg) end # # Wrappers for the pipe_input methods # def close @pipe_input.close end def sysread(len = 1) @pipe_input.sysread(len) end def put(msg) @pipe_input.put(msg) end def gets @pipe_input.gets end def eof? @pipe_input.eof? end def fd @pipe_input.fd end # # Wrappers for shell methods # attr_accessor :output, :prompt, :input def intrinsic_shell? true end def supports_readline false end def supports_color? false end def pgets gets end protected end end end