# -*- coding: binary -*- module Msf module Ui ### # # Module that contains some most excellent banners. # ### module Banner # # Returns a specific metasploit logo. If the specified file is a relative path # then the file will be searched for first in the included local directory, # then in the user-specific directory. # def self.readfile(fname) pathname = fname unless File.absolute_path(pathname) == pathname if File.readable?(File.join(::Msf::Config.logos_directory, fname)) pathname = File.join(::Msf::Config.logos_directory, fname) elsif File.readable?(File.join(::Msf::Config.user_logos_directory, fname)) pathname = File.join(::Msf::Config.user_logos_directory, fname) end end fdata = "<< Missing banner: #{pathname} >>" begin raise ArgumentError unless File.readable?(pathname) raise ArgumentError unless File.stat(pathname).size < 16384 fdata = File.open(pathname) {|f| f.read f.stat.size} rescue SystemCallError, ArgumentError nil end return fdata end def self.to_s return self.readfile ENV['MSFLOGO'] if ENV['MSFLOGO'] logos = [] # Easter egg (always a cow themed logo): export/set GOCOW=1 if ENV['GOCOW'] logos.concat(Dir.glob(::Msf::Config.logos_directory + File::SEPARATOR + 'cow*.txt')) # Easter egg (always a halloween themed logo): export/set THISISHALLOWEEN=1 elsif ( ENV['THISISHALLOWEEN'] || Time.now.strftime("%m%d") == "1031" ) logos.concat(Dir.glob(::Msf::Config.logos_directory + File::SEPARATOR + '*.hwtxt')) elsif ( ENV['APRILFOOLSPONIES'] || Time.now.strftime("%m%d") == "0401" ) logos.concat(Dir.glob(::Msf::Config.logos_directory + File::SEPARATOR + '*.aftxt')) else logos.concat(Dir.glob(::Msf::Config.logos_directory + File::SEPARATOR + '*.txt')) logos.concat(Dir.glob(::Msf::Config.user_logos_directory + File::SEPARATOR + '*.txt')) end logos = logos.map { |f| File.absolute_path(f) } self.readfile logos[rand(logos.length)] end end end end