module Msf module Ui module Gtk2 class MsfPreferences # # This class is dedicated to the options stuff # class Main < Gtk::Dialog include Msf::Ui::Gtk2::MyControls def initialize # Array for the face buttons buttons = [ Gtk::Stock::OK, Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_OK ], [ Gtk::Stock::CLOSE, Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_NONE ] # call the parent super("Preferences", $gtk2driver.main, Gtk::Dialog::DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, *buttons) self.default_response = Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_OK # Define the size and border set_default_size(400, 400) # set_border_width(10) # Notebook @notebook = # Databases page database = # append database page @notebook.append_page(, database.label) # append another pages here ;-) # @notebook.tab_pos = Gtk::POS_TOP vbox.add(@notebook) @notebook.border_width = 10 @notebook.realize signal_connect('response') do |dialog, response_id| if response_id == Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_OK begin # collect() rescue ::Exception => e, e) end end end show_all and run destroy end end end end end end